What Everyone Ought To Know About Confluence and SharePoint?

Businesses are looking for methods to collaborate for sharing vital information and data with others. Have you explored the strengths of SharePoint vs Confluence? We will show you the major differences between both tools and their efficiency for your business.

Both the platforms are made to manage knowledge, collaborate internally, and share other features. Let us dive deeper!

What are SharePoint and Confluence?


It is a collaboration and document management web-based platform. It is highly flexible. Business owners use that to store documents and communicate across. With the help of SharePoint, you can build an internal internet system that works like another website.

Sub-sites can be built for each team and department in an organization. It is centralized, secure, and spacious to access, edit, and share documents. The benefits of using SharePoint are:

  • Users can maintain centralized information that can be accessed from any location and at any time.
  • Real-time collaboration helps to edit, track, and sync the documents in various versions.
  • SharePoint builds the workflow that helps to streamline the business process.
  • It provides a complete communication website for the customers, clients, and vendors.
  • Every business is unique, which means it has different requirements. SharePoint is highly customized when it comes to design, navigation, and content.


It is a shared workspace that helps create and manage organizations’ procedures. Confluence is open and collaborative, allowing your team and organization to work together. The technical team and project management will provide better products and bring more value to the business.

Adapting the confluence tool will help create a space to connect with the team. Your employees will be able to collaborate to create, revise, review, and finalize plans. The benefits of using Confluence are:

  • The collaboration feature is the reason that helps the admin to manage the permissions at a granular level. The version control helps to track the individual contributions effortlessly.
  • It provides direct and third-party integrations to enhance the productivity of Confluence.
  • By using plugins, you can track the accessibility, actions, most viewed, and more on the documents. This helps to understand the business performance and generate better strategies.
  • The updates in the document are synchronized across all platforms to ensure smooth modifications.

What are the unique facts of SharePoint and Confluence?

There is a list of differences between Confluence and SharePoint, and you might want to give a read on the benefits or facts of both tools:

Must know things about SharePoint

  • Folders: This might not be a killer feature, but it does give you a better user experience on the network drives. Organizing the documents in folders and sub-folders keeps things clean and more accessible.
  • Co-Authoring: A group of people can modify the same file at the same interval. This eases the process of collaboration and review processes.
  • Offline Syncing: You can synchronize the files from the document library from your mobile device, computer, or tablet with the help of the OneDrive app. It automatically updates the file in the cloud storage when you are connected to the internet.
  • Teams: You can use Outlook groups or Microsoft Teams to save files. SharePoint websites are created specifically for a couple, feed, or group.
  • Metadata: SharePoint gives you a choice to categorize the files in multiple methods. This might be by year, location, type, and more. It depends on your usage and the requirements of the business.
  • Views: Users can sort and filter what they want to display with SharePoint. After setting the view, there is no requirement to sort and filter every time a library is loaded manually.
  • Lists: It is vital to gain information about the users through the SharePoint list to collect insights into your business for better results.
  • Version History: Document libraries maintain version history and restore the older versions and revert changes if needed.

Must know things about Confluence

  • Layouts: It is easier to apply changes. All you need to do is switch the layouts by editing the content.
  • Files: Just type files and hit enter to access all the media. You can even choose files from Google or Dropbox.
  • Panels: They are used to call out crucial information in the document. It highlights the page sections to add information, success, warnings, errors, or notes.
  • Action Items: Assign the action item for your members. Users can set the due dates to pull up from the calendar menu.
  • Link: Add a link and hit enter to view the list of recent pages you have worked on. Users can paste the link from a third party and see the preview of that link.
  • Table of Contents: You must provide a quicker way to jump through the texts on long pages. Confluence generates a list of anchor links to all the headings and subheadings in the table of contents.
  • Code Blocks: They demonstrate programming concepts or manage the library of code snippets for development. Users can create a block to display the code.
  • Page Properties: The page properties report shows the summary information from one page to another. It has a ton of related pages in multiple projects or teams.

Which one is better, SharePoint vs Confluence?

The choice depends on the specific requirements of the business. Due to its intuitive interface, small and medium-size businesses tend to use the confluence tool. At the same time, large firms go for SharePoint due to its advanced features and functionalities. You need to dedicate enough time and effort to get started with SharePoint and enjoy its benefits for your business.


After going through SharePoint vs Confluence, you get a clear picture of both collaboration tools. We have disclosed the must-known facts about each platform to ensure that you make an informed decision for your business.

It is crucial to choose the best solution that fulfills your requirements and brings better returns.