What the Kardashian-Jenner sisters would earn if their careers ended

The Kardashian-Jenners are worth millions and wouldn’t have to work another day in their lives if they chose to retire from the limelight.

However, if their money disappeared and they were forced to get jobs in the real world based on their education, skills and experience, it would be a very different matter, experts have revealed.

According to research by a marketing agency, Kourtney, 39, would be the highest-earning sister thanks to her bachelor’s degree, seeking a salary of £45,000 as a brand manager or interior designer.  

However, Kim, 37, arguably the most famous sister, would be left languishing at the bottom, says the findings, with a predicted annual income of £31,000 as a social media specialist or as a personal shopper, thanks to her experience.

The mother-of-three, who is married to Kanye West, would have to work 4,200 years to earn the equivalent of her current £132m ($175m) net worth.

Social media experts at Reboot Digital Marketing released the findings after crafting a CV for each of the sisters, factoring in each woman’s individual skill set. 

Kourtney was the highest earner perhaps due to her bachelor’s degree in Theatre and minor in Spanish

Experts have calculated how the Kardashians would survive without their fame and fortune and had to send off their CVs to find themselves a job

Experts have calculated how the Kardashians would survive without their fame and fortune and had to send off their CVs to find themselves a job

The women’s details were then entered into a resumé value tool on Adzuna which calculated just how much each superstar sister would be worth if they submitted their CVs into the current job market.

The Adzuna tool has the UK’s largest collection of live salary data and uses the details in a CV to find out what kind of salary people can expect to earn in their next career move.

The findings showed that Kourtney would bag herself a £45,066 ($60,519) salary, Kim would be on £31,030 ($41,670) and Kylie would be looking at a a snip of her £50m fortune at £29,125 ($39,110) per annum as a business development executive.

Khloe might earn £27,925 ($37,499) as a writer, and super model Kendall’s salary would be £25,903 ($34,784) as an actress or photographer, they said.



Current net worth: £26.5m ($35m)

Estimated salary: £45,066 ($60,519) 


Current net worth: £132m ($175m)

Estmated salary: £31,030 ($41,670)


Current net worth: £37.9m ($50m)

Estimated salary: £29,125 ($39,110) 


Current net worth: £30.3m ($40m) 

Estimated salary: £27,925 ($37,499)


Current net worth: £13.6 ($18m)

Estimated salary: £25,903 ($34,784)

Source: Time.com Money, Forbes 

Shai Aharony, Managing Director at rebootonline.com, explained: ‘With the lives of the Kardashian sisters being so readily available online, it was easy to find out about their educational and professional backgrounds (either through interviews, Wikipedia pages, or their own business ventures) – as well as the skills that are specific to each sister.

‘Using this information, we then created a mock CV for each of them which could be fed through Adzuna’s online CV value tool.

‘This was able to pick up the key “buzzwords” that employers look for, and identify which careers these keywords best match in terms of the skills needed to do the job. 

‘We were also able to glean information on the average salary of someone who has a similar type of experience. 

‘Compiling this data for each sister means we get a great idea of what sorts of careers they could pursue in the ‘real world’- and how much their skills would actually be worth.’

Using information released on the Kardashian-Jenner sisters, the CVs included their educational background, work experience and any skills they have demonstrated.

As the oldest Kardashian sister mother-of-three Kourtney, who has an estimated net worth of £26.5m ($35m), was expected to be the highest earner in the real world – perhaps due to her bachelor’s degree in theatre and minor in Spanish.

Kim Kardashian would have to work 4,200 years to earn the same as her £132m (£175m) net worth if she was on a salary of £31k

Kim Kardashian would have to work 4,200 years to earn the same as her £132m (£175m) net worth if she was on a salary of £31k

Khloe Kardashian has said in the past that she's always expressed an interest in writing which could be the perfect career match.

Khloe Kardashian has said in the past that she’s always expressed an interest in writing which could be the perfect career match.

Research has shown those who speak more than one language can earn anything from eight to twenty per cent more in their jobs.

Some of her Kourtney’s identified skills included an eye for interior design, public relations, marketing and nutrition.

The research showed Kim’s selfie skills would come in handy for a career match as a social media specialist, but she’s even more compatible as a clothing store manager – something she already has experience in managing the family’s DASH stores alongside her other business interests.

Without her fame and the fortune, Kylie, who at just 20, would be the family’s second-highest earning if she had a real-life job, thanks to her CEO experience of her Kylie Cosmetics line. The research showed she would be most suited to brand management.

And all her hours on Snapchat would also pay off, just like Kim, mother-of-one Kylie would be able to seek a career as a social media specialist.

Supermodel Kendall Jenner would be able to continue in her chosen career or perhaps turn to photography. Kylie Jenner has a fortune of £50m at just 20 years of age, but according to her skills she'd only be able to achieve a salary of around £29k

Supermodel Kendall Jenner would be able to continue in her chosen career or perhaps turn to photography. Kylie Jenner has a fortune of £50m at just 20 years of age, but according to her skills she’d only be able to achieve a salary of around £29k

New mother Khloe, 33, who is reported to be worth around £30.3m ($40m), could see herself on a different path altogether.

Her top professional skills were identified as communication, assertiveness, content creation and marketing – so the tables could be turned if she chose her most compatible profession, as a writer. 

Indeed, Khloe has already stated her passion for writing in interviews, saying: ‘I really loved to write, so English class was my favourite [at school].’

As the family’s only supermodel, 22-year-old Kendall’s skills send her in the same direction, modelling and working with luxury brands as well as photography.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk