Where to Find Acai Bowls Near Me

Having access to whole fruits and veggies can seem like a daunting task, especially when you aren’t sure how to create or even access these nutrient-packed and healthful foods.

However, taking the steps to a more healthful lifestyle can be as easy as incorporating the food world’s most significant food trend — acai bowls.

One of the easiest and most colorful ways to get your fresh fruits and veggies in for the day is to look no further than acai bowls. Not sure how to create your own acai bowls? We are equipping you with the tools to answer that big question, “Where can I find healthful and delicious acai bowls near me?”

We’ve got you covered.

Acai bowls are one of the hippest trends on Instagram, right not. Everyone is sharing their breakfast, and the hashtag #acaibowl is breaking records as each person tries to one-up the last person with the prettiest bowl of fruit.

However, building a complicated, albeit beautiful, nutrient-packed breakfast bowl isn’t the only way to access these colorful and antioxidant-packed food. There is now an excellent source for buying freshly made acai bowls online.

That way, you can enjoy the health benefits of acai and those glorious bowls without the hassle and the mess of making them yourself.

Some of the health benefits of acai:

  • Acai is high in healthy fats and low in sugar — High fat and low sugar make absorbing the nutrients an even faster process.
  • They are jam-packed with antioxidants — Acai berries have over ten times more antioxidants than blueberries.

Where Does Acai Come From?

Acai comes from the acai palm tree. It is a little fruit that grows between the palm fronds and contains a pit like cherry, peach, or apricot. The acai palm trees are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.

When is Acai Best Enjoyed?

The high-fat content of acai means that the berries can go rancid in just a few days if shipped totally raw and unprocessed. Acai is best enjoyed as fresh as possible, which is why it works great in pressed juices and purées that can be turned into some of the most delectable and nutrient-packed breakfast bowls you can imagine.

How to Enjoy an Acai Bowl?

The beauty of a shippable product is that the shelf life is much longer, and your healthful and happy acai can make its way to you quickly while maintaining nutrient content.

Some of our favorite ways to enjoy an acai bowl is:

  • Right out of the package — just open up that beautiful baby and go to town.
  • Topped with granola and dark chocolate — Acai has deep flavors that are incredibly complementary to chocolate. Boost up those antioxidants even more by adding a little extra dark and a crunchy sprinkling of granola.
  • As if you were eating ice cream — Pop that bad boy into the freezer for 30 minutes. Top with dried cherries, sliced banana, and crumbled nuts and enjoy an ice-cold treat akin to a health-food sundae.
  • Top with avocado and local honey — Amp up those healthy fats and your own fullness by slicing up some soft avocado and then drizzling the whole thing with local honey to help put allergies at bay while adding in some sweetness.

Acai is Healthful and Happy Food

In conclusion, no matter how you like to enjoy your acai bowl, the fact of the matter is that acai is a healthy trend that your body will thank you for getting on board with.

Now more than ever, with the help of a few supply chains and the internet inspiring, delicious, and healthful foods like acai are available to all of us.

There is absolutely no reason not to invest in your health with a delicious acai of acai.