Some celebrities resort to blocking people on Twitter in order to filter out rude, toxic, and even abusive messages. And some are just looking for a digital way to stick their fingers in their ears and say, ‘Na-na na-na na-na, I can’t hear you.’
Whichever might be the case, scores of social media users have come forward to share why they were blocked by stars, recounting their own tweet that caused so much offense.
They called out actors, musicians, athletes, models, and even presidents — or rather, a president — who banned then from accessing their tweets.
Prompt: People are sharing stories of being blocked on social media in response to this tweet

Odd… One was blocked by Rihanna after making a joke about her touching herself

Gross: A woman claims Amy Schumer blocked her after a question about bowel movements

All in this together: High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale apparently did not take kindly do this man’s tweet

In the past? Naomi Campbell does not appreciate being reminded of this incident, for which she had to complete five days of community service and anger management classes

Shh! After Logan Paul came under fire for an insensitive YouTube video, his mother tuned out critics

Cult? It’s widely known that Scientologists ignore outside criticism of the group
‘Naomi Campbell blocked me for mentioning mobile phones and assistant’s heads. Dunno why,’ tweeted British skincare expert Caroline Hirons, referencing the infamous in which the supermodel through her cell phone at her assistant.
‘Amy Schumer blocked me because I told her to admit that the reason she cut a show in Portland, ME short was because she had diarrhea,’ another person shared.
‘Rihanna blocked me cause I said her vagina was haunted and that’s why she always pats it — to get the ghosts out,’ added one more.
One person wrote that actress Kirstie Alley blocked him after he tweeted a GIF from the Simpsons that made fun of Scientology. Another replied that he was blocked by the former Cheers star, too, after tweeting about former Scientologist Leah Remini.
‘Cardi B blocked me because I posted [a] video of her not keeping up with her own flow,’ said one.
One Twitter user who was critical of Logal Paul’s behavior — the YouTuber has recently come under fire for sharing an insensitive video of a suicide victim he stumbled upon — said the star’s mother retaliated.

Out! Camila Cabello said this week that she was hurt by a performance Fifth Harmony did after she left the group

Blocking for Zen: Deepak Chopra didn’t seem ready to hear this person’s criticism

Silenced: When a person blocks someone else on Twitter, that second person can no longer see the first person’s tweets

Negative energy: Cardi B seemed not to like having mistakes rubbed in her face

Stirring up trouble! This rabble-rouser was blocked by both Karruche Tran and Azealia Banks

Quiet: English rapper Monie Love didn’t like being singled out
‘LOGAN PAUL’S MOM BLOCKED ME FOR TELLING HER TO HOLD HER SONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS,’ she wore. ‘No wonder Logan and [his brother] Jake both are sociopathic monsters. They learned from the best.’
‘Ashley Tisdale blocked me when I called her out for an all lives matter tweet by saying that’s why Troy chose Gabriella,’ said another person.
A Fifth harmony fan said that she once shared an image from the band’s performance immediately after Camila Cabello left the group, calling it ‘legendary’. Soon after, Camila blocked her.
‘I told Deepak Chopra he was spouting nonsense,’ wrote yet another. ‘He said “You’re not being very Zen.” I said “Zen is the name of my cat.”‘
‘Karrueche blocked me because I told her no one wanted her cheap lipstick,’ one woman wrote. ‘And Azealia Banks blocked me because I wouldn’t stop expressing how much I dislike her.’
There have also been quite a few people who have been blocked by both celebrities and politicians for political reasons.

Apple, tree: While her father is known for blocking critics, it seems Ivanka Trump does as well

Celebrities like Roseanne Barr have also blocked people for disagreeing with their opinions

Left and right: The Green Party’s Jill Stein did not appreciate being compared to Ann Coulter

This person has been blocked by quite a few famous names, likely for political reasons (as they include Greta Van Susteren, Ann Coulter, and Scott Baio)

No more from you! Scott Baio, a vocal Republican, has also blocked critics

Presidential? Quite a few people claimed to have been blocked by Donald Trump
‘It’s Seth Rogen’s fault,’ charged one. ‘He made a comment about Ivanka that I retweeted and added to and she blocked me — a social worker in Tulsa, just a guy.’
‘I referred to @ScottBaio’s Trump sock as his “jerk sock,”‘ tweeted one more.
‘Jill Stein tweeted something entirely nasty & not quite literate. I respond-tweeted that I had thought better of the Green Party, but she was clearly the Ann Coulter of the Far Left. Boom! Blocked!’
Finally, there are plenty who admitted to having been blocked by Donald Trump.
‘Donald Trump Blocked me because I said eating spoonfuls of Miracle Whip has a higher approval rating than he does,’ one recalled.
‘Donald Trump blocked me because I — in middle school — relentlessly posted snarky replies to his tweets,’ wrote a young man who is now in college.
Others added: ‘Donald Trump blocked me 2 years ago when I pointed out his ties are made in China.’
‘US President Donald Trump blocked me because he shared an infographic I made about wind turbine syndrome without realizing I was debunking it, not supporting it.’