Why Insulin Is the Preferred Treatment for Diabetes Over Oral Medication

Insulin has long been known as the gold standard of diabetes treatment, but why is it so much better than oral medicine? For those living with diabetes, understanding the benefits of insulin treatment can be a life-changing decision.

Insulin is often recommended over oral medication because it provides improved glucose control, a lower risk of long-term complications, and a reduced risk of hypoglycemia. This article will provide an in-depth look at how insulin is a better choice for treating diabetes than oral medication.

Improved Glucose Control With Insulin Treatment For Diabetes

Insulin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body, and it helps to regulate blood glucose levels. When people with diabetes take insulin injections, they can better control their glucose levels than when taking oral medicines.

Insulin treatments for diabetes can help to lower high blood sugar levels more quickly than oral medicine, which can improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing serious complications associated with diabetes.

Studies have shown that insulin therapy has better long-term effects on diabetes control than oral medication.

For example, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at patients with type 1 diabetes who were treated with multiple daily insulin injections compared to those receiving oral medications.

They found that people using insulin therapy had significantly lower blood sugar levels over the course of one year than those taking oral medications.

For all these reasons, it is clear that people living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are much better off using insulin therapy from CanadianInsulin online pharmacy as opposed to relying solely on oral medication for their condition.

Insulin treatments provide consistently better glucose control over time and help reduce the risk of developing dangerous complications associated with poor glycemic control while minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia.

Lower Risk of Complications With Insulin Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes can cause a variety of serious health complications, including vision loss, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and nerve damage.

Long-term use of oral medications for diabetes can increase the risk of these complications. Insulin is a much safer option than oral medications when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of complications.

Insulin treatment provides more control over glucose levels than oral medicines because it works directly on the pancreas to produce and release insulin into the bloodstream. This helps regulate the amount of sugar in the blood more accurately and consistently than oral medications can.

Additionally, it allows for greater customization of treatment plans based on individual needs, as more insulin can be released if needed compared to taking a fixed dose of an oral medication which may not always provide enough coverage.

Moreover, insulin therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of long-term complications from diabetes because it helps keep glucose levels under better control than other treatments do.

In studies comparing people with diabetes who are treated with insulin versus those who are treated with oral medications such as metformin or sulfonylureas, those who took insulin had lower rates of diabetic retinopathy (a common cause of vision loss), nephropathy (kidney disease), and cardiovascular disease (heart attack or stroke).

Reduced Risk of Hypoglycemia With Insulin Treatment For Diabetes than with Oral Medicine

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a common and serious complication of diabetes.

When blood sugar levels drop too low, it can lead to confusion, seizures, and even coma. Oral medications used to treat diabetes can increase the risk of developing hypoglycemia since they are not as precise in controlling glucose levels as insulin.

Insulin treatment for diabetes has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia compared to oral medication.

This is because insulin enters the bloodstream immediately upon administration and helps keep blood sugar levels in check by quickly clearing excess glucose from the body.

Insulin also works independently of other hormones that may affect glucose regulation such as glucagon and epinephrine. In contrast, oral medications require digestion before entering the bloodstream which delays their action and increases the duration over which glucose is regulated.

Overall, using insulin instead of oral medications for diabetes offers a significant advantage in terms of reducing one’s risk of developing hypoglycemia when compared to oral medication alone.

By providing precise control over glucose regulation without exceeding safe limits, insulin can help people with diabetes maintain stable blood sugar levels while avoiding dangerous drops in their blood sugar that could result in serious complications or even death.


Insulin is universally recognized as the best treatment option for diabetes when compared to oral medicine.

Insulin is highly effective in controlling glucose levels in the bloodstream, reducing the risk of hypoglycemia, and decreasing the chances of long-term complications associated with diabetes.

Additionally, insulin treatment also offers improved glycemic control over oral medicines and a lower risk of potentially dangerous side effects. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that insulin is a much better choice than oral medicines when it comes to treating diabetes.