What to expect if you’re not planning to breastfeed?

Pediatricians recommend that babies should be breastfed exclusively for at least 6 months, and with the introduction of complementary foods for at least 2 years. However, women often give up breastfeeding for a variety of reasons.

And according to the World Health Organization, only 2 out of 3 newborns in the world are breastfed.

Still, it is important to remember that breastfeeding is very important. It reduces the risk of ear and respiratory infections and sudden infant deaths. Also, think about the financial costs, because the good quality formula is not cheap.

It is a well-known fact that no formula can exactly duplicate the ideal composition (composition) of breast milk. The formula lacks live lymphocytes and natural probiotics and prebiotics contained in mother’s milk, which fight against various infections.

How to choose a formula for your baby

If you are not planning to breastfeed your baby for one reason or another, then you just need to understand the variety of infant formula. After all, there are many types offered in the baby food market today.

When choosing a milk formula, be sure to pay attention to the age markings:

  • For children in the first six months of life – the initial formula marked “1” or “from 0 to 6 months”
  • For children in the second half of life – the following formulas labeled “2” or “6 to 12 months
  • For children from the first year of life – formula marked “0-12” on the package

You must also carefully read the composition of the product – it is written on the back of the package.

The formula must not contain palm oil, soy, sugar, or starch. And the mandatory components should be vitamins and minerals, taurine and nucleotides for normal growth and development of the baby; probiotic and prebiotic fibers for comfortable digestion.

And of course, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are the source of energy for the whole body.

Even though you have studied the composition of the product, pay attention to the manufacturer. Do not buy mixes that are not made in clear conditions. The best option is to choose a reliable brand, proven by years and practice.

For example, HiPP Formula is made by a German manufacturer with years of experience in the field of baby food that has proven itself in the world market. The products are based only on organic ingredients with the appropriate certification.

All babies are different and what suits one baby may not suit the other one, that is why HiPP products have a wide range of baby formulas: comfort, symbiotic, hypoallergenic, antireflux, organic, gluten-free, and dairy-free.

To understand that you have decided on the right baby formula, you should pay attention to the overall condition of the baby.

If he eats with pleasure, gains weight, and develops according to his age norms, he does not have: vomiting, burping, diarrhea, and skin rash – then you have done everything correctly and the baby tolerates the selected product well.

Pros for moms who have chosen artificial feeding

If you had to transfer your baby to artificial feeding, do not beat yourself up with remorse. The child can grow up quite healthy and well-developed, and on milk formula. Let’s look at the positive aspects for moms whose babies are fed artificially:

  • The Baby formula is easy to prepare and easy to use
  • You do not need to sit with your baby around the clock, as any of your household members will be able to feed him.
  • Infant formula takes longer to be absorbed by the baby’s body, so the time interval between feedings is increased.
  • Artificial feeding allows you, if necessary, to go to work
  • Parents need to know exactly how much their baby is eating at each feeding. When your baby is breastfed, you cannot measure the amount of milk consumed, which affects your baby’s satiety. Feeding formula, on the other hand, allows you to measure accurately.

Usually, when preparing a nutritional formula, you should carefully follow all the recommendations: keep a close eye on the temperature, so as not to give your baby too hot or, conversely, cold food.

There is also a danger of any bacteria getting into the formula, so you should observe the sterility of the utensils.

Another very significant factor in infant feeding is tactility and psychological contact. After all, receiving his mother’s warmth, the baby feels safe. So, as often as possible, take the child in your arms and cuddle.

Lie down with her, talking, smiling, stroking her arms, legs, and tummy. It is with this kind of communication that grow happy children.