White supremacist sentenced to more than four years prison

A ‘deeply disturbed’ white supremacist who had an ‘obsession with guns, sex and death’ has been jailed for at least four-and-a-half years in NSW.

Michael James Holt, 27, previously pleaded guilty to a string of firearm and child pornography offences after being caught hoarding a number of homemade guns at Sydney and the NSW Central Coast.

He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment with a non-parole period of four-and-a-half years by District Court Judge Jeffrey McLennan on Friday.

Last month, the judge compared Holt to Martin Bryant, and said he could be the next Port Arthur mass murderer.

Michael Holt, 27, (pictured)  was described as the next Port Arthur mass murderer when he faced trial last month

The white supremacist pleaded guilty to a string of firearm and child pornography offences, and was sentenced to at least four and a half years behind bars

The white supremacist pleaded guilty to a string of firearm and child pornography offences, and was sentenced to at least four and a half years behind bars

Holt, 27, pleaded guilty to a string of firearm and child pornography offences last month after being caught hoarding a number of homemade guns.

Judge McLennan expressed serious concerns at the time about Holt’s chances of rehabilitation given he’d sent text messages talking about how he needed to kill people.

One text message read: ‘Gonna have to start killing if I don’t get laid soon.’

Another message told how his hate and rage were rising and he wanted to shoot people and spray a room with ‘devil blood’.

In other texts Holt claimed he was ‘probably going to kill tonight’ and ‘I’ll kill until I die’.

The judge said the fact Holt was ‘expressing this variety of homicide ideation repeatedly has to be regarded, prima facie, as extremely dangerous.’

Defence barrister Neha Evans objected to the text messages being tendered as evidence, saying they were just the rants of a troubled young man with autism spectrum disorder.

Ms Evans said Holt might have been talking about doing certain things but he had never acted on the rants.

Holt had been caught hoarding a number of homemade guns (pictured)

Holt had been caught hoarding a number of homemade guns (pictured)

She claimed Holt had had the same obsession with guns as he had with his Lego collection.

‘Lego won’t kill,’ the judge replied.

He said Holt’s text messages were relevant to help him decide if Holt could re-offend in the future.

‘It could be the person I’m looking at could be the next Martin Bryant. I just don’t know.’

Bryant murdered 35 people in the Port Arthur massacre in 1996.

Judge McLellan questioned Holt’s claims when interviewed by a psychiatrist that he had no sexual attraction to young girls and hated porn.

The judge was mystified that Holt could claim he ‘always had a pretty Christian attitude to the relationship game’ given child pornography was found in his possession.

The dilemma for the judge was whether Holt would ever carry out his shooting fantasies in the future.

Judge McLellan said it would look like a ‘shocking error of judgment’ on his part if he accepted Holt would never kill but he then went out and did just that. 

Holt had had the same obsession with guns as he had with his Lego collection, his lawyer said

Holt had had the same obsession with guns as he had with his Lego collection, his lawyer said

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk