Whole30 fans slam Kelly Ripa’s attitude to eating plan

Kelly Ripa is famed for her wise-cracking ways on her hit morning show Live with Kelly and Ryan.

But the 46-year-old TV host found herself in hot water with fans of the Whole30 eating plan, after founder Melissa Hartwig, 43, appeared on her hit morning show on Monday morning.

As part of the show’s JanYOUary initiative, Whole30 founder Hartwig, who hails from New Hampshire, was invited on for a food-focused segment to discuss her popular healthy eating plan and detail exactly which foods need to be avoided for the duration of the 30 days.


Controversy: Whole30 founder Melissa Hartwig appeared on Live with Kelly and Ryan on Monday morning as part of the show’s JanYOUary initiative

Hard to swallow: Whole30 fans took to social media to express their outrage at Ripa's 'obnoxious' attitude, saying she disrespected Hartwig during the segment by calling it a 'diet' 

Hard to swallow: Whole30 fans took to social media to express their outrage at Ripa’s ‘obnoxious’ attitude, saying she disrespected Hartwig during the segment by calling it a ‘diet’ 

Snack attack: Ripa also chowed down on Fritos during the slot, even though they were only being displayed in order to highlight how unhealthy they are

Snack attack: Ripa also chowed down on Fritos during the slot, even though they were only being displayed in order to highlight how unhealthy they are

Munchies: At one point Ripa threw her head back as she enjoyed her mouthful of chips 

Munchies: At one point Ripa threw her head back as she enjoyed her mouthful of chips 

Starting the interview, Kelly referenced a plate of baked goods on display and said, ‘Right away, here we go, I am staring at everything I love to eat’. 

Unphased, Melissa quickly explained the premise of Whole30, noting that it is a 30-day elimination plan that follows many of the same principles of the Paleo diet (no grains, dairy, legumes, sugar or processed foods), and is intended to ensure its followers are eating a balanced diet throughout.

Melissa also detailed how Whole30 removes foods that are problematic for digestion from the equation.

‘You’re just going to pull them out for 30 days so you can see what happens to your energy, mood, attention span, focus, cravings, and then you add them back in and compare your experience,’ she said.  

Melissa, a trained nutritionist, has been following the plan since she created it in 2009.   

But for Kelly, the idea of giving up so many of her favorite foods seemed to be a real sticking point; picking up a bowl of granola, for example, Kelly couldn’t help but admit that she loves to eat the sweet treat – just as Melissa revealed all grains are actually forbidden on her plan. 

Next, comparing lunch options, Melissa contrasted the kind of prohibited processed deli sandwich with a Whole30-approved slow-cooked chicken wrap, which Kelly seemed pretty happy with. 

However, when Melissa moved onto snacks, and tried to explain how bad Fritos and cheese dip are, Kelly seemed to ignore what she was saying and couldn’t help herself from snatching some of the chips from the plate, throwing her head back in enjoyment as she chowed down on the contraband snack.

For her part, Melissa seemed to take the incident in her stride, joking that that once you start eating Fritos it’s hard to stop, prompting Kelly to agree while laughing.

However, fans of the plan failed to see the funny side and have taken to social media to express their anger at Ripa’s apparent lack of respect for her guest and the Whole30 program itself, forcing Melissa to address their complaints on social media.

Taking to Instagram after the show, Melissa posted a picture of herself posing with Ripa and in the accompanying caption wrote: ‘This morning I spent 4-1/2 minutes on the @livekellyandryan show talking @whole30. 

‘And they kept calling it a “diet,” and you keep sending me DMs wishing they wouldn’t.’

She continued: ‘I get it. Thank you for your fierce loyalty to the spirit of the Whole30. But in a 4-minutes segment broadcast to 10 million people, “diet” translates and attention-grabs in a way that “reset” or “program” doesn’t. 

Outrage: Fans of the Whole30 plan were quick to hit out at the TV host on social media 

Outrage: Fans of the Whole30 plan were quick to hit out at the TV host on social media 

Ignorant: Some fans thought Kelly had a bad attitude towards her guest 

Ignorant: Some fans thought Kelly had a bad attitude towards her guest 

Frito fury: Lots of people were most annoyed that she ate the Frito chip while founder Melissa tried to explain how unhealthy they are 

Frito fury: Lots of people were most annoyed that she ate the Frito chip while founder Melissa tried to explain how unhealthy they are 

Rude: Another Whole30 advocate said it was unfortunate Ripa didn't take the segment seriously 

Rude: Another Whole30 advocate said it was unfortunate Ripa didn’t take the segment seriously 

Respect: Another Instagram follower suggested trying to cram all the information into a short TV slot was never going to work 

Respect: Another Instagram follower suggested trying to cram all the information into a short TV slot was never going to work 

‘I don’t object to them doing it. I got my talking points in (it’s a 30-day elimination and reintroduction; it’s all about how you feel; whole, real foods; zero mention of weight loss), and they featured the food, website, and books.’

Yet despite her measured tone and lack of ill-will towards Ripa’s manner during the TV segment, Whole30 advocates were quick to respond in the comments section with some calling the petite blonde, ‘obnoxious’, and saying she was disrespectful.  

Instagram user @ mo_word wrote: ‘I saw the segment and cringed at a variety of things but you did GREAT at redirecting the conversation and repeating it’s ‘only’ 30 days. The most cringe worthy was when Kelly said its a diet where you eat only 30 types of food! Hahahaha’. 

And @aedegs typed: ‘I️ was thinking the same thing & she said it was about eating the same 30 foods. Ummmm nope! Ps pickles are so fun!! Bring back fun pickles! #funpickles you were great & amazing!’

Instagram fan @christatrejo said: ‘I thought @kellyripa was a little rude this morning. I was disappointed that she seemed to try and make a joke out of every point made. It’s unfortunate that she interrupted you so often and that the point of this being a life style change vs a “diet” could not come through.’

A sentiment shared by @geechi3 who wrote: ‘Just watched the clip. You did the best you possibly could with the limited time you had. The lack of time seems like a disrespect to what you have studied and taught! However I do see your point re: just getting seen and trying to recruit people to this lifestyle. 

‘Maybe this will set you up for a longer segment so you can give whole 30 the respect it deserves. PS: to see Kelly eat the frito and make jokes while you are trying to explain important info was obnoxious.’

The Whole30 lifestyle explained

Whole30 is an elimination plan where participants do not eat certain foods for 30 days and then re-introduce them into their diets to see how they affect the body. 

These include: 

  • No sugar, real or artificial
  • No alcohol, even in cooking
  • No grains, including wheat, rye, barley, oats, quinoa, rice and corn
  • No legumes, including peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and peanuts
  • No dairy, including sheep or goat milk
  • No carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites
  • No ‘treats’, including pancakes made with eggs and bananas or French fries

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