Why Does Immigration Law Matter?

Immigrating to a new place is a whole new experience. It sometimes indicates a new life and fresh start for immigrants, who may not know what the new experience has in store for them.

As someone planning to migrate, you will contribute to the economy, fill in labor gaps, spend money on housing, and pay taxes. With these, it only makes sense that some laws are put in place to protect and make lives easy for immigrants.

If you plan to move or have already moved, familiarizing yourself with immigration laws is important. However, before that, it’s good to know why immigration law matters. Let’s ask Pasadena Immigration Lawyers to outline a few important points to note.

Why immigration law matters

Immigration laws are statutes, regulations, and legal precedents that govern any immigration-related issues. And basically, that’s why they exist, to cover issues relating to immigration. Here’s a breakdown of why immigration laws matter.

Serves as a country’s gatekeeper

One of the reasons immigration laws matter is because they serve as the gatekeepers for the country’s border, determining who enters or exits, how long they stay, and when they must leave.

That helps contribute to order in the country and ensures that both the lives of the citizens and immigrants are not put in danger.

Therefore, immigration laws determine how immigrants qualify for a visa and what type of visa entry they get into the country. This is why you must acquaint yourself with immigration laws to determine whether your application is in line with it, and there’s no reason for denial.

Determine who is an alien

Immigration laws also help to determine who is an alien in the country. Being an alien means you’re not a citizen of the country, whether you’re a resident, non-resident, asylee, refugee, or immigrant.

It simply means you’re not a US national and are without US citizenship. However, there are immigration processes and laws regarding how an alien can get citizenship in line with the requirements of immigration laws.

Therefore, immigration laws help you understand where you stand as an alien in the country and guide you through transitioning into a US resident or citizen.

Covers how aliens can become naturalized citizens

Immigration laws exist to help immigrants fulfill their desire to become naturalized citizens.

There have to be rules put in place to ensure this isn’t accessible to just anybody. These rules include an age criterion, passing an English literacy test, residence in the U.S. for a minimum of five years, demonstrating good moral character, and more.

Naturalization is only available to some, and you must meet all the criteria.

With the laws, you get a fair shot at becoming a naturalized US citizen, provided that you meet the rules. If you’re unsure about your eligibility, you can speak to an immigration lawyer close to you or read up more on it.

It determines how aliens gain residence

Immigrants vary from one another; some are residents, refugees, asylees, or a non-resident. After a while, an alien can gain residence in the US, meaning they are lawful permanent residents but not American citizens.

To become a resident, you must pass a substantial presence test and possess a green card. Immigration law separates immigrant residents in the US into permanent residents, conditional residents, and returning residents.

Furthermore, the law helps you determine which category you fall into and what to do regarding any applications.

In addition, you can better understand what concerns you and your roles and responsibilities in the country, so you don’t fall short of any, putting you at risk of losing your residency.

How does immigration law concern you?

Four ideals govern the United States immigration; unifying families that have been dispersed, bringing foreign nationals who have skills to contribute to the US economy, protecting refugees and people at risk, and increasing diversity.

With all these in mind, it’s only fitting that there are laws in place to protect both immigrants and citizens. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with immigration laws and know a few immigration lawyers you can speak to regarding immigration issues.

Generally, immigration laws concern you as an immigrant, and here’s how:

You plan to move to the US

US immigration laws concern you if you plan to move to the US. Knowing the laws will help you understand the whole immigration process, where to start, the visa options available to you, and your responsibility as a resident alien in the country.

You must know the laws regarding your move and how to meet the necessary criteria. While it’s important to acquaint yourself with US immigration laws, you may also need an immigration attorney to make it easy.

You’re going through the immigration process

Immigration processes are not easy, whether you’re considering immigrating to the US, applying for citizenship, or going through any immigration process. Different laws apply to all processes, and knowing about them will make things easier for you and guide you on what to do.

However, if you’re unsure of what to do even after knowing the laws regarding your case, speaking to an immigration attorney is always a good option.

You’re facing deportation

Immigration laws guide your responsibilities as a resident in the country, and violating them may put you at risk for deportation.

Generally, you’re likely to face deportation if you violate the terms of your immigration status and if you commit aggravated felonies or crimes that involve moral turpitude.

Familiarizing yourself with the laws can help you know what steps to take regarding your situation. You may also hire an immigration attorney if you’re in this situation.


Immigration laws are necessary to guide how immigrants behave and to protect them as aliens in the country. It is important that, as an immigrant, you familiarize yourself with these laws, irrespective of your immigrant status or whether you have moved to the US yet.

Furthermore, you should also hire an immigration lawyer so you can reach out when you’re unsure about situations that concern you as an immigrant.