What products can be made from hemp?

Even in ancient times, hemp was used as food, as an additive to dishes, and as a means of fabric production, during which clothing was created, decorative elements, and medicines were made from hemp sprouts.

Nowadays, about 50,000 products are produced from hemp.

The turnover of the hemp market increases all of the time.

Hemp bushes – the backbone of the knitwear industry of ancient times. Archaeological excavations show that ancient peoples made various products from hemp, sewed things from it, as a means to overcome the cold, and so on.

Hemp – an indispensable tool for crop rotation

Most hemp cultures don’t need expensive fertilizers or top dressing, and it also does not need to be spent on protective equipment, since the plant itself fights against harmful organisms, and bacteria, at the biological level it is compatible with almost all types of seedlings.

Planting hemp seeds or cuttings in the ground increases the fruitfulness of fodder plants, improves fertile soils, and reduces buying fertilizer. It is more profitable to “plant” hemp to sugar beet, potato tubers, corn, crops growing under snow, and clover.

Thus, hemp sprouts become an assistant to any gardener, with their help of them your seedlings will grow many times faster and larger.

What is made from hemp stalk?

Technical hemp, containing less than 0.1% tetrahydrocannabinol in its composition, is suitable for industrial purposes: it is used to make fiber, weave fabrics, sew things, and shoes.

It is from the stems, which make up about 60 percent of the total dry weight, that fiber is made.

The length and quality of the produced fibers directly depend on the variety of cultures, cultivation conditions, the amount of light during cultivation, and other nuances. Hemp threads are obtained from 1 to 4 meters in length.

Hemp goods – things, shoes, household, and decorative items – you can find at specialized festivals, and fairs or order online.

Hemp – a tool used in the manufacture of furniture and insulation of houses

Due to the functions of organic raw materials in Western Europe, hemp crops have been used in construction for decades.

For example, at the beginning of the 2000s in the United Kingdom, politicians decided to launch a program to build dwellings with walls made from hempseed cake and other materials such as lime and dry plants.

Germany also actively uses hemp leaves and stems in construction: the Germans lay hemp under laminate or parquet as heating, insulating the facades of houses.

Hemp – the keeper of forests

Most often, wood pulp is used to create paper products – about 40% of the trees that are cut down are used in paper production, and this number is constantly growing.

Paper is also produced from hemp, and such a product is of better quality, stronger, more durable, and much cheaper than “wood” paper. One hectare of hemp equals six tons of cellulose per year, which is more than the annual growth of 1 hectare of forest.

To get enough cellulose, we need to wait decades for a tree to grow, in the case of hemp, a crop can be harvested every 4 months.

Huge tracts of fertile soil need to be freed up for the forest, and hemp sprouts almost anywhere. Why, seeing the obvious success of hemp plants in the paper industry, does humanity cut down trees?

In the 19th-20th century, the literacy rate of the population rapidly increased, schools and universities were opened, the boundaries between classes were blurred, and states needed smart, educated people who would lead their country to a new level of economic and scientific development.

Textbooks, books, and newspapers demanded to increase in the number of paper production. In the course of industrialization, mankind smoothly switched to machine labor, factories and factories were created, and people worked on machine tools.

The first paper-making machines were not able to process hemp fibers, which led to production shifting to wood, and hemp was no longer used in the paper industry.

Cannabis is a doctor of all trades

Hemp seeds are highly valued in the chemical and food industries. For centuries, people have been making painkillers from the seed and foliage of this plant. Nowadays, hemp extract is also used for the production of medicines.

Hemp oil is a high-quality antioxidant, it is recommended to be eaten by people suffering from cancer, or having problems with the respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.

Hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) gummies are candies that may promote sleep, calm, and pain relief. Today, Amazon CBD gummies online stores selling not only hemp and CBD gummies and candies but a more wide variety of hemp-related products.


Today, in some countries, the cultivation and selection of cannabis for medical and scientific purposes are allowed by law, but such activities are carefully monitored by the government, so scientists may be legally liable for any violation.

Medical cannabis is not a new idea. Even the ancients knew about the beneficial properties of cannabis and used it for healing in steam baths. Indian Ayurvedic medicine recommends cannabis for epilepsy, nervousness, and bronchitis.

The ancient Romans and Greeks used cannabis to ease childbirth in women. And the founder of surgery in China, used marijuana as an anesthetic during operations.