White Tube racist knocked unconscious hands self in to police

The white man knocked unconscious after a shocking racist rant on the tube in which he referred to a group of black passengers as ‘pets’ is a builder who works for his wealthy parents’ construction firm, MailOnline can reveal.

Billy Steele, 31, was filmed on a Central Line tube launching the shocking tirade at three black passengers in which he told them ‘you’re all going back’.

Today his mother Toni Steele said her son had handed himself in to police and told officers he doesn’t want to press assault charges against the black man who knocked him out.

Mr Steele being punched in the face after his racist rant, knocking him unconscious

Billy Steele, 31, pictured, who was punched after launching a racist rant on the tube, right, works for his wealthy parents’ construction firm, MailOnline can reveal

Speaking from her £800,000 home in leafy Coulsdon, south London, Mrs Steele confirmed: ‘Billy is on this video that has gone viral. He has gone to the police and owned up. He doesn’t want the man who hit him to be punished.

‘He is getting help for his behaviour,’ she added.

Mrs Steele’s son lives in a smart, gated block of apartments, in Mottingham, south-east London where flats occupied by city high-fliers sell for around £320,000.

In the shocking footage taken on Saturday night, bespectacled Mr Steele can been seen in a heated confrontation with other passengers as the train pulls into Bank station in central London.

The shaven-headed yob dressed in a blue T-shirt and beige shorts is filmed shouting at a group of black passengers: ‘This is my home and you’re all going back. You know it as well.’

When asked by the group where they will be going back to, he shouts: ‘You know where you’re going back.’

As the passengers ask him his name, he starts shouting ‘You’re black. Oh my god’ at the group while the woman filming asks ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

Mr Steele then tells the camerawoman to shut up before the footage cuts to him swinging on the handrails singing ‘they’re lesser than us’ repeatedly and saying ‘you’re my pets’ in the direction of the group of young black men.

Mr Steele launched a bizarre and explicit rant which included racist language

He first targeted a group of black passengers before swearing at other passengers who tried to intervene

Mr Steele launched a bizarre and explicit rant which included racist language first at a group of black passengers before swearing at other passengers who tried to intervene

While some passengers rushed to check his pulse and seek help, others cheered and clapped while Mr Steele remained unconscious, shouting 'you deserved that' and 'don't help a racist'

While some passengers rushed to check his pulse and seek help, others cheered and clapped while Mr Steele remained unconscious, shouting ‘you deserved that’ and ‘don’t help a racist’

He then starts screaming the word ‘violence’, prompting a woman to accuse him of being ‘EDL scum’ – an apparent reference to the English Defence League.

Mr Steele shouts ‘I don’t roll with EDL scum’ before saying he’s worse than them in the passengers’ eyes and telling the woman to ‘f**k off c**t face.’

Mr Steele is understood to work for S&S Steel Fixing Limited, the family-owned business.

Mr Steele wasn’t in when MailOnline visited his smart block of flats this week.

Neighbours there said the construction worker had been in trouble before.

Two years ago, he was thrown out of the Prince of Wales pub for repeatedly pestering the barmaid and refusing to leave her alone.

Moments later, however, he stormed back in, ripped his shirt off in fury shouted at drinkers inside offering to fight them.

Mr Steele, dressed in a blue T-shirt and beige shorts, was filmed yelling 'they're lesser than us' and 'they're my pets' in the direction of three black passengers

Mr Steele, dressed in a blue T-shirt and beige shorts, was filmed yelling ‘they’re lesser than us’ and ‘they’re my pets’ in the direction of three black passengers

When the passengers got up to leave, he squared up to them with clenched fists. His neighbours said the construction worker had been in trouble before

When the passengers got up to leave, he squared up to them with clenched fists. His neighbours said the construction worker had been in trouble before

A couple of burly drinkers ended up punching him back out the bar – breaking his nose – and he was never seen in there again.

A former friend of Mr Steele, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed the pub incident and said that his behaviour has changed over the last few years.

He told MailOnline: ‘The lads in the Prince of Wales ended up breaking his nose.

‘This is when people started to distance themselves from him as it was starting to get difficult to go out with him.

‘He was never a problem until the last couple of years, I’d never known him to ever be violent but it’s almost like he wants a reaction.

‘I believe he needs help for his mental health. I don’t think he intends it to be malicious but he’s almost in self-destruct mode.

‘Even from the videos showing him on the tube train, he doesn’t seem to make sense, he’s speaking gibberish.

‘I haven’t really spoken to him from the turn of the year due to his behaviour.’

Mr Steele lives in a smart, gated block of apartments, in south-east London

He is understood to work for S&S Steel Fixing Limited, a family-owned business

Mr Steele, above, lives in a smart, gated block of apartments, in south-east London and is understood to work for S&S Steel Fixing Limited, a family-owned business

The friend said that Mr Steele sometimes attends Arsenal home games at the Emirates and used to play football himself in Honor Oak Park in South London.

Meanwhile, a neighbour who lives close to his block of flats in Mottingham said she had seen Mr Steele going in and out of the building.

Another local resident told MailOnline: ‘Billy isn’t the most popular of residents in the flats. He drinks quite a bit.

‘He hasn’t been seen since the weekend. Nobody knows where he is or how badly he was hurt after being punched.’

The British Transport Police say they are now investigating the incident on the train, which was filmed on Saturday by other passengers on their phones.

A spokesman for British Transport Police said: ‘We are aware of two videos on social media showing an incident on a Central Line Underground train on 15 August.

‘Enquiries are ongoing, and any witnesses or anyone with information is asked to contact BTP.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk