What Pet Parents Should Know About Anxiety in Pets

Pet anxiety is quite prevalent and takes many different forms. When your pet struggles to deal with being left alone, separation anxiety might be one of its symptoms. Others include having anxiety if you have home guests or being on edge around other dogs.

How Pets React to Anxiety

Owning an anxious pet may be difficult for you as well. Anxiety in your pet might make it difficult for you to have a sociable, open relationship with them. It might also become a hassle if, for instance, exiting the house requires 10 steps.

However, it’s more than simply a hassle. Your pet’s breathing and heart rate both quicken when they become worried.

Managing Pet Anxiety

Regardless of the medication or therapies you select, anxiety in pets may be treated, but it will take time for your pet to feel better about their triggers. You must restrict your pet’s exposure to triggers in the interim.

This makes sure they won’t keep having frightful encounters that reinforce their unfavorable connections with the trigger.

If you haven’t already, you should figure out exactly what is causing your pet to get anxious. Noting that your pet experiences separation anxiety or that they act up while out on a walk is insufficient.

What specifically about being alone while you’re at work disturbs your pet? Do they frequently overreact when strangers pass by your home’s windows? Do kids struggle to wind down and snooze while you’re not around?

Do they instead have nervous energy outbursts that cause them to ruin your possessions? Installing a camera to capture their actions while you’re away could be beneficial. In this manner, you will be able to see what actually occurs when you are not at home.

It would be quite helpful to make your house feel safe for your pet. This can entail offering a calm setting where they can go when they’re feeling worried. So kids won’t see strangers walking by all day, you may cover windows with drapes or window clings.

You may even turn on some music to help block out distracting noises.

What Can I Do If My Pet Is Anxious?

You have a lot of alternatives for calming your pet’s anxiety so they may live a happy life. With therapy, individuals will eventually be able to engage in stressful activities pleasantly. However, it’s crucial that you have patience and modest expectations.

Many of these choices can be combined. To clearly identify what is most beneficial and to rule out what might not be as good for your pet’s particular needs, it is preferable to introduce them one at a time.

Pet Calming Supplements

Whether you give your dog their favorite soothing treat before you go for work every morning or give your cat a couple hemp chews when you have company around, calming supplements can help your pet overcome anxiety.

Although hemp is a popular component in supplements for dogs, it is not the only natural substance that may calm anxious animals.

Aromatic oils

Essential oils are plant extracts that can improve health whether ingested, breathed, or applied topically. Many of these oils have been utilized for therapeutic reasons for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Only lately have studies on both humans and animals revealed possible advantages.

Despite being organically produced, these oils have a wide range of impacts on both people and animals. While chamomile and passionflower have a relaxing effect, certain oils, like peppermint, can make animals more alert and energetic.

Use caution when applying essential oils to dogs, especially if you’re applying them to items intended for people. Some oils must be used in extremely small doses to prevent negative effects while others are poisonous to animals.

It is recommended to utilize a product created by a qualified veterinarian for dogs if you are thinking about using essential oils on your pets.

Sound Therapy

Like us, dogs may change their moods when listening to music. There have even been songs written specifically to calm cats and dogs. Pet-calming music plays calming, high-pitched tones that appeal to our dogs’ enhanced hearing ranges.

According to studies, some types of music created specifically for humans are more calming than others. Reggae and soft rock have the most calming effects on pets.

Informington Touch (TTouch)

A approach involving touch at deliberate pressure areas is known as the Tellington Touch Method, or TTouch, and was created by animal specialist Linda Tellington Jones. The technique may promote the human-animal link while assisting pets in healing from wounds and dealing with less stress and worry.

Conduct Therapy

You may truly alter your dog’s perception of a trigger through training, interactive activities, and enjoyable incentives. Working with a veterinarian behaviorist who has experience with anxious animals is beneficial.

Despite the fact that some dog trainers focus on non-coercive methods of behavior modification, the profession is unregulated, therefore it’s typical for trainers to employ methods that exacerbate anxiety.

On the other hand, veterinarians who have earned certification from the American College of Veterinary Behavior are known as veterinary behaviorists.

These experts can make recommendations for routines, training methods, and drugs that can promote long-lasting adjustments in your pet’s anxiousness.


Humans’ mental health is enhanced by exercise. This contains a lot of documentation. Pets’ mental health and ability to regulate their anxieties depend on receiving adequate exercise.

The majority of our animals were bred in the beginning to perform high-intensity tasks like hunting, tracking, and herding. These professions stimulated the mind in addition to providing physical activity.

Even while you might not be able to take your best friend out to herd some sheep, you can still keep their body and mind active by taking them for walks or jogs and giving them educational exercises like food puzzles and nose work.

For both pets and pet parents who are anxious, enrichment is an excellent option!