What is Keto Rash During Ketosis When Taking Ketones on the Ketogenic Diet

Nonstop itching? At first, you think it’ll stop until it doesn’t and so it starts to annoy you, right? You may then think that it’ll just last a day or two before you’re fine, but it doesn’t just end there. Most people experience this itching for quite some time and can affect your sleep by a great deal.

Keto rash is a rash, definitely itchy, which usually affects the lower cab, also keto. Taking a symmetrical look, the rash more often than not appears on both sides of the body (see examples at https://drketodietreview.com). Its manifestation is huge in the neck areas and spreads on to the chest and even to the back before attacking the armpits, which is quite an awful place to itch.

What causes Keto Rash?

Theories and many different ideologies online will try to explain why people get this rash. Do you want to keep guessing? I believe not. Find all the answers you’ve been looking for here.

  • Ketosis is a state when the body almost or actually entirely depends or survives on fat. This happens in cases such as fasting or when you’re on a strict keto or low carb diet. The itching should stop a few days upon exiting ketosis or resuming the normal diet.
  • Sweating during ketosis, therefore, worsens the itching. Due to this, it automatically intensifies in hot weather or during and even after workout or exercising.
  • Rash distribution is determined by sweat accumulation. This means that it’ll be distributed on areas where sweat accumulates more.

Curing Keto Rash

  • You don’t want to sweat more than you should, so wear clothing that for the climate at the time, will feel and actually be comfortable.
  • Sweating during and after exercising is fine. It’s actually healthy. However, you should take a shower afterwards.
  • The itching gets worse with intense sweating; therefore, you might consider taking a break from the normal exercising routine. If you can’t, then consider doing something light.
  • You don’t need to maintain your ketosis state when the rash develops. Consider exiting ketosis by eating carbs daily, at least 50g of it. If you really need to still get the most out of ketosis yet avoid and even cure the rash, then consider maintaining the 50-100g liberal carb diet.
  • Antibiotics and special creams will do the trick more at times, though they may take weeks to effect change and don’t offer a permanent solution. Oral antibiotics have side effects that you’d not want to incorporate into your issues at hand. The simplest and safest solution, therefore, is maintaining a liberal carb diet. You don’t want to add more problems to what you already have, or try solutions like antihistamines, steroids, and even antifungal creams which don’t really work to change your current state since they don’t have any effect.

Have in mind that keto rash doesn’t affect everyone in ketosis, and in most times, it only attacks during early stages of ketosis. Do not be discouraged from going back to ketosis, therefore, if you loved the experience and enjoyed its benefits.