Where the followers of Charles Manson’s cult are today

Charles Manson, the convicted mass murderer and cult leader who died on Sunday at the age of 83, orchestrated the gruesome murders of seven people in August 1969 in California by his devoted followers. 

The group of runaways and outcasts known as the ‘Manson Family’ committed random murders in upscale mostly white neighborhoods of Los Angeles – unleashing a wave of panic in the city and beyond.

The aim was for African Americans to be blamed, in the hope of sparking what Manson believed to be an impending and apocalyptic race war.

Pictured in 2014

Cult leader Charles Manson (pictured left in August 2017 and right in October 2014) has died aged 83

Charles Manson is being escorted to his arraignment in 1969 and remained behind bars until his death

Charles Manson is being escorted to his arraignment in 1969 and remained behind bars until his death

Victims: (top row left to right) Voytech Frykowski, Sharon Tate, Stephen Parent, (middle row left to right) Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Gary Hinman, (bottom row left to right) Leno LaBianca, Rosemary LaBianca, Donald Shea.

Victims: (top row left to right) Voytech Frykowski, Sharon Tate, Stephen Parent, (middle row left to right) Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Gary Hinman, (bottom row left to right) Leno LaBianca, Rosemary LaBianca, Donald Shea.

His ‘Family’ disciples committed at least nine murders, but it was the horrific killing spree of seven people on August 9-10, 1969 that sealed his notoriety – and earned him and many of his followers life in prison. 

Since the murders, only one member – Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, who tried to assassinate President Gerald Ford – has been paroled.  

Six other cult members remain in prison, while one, Susan Atkins, died of brain cancer while incarcerated in 2009.  

Here, MailOnline reveals what has become of the members of Manson’s cult.

Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, 71: Jailed

Watson described himself as Manson’s ‘right hand man’.

On August 9, 1969, he and three female accomplices murdered actress Sharon Tate and four visitors at her Beverly Hills home.

The following night, they killed a couple, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, at their Los Angeles home.

Charles 'Tex' Watson, 71, has apologized for the killings

He became a minister in 1981, taking a path similar to some other ex-Manson Family members who also turned to Christianity

Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, 71, has apologized for the killings. He became a minister in 1981, taking a path similar to some other ex-Manson Family members who also turned to Christianity

Watson was initially sentenced to death in the stabbing and shooting rampage, but the sentence was later commuted to life when the California Supreme Court ruled in 1972 that the death penalty was unconstitutional.

Watson remains in prison near Sacramento, California, after repeatedly being denied parole.

Sharon Tate’s sister, Debra Tate — the last surviving member of her immediate family — urged a panel of parole commissioners last year to reject freedom for the man she called ‘the most active, the most prolific killer in the Manson family’.

In prison, Watson wrote a book, Manson’s Right-Hand Man Speaks Out, saying the charismatic Manson offered utopia, then persuaded his followers to act out his ‘destructive worldview’. Watson has apologized for the killings.

He became a minister in 1981, taking a path similar to some other ex-Manson Family members who also turned to Christianity.

Watson also obtained his college degree behind bars.

Susan Atkins (left, with Patricia Krenwinkle and Leslie van Houton)  took part in several of the slayings, including those at the Tate residence, where she tasted Sharon Tate's blood and used it to write 'Pig' on a house wall

Susan Atkins (left, with Patricia Krenwinkle and Leslie van Houton)  took part in several of the slayings, including those at the Tate residence, where she tasted Sharon Tate’s blood and used it to write ‘Pig’ on a house wall

She died of brain cancer in a California prison in 2009 at age 61. Atkins had been denied a request to be freed on parole as the fatal illness took hold

She died of brain cancer in a California prison in 2009 at age 61. Atkins had been denied a request to be freed on parole as the fatal illness took hold

Susan Atkins, died in 2009, aged 61

Atkins took part in several of the slayings, including those at the Tate residence, where she tasted Sharon Tate’s blood and used it to write ‘Pig’ on a house wall.

She died of brain cancer in a California prison in 2009 at age 61. Atkins had been denied a request to be freed on parole as the fatal illness took hold.

She is the only other cult member – other than Manson himself – to have died.

Atkins admitted stabbing Tate to death as the actress begged for her life and that of her unborn son. Atkins claimed she and other cult followers acted on orders from Manson and were on LSD.

Atkins’ death sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972, after the California Supreme Court abolished capital punishment. Atkins will next be eligible for parole in 2012.

While living with the Manson ‘family’, she became pregnant and Manson helped deliver the baby boy, naming it Zezozoze Zadfrack. His whereabouts are unknown.

Patricia Krenwinkel, 69: Jailed

Krenwinkel took part in the murders of the LaBiancas and at the Tate residence and has become California’s longest-serving woman prisoner.

In June, commissioners again denied parole for Krenwinkel, after a six-month inquiry to look into allegations that she had been abused by Manson or someone else, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Krenwinkel has been denied parole 13 times for the slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four other people.

Patricia Krenwinkel took part in the murders of the LaBiancas and at the Tate residence

She has become California's longest-serving woman prisoner

Patricia Krenwinkel took part in the murders of the LaBiancas and at the Tate residence.  She has become California’s longest-serving woman prisoner 

She was a 19-year-old secretary living with her older sister when she met the 33-year-old Manson at a party. She testified that she left everything behind three days later to follow him because she believed they had a budding romantic relationship.

She said in December that her feelings faded when Manson became physically and emotionally abusive, and trafficked her to other men for sex.

She said she left him twice only to be brought back, and that she was usually under the influence of drugs and rarely left alone.

‘I thought I loved him. I thought – it started with love, and then turned to fear,’ she once said.

Krenwinkel in December recounted how she chased down and repeatedly stabbed Abigail Folger, 26, heiress to a coffee fortune, at Tate’s home on Aug. 9, 1969, and helped Manson and other followers kill grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary the following night.

Manson and his right-hand man, Charles ‘Tex’ Watson, told her to ‘do something witchy,’ she said, so she stabbed La Bianca in the stomach with a fork, then took a rag and wrote ‘Helter Skelter,’ ”Rise’ and ‘Death to Pigs’ on the walls with his blood.

Leslie Van Houten, 68: Jailed

Van Houten is serving a life sentence for taking part in the murders of the LaBiancas.

Last year, California Governor Jerry Brown overturned a parole board recommendation that she should be released, saying that Van Houten still posed an ‘unreasonable danger to society’.

In September, the parole board again granted her parole, which started a 150-day review process that will likely culminate in a final decision by Brown.

Leslie Van Houten is serving a life sentence for taking part in the murders of the LaBiancas

She was the youngest member of Manson's cult

Leslie Van Houten is serving a life sentence for taking part in the murders of the LaBiancas. She was the youngest member of Manson’s cult

Van Houten was the youngest member of Manson’s cult and was just 19 years old when she took part in the murders of the LaBiancas.

Over two nights in August 1969, Manson’s ragtag band of followers killed seven people, including actress Sharon Tate.

Van Houten didn’t take part in the first night’s killings of Tate and four others, but she helped kill grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, on the second night.

She said that on the night of the attack, she held Rosemary La Bianca down with a pillowcase over her head as others stabbed her dozens of times.

Then, ordered by Manson disciple Tex Watson to ‘do something,’ she picked up a butcher knife and stabbed the woman more than a dozen times.

But since her incarceration more than 40 years ago, she has been a model prisoner.

During those years she has earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in counseling, been certified as a counselor and headed numerous programs to help inmates.

Bruce Davis (center) is serving a life sentence at the California Men's Colony at San Luis Obispo for the 1969 slayings of musician Gary Hinman and stuntman Donald 'Shorty' Shea

Bruce Davis (center) is serving a life sentence at the California Men’s Colony at San Luis Obispo for the 1969 slayings of musician Gary Hinman and stuntman Donald ‘Shorty’ Shea

Bruce Davis, 75: Jailed

Davis is serving a life sentence at the California Men’s Colony at San Luis Obispo for the 1969 slayings of musician Gary Hinman and stuntman Donald ‘Shorty’ Shea.

At the time of his arrest Davis had the Family ‘X’ carved into his forehead.

Davis was not involved in the more notorious killings of Tate and six others by the Manson ‘family.’

He long maintained he was a bystander in the killings of the two men but in recent years he acknowledged his shared responsibility because he was present.

He testified at his 2014 hearing that he attacked Shea with a knife and held a gun on Hinman while Manson cut Hinman’s face with a sword.

‘I wanted to be Charlie’s favorite guy,’ he said then.

During the half-century since the slayings, parole panels have decided five times that Davis is no longer a public safety risk. Officials have cited his age and good behavior behind bars that includes earning a doctoral degree and ministering to other inmates.

But California Governors, who have the final say on release, have repeatedly denied him parole.

Beausoleil is serving a life sentence for the 1969 murder of Hinman

Beausoleil is serving a life sentence for the 1969 murder of Hinman

Robert (Bobby) Beausoleil, 70: Jailed

Beausoleil is serving a life sentence for the 1969 murder of Gary Hinman.

A California parole board last denied his bid on October 14, 2016. He will be eligible for a hearing again in 2019.

Beausoleil was sentenced to death for the 1969 slaying of musician Gary Hinman, but it was commuted to life in prison when the California Supreme Court ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972.

He was transferred in 1994 to the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem at his request, after he married a woman from Oregon while in prison and fathered four children.

Beausoleil was an aspiring musician and actor before he joined the Manson family.

He was in jail when other Manson followers killed actress Sharon Tate and four others, then murdered grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary.

Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, 69: Paroled

Fromme was a member of the Manson Family and attended Manson’s trial.

She was a former child performer living in Venice Beach, California, when she met Manson at a Manhattan Beach party in 1967 with fellow follower Krenwinkel. 

In 1975, she was tackled by a Secret Service agent after she aimed a pistol at then President Gerald Ford.

Convicted of attempted assassination, she was sentenced to life in prison.

She was paroled in 2009 and moved to Marcy in New York state, according to the New York Post.

Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme was a member of the Manson Family and attended Manson's trial

In 1975, she was tackled by a Secret Service agent after she aimed a pistol at then President Gerald Ford

Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme was a member of the Manson Family and attended Manson’s trial. In 1975, she was tackled by a Secret Service agent after she aimed a pistol at then President Gerald Ford


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