What will March 11th to 18th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 

It’s Oscars weekend but we less glamorous folk will have chances to grab the spotlight too. With the Sun, Neptune and Mercury all converging, we can all shine brightly. Venus’s move suggests we’ll feel more rich and powerful too.

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

Despite the fact that we think we know who we are and what we stand for, sometimes we surprise ourselves. Under unusual circumstances we say and do uncharacteristic things. Sometimes we shock ourselves (in a positive way) by our response to the unexpected. You’re in the process of making amazing personal breakthroughs. By the end of the week your self-image will have changed. You’ll have every reason to be proud and pleased with your achievements. And delighted by the new horizons opening before you. Your forecast is jam-packed with important news. For an in-depth guide, call 0906 751 5601.


April 21- May 21 

Look at what’s difficult, challenging and frustrating in your world and be grateful. The problem you’re dealing with is a gift. This week, you start to see the value it holds. If it didn’t exist, you’d have no light and shade. No way to figure out what really matters. We need to go through tunnels before we can emerge into the glorious light of day. This particular tunnel might be long and dark, but the end’s in sight. With your ruler, Venus, entering your sign, fresh new perspective will inspire you to focus on the positive. With Venus moving into your sign, it’s time for a positive change. Maximise the energy! Call 0906 751 5602.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) said: ‘It’s Oscars weekend but we less glamorous folk will have chances to grab the spotlight too’


May 22 – June 22

It may sound counterintuitive, but your problems have more to do with your abilities than with a lack of talent. In a way, you’re the victim of your own success. Your gifts have created complications that might never surface in the life of someone less able. I’m not saying you’ve got super powers… yet, when you put your mind to something, you rarely (if ever) fail. If you want to take the pressure off this week, let down your shield and show your vulnerable side. You’ll get the help and support you need. Want to hear some inspiring information about your week? Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

We’re all so polite to one another. ‘How are you?’ ‘Good, thanks. You?’ Our conversation openers are often so ritualistic that it’s no wonder we don’t open up and share our feelings. We don’t talk about how we really feel because we know that’s not expected. You’ve been managing to avoid talking about a deeply important issue. It just hasn’t felt appropriate. But that means that you’re carrying a problem that is weighing you down. If you take this week’s chance to express your deepest concerns, you’ll find a way to progress. This week’s celestial forces bring you the energy and insight to change your life. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

If you want to get to a specific destination, you need to plan your route. But just because that sounds logical it doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. It seems that you’re confident about where ‘there’ is, but are a bit confused about the current state of affairs. And no map, no matter how precise, can show you how to get somewhere if you’re not sure where you are. No one’s more lost than someone who doesn’t know they’re lost! This week, you see past an illusion. You will affirm your position and know exactly where you need to go next. Your week ahead, in-depth forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

The seasons in the natural world remind us of the ever-changing state of human nature. We can’t help but move on and evolve. Yet we don’t find it easy to accept the changes life brings our way. We like to see ourselves as being stable and consistent – and view inconsistency as a sign of weakness, which it’s not. Just as there’s a rhythm to the world’s changes, there’s a pattern to your growth and development. Right now, you’re in a stage of transition. It might feel a bit awkward. But, trust me, you’re about to blossom. Want to feel more empowered and encourage more luck into your life? Seize this week’s opportunities! Call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23 

That’s enough stress for now. It’s time to rest and recover. And this week – with your ruler, Venus, moving into its other celestial home – brings a chance to recuperate. It won’t take long. You’ll soon recapture your appetite for adventure. Meanwhile, if you find you’re still being put under pressure, know that you don’t have to respond. As long as you stay calm, and remember your sense of purpose, you’ll be able to avoid any dramas. This is not a week to be struggling or worrying. It’s one to stride happily and confidently onwards. As Venus changes signs, it brings a sense of security and hope. To hear this week’s good news, call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

It’s relatively easy to forgive someone when they put their hand up to a mistake or make it obvious that they really do feel sorry. But what about those people who are good at voicing heartfelt apologies just to get themselves off the hook? In such cases, can a generous act of forgiveness end up costing us even more than the original problem? Yet the benefits of transforming a tense relationship are obvious. This week, it seems someone has learned a lesson. Can you show trust again? If you can, the benefits will be far-reaching. Do yourself a favour and treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

With the Sun, Neptune and Mercury all converging, we can all shine brightly. Venus's move suggests we'll feel more rich and powerful too (pictured, Neptune)

With the Sun, Neptune and Mercury all converging, we can all shine brightly. Venus’s move suggests we’ll feel more rich and powerful too (pictured, Neptune) 


November 23 – December 21

Just because you almost always have an answer for everything doesn’t mean you always know what to do. You’ve been putting a brave face on a perplexing situation. But inwardly, you know there’s a long way to go before it will be satisfactorily resolved. Suppose you were brave enough to share your concerns with someone? Yes, it might make you feel vulnerable. Yes, you’d have to admit that you don’t have everything under control. But if you reach out and ask for help, you’ll get the insight you need. It’s got to be worth it! In a week of celestial creativity, transform your life. For your week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

Newsfeeds and social media bombard us with stories that make our hearts ache and our toes curl. It’s hardly surprising that sometimes, in order to cope with the world’s craziness and callousness, we ignore what we don’t want to see. Yet the danger of spending too much time with our eyes closed is that we miss the joyful, laughter-filled moments – and our world becomes dark. There are issues that need your attention this week. You can’t change the world, but if you do your best, you can make a difference. To hear how your life could significantly change for the better, call your latest forecast on 0906 751 5610.


January 21 –  February 19

You’re surprising yourself with your patience and tolerance. Even if you sometimes feel you’re reaching the end of your tether, you must admit that under normal circumstances your tether would have snapped ages ago! You’ve done well to be so accepting and to hold back from interfering. It’s time to reap the rewards. You might not be able to make everything go your way. But you’ve certainly earned the right to a fairer outcome to your current drama. Justice is making its way into your life. Stay cool. And trust. Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. For your week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20 

It’s not easy being a superhero. They have more responsibilities than us mere mortals. They can’t just snuggle up on the sofa when they’re presented with a daunting problem. They feel obliged to change into their Lycra suit and confront it. Just because you don’t have superhuman abilities doesn’t mean you don’t pressure yourself to achieve superhuman results. This week, you can achieve some remarkable victories. But don’t push yourself too far. You’re only human after all! Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your four-minute forecast has important news for you. Call 0906 751 5612. 

Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to cainer.com and join the 5 Star Service for personalised messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more! 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk