‘Where do I send the box of chocolates?’ Wolff mocks Trump

The author of a book about Donald Trump’s presidency mocked him Friday morning for trying to block the bombshell’s publication.

‘Where do I send the box of chocolates?’ Michael Wolff asked on the ‘Today’ show.

Trump’s personal lawyer tried to block the publication of ‘Fire and Fury’ on Thursday. The publisher responded by moving the book’s release date up.

The White House had said Thursday that Trump doesn’t believe an explosive book leveling sensational claims about his time as president should go on sale January 9 as scheduled.

Michael Wolff, who wrote a book about Donald Trump’s presidency, mocked him Friday morning for trying to block the bombshell’s publication

'Where do I send the box of chocolates?' Wolff asked on the 'Today' show, suggesting that Trump's legal threats helped him sell more books

‘Where do I send the box of chocolates?’ Wolff asked on the ‘Today’ show, suggesting that Trump’s legal threats helped him sell more books

The publisher responded hours later by saying it agreed – and bumped up the release by four days, to January 5.

One of Trump’s personal lawyers demanded on Thursday morning ‘Fire and Fury,’ by columnist Michael Wolff, be shelved because of what he said were maliciously false claims made in the book against the president.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Thursday that the book is ‘full of false and fake information’ and that Trump ‘clearly believes that it shouldn’t be’ published.

‘It’s completely tabloid gossip, full of false and fraudulent claims,’ she said.

The White House said Thursday that Donald Trump doesn’t want ‘Fire and Fury,’ an explosive book about his time as president, published next week – but it’s not a First Amendment issue because the president’s personal lawyer, not the federal government itself, is making the demand

Lawyer Charles Harder, who has represented Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan in the past, wrote a scathing 11-page letter to the book's publisher

Lawyer Charles Harder, who has represented Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan in the past, wrote a scathing 11-page letter to the book’s publisher

Wolff said Friday that his credibility was ‘being questioned by a man who has less credibility than perhaps anybody who has walked on earth at this point.’

‘I’ve written millions upon millions of words. I don’t think there has ever been one correction,’ he insisted.   

The White House has insisted that Wolff had limited access to the West Wing, but he insisted that he talked directly with Trump. 

‘I absolutely spoke to the president. Whether he realized it was an interview or not?’

Attorney Charles Harder (center) is leading the charge for Trump again Michael Wolff and his publisher; Harder previously represented Hulk Hogan (right) in a case against the now-defunct Gawker website

Attorney Charles Harder (center) is leading the charge for Trump again Michael Wolff and his publisher; Harder previously represented Hulk Hogan (right) in a case against the now-defunct Gawker website

‘I spent about three hours with the president over the course of the campaign and in the White House. So my window into Donald Trump is pretty significant,’ he said.

And Wolff defended his reporting, saying that he ‘spoke to people who spoke with the president on a daily, sometimes minute-by-minute basis.’

‘I have recordings, I have notes. I am certainly and in every way comfortable with everything I’ve reported,’ Wolff said. 

Charles Harder, the president’s lawyer, demanded Thursday that publisher Henry Holt and Co. ‘immediately cease and desist from any further publication, release or dissemination of the book,’ including excerpts and summaries.

‘Your publication of false/baseless statements about Mr. Trump gives rise to, among other claims, defamation by libel per se, false light invasion of privacy, tortious interference with contractual relations, and inducement of breach of contract,’ he wrote. 


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