Why Many Businesses Choose To Use SponsoredLinX

The search for businesses that can help you streamline your online activities can be fruitful if you know where to look. There are some companies that can provide you with some of the solutions you are looking for. However, there are others that are going to be much more difficult to locate. For example, you may manage all of your advertising campaigns by logging into each individual website. You could also try to guess and see which campaigns are doing their best. However, it’s better to have applications or software programs that can deliver this information on a continuous basis. For these reasons, and many more, people use SponsoredLinX.

Why You Should Consider Using SponsoredLinX

this is one of the leading software marketing companies that has produced exceptional apps and software programs over the years. They currently are marketing five of the top programs in the industry that can help entrepreneurs become more successful. If you spend a great deal of time monitoring your campaigns or looking at where your rankings are, this is about to change. It is because of the software and apps that they have developed that many people have been able to take their business to higher levels of profitability.

What Types Of Apps Do They Have?

The apps that they have available include LinX App which is an outstanding application. You can use this on your phone. Simply load the application, enter in all of your login details, and then it will analyze your Google and Facebook campaigns that you currently have running right now. This will save you a considerable amount of time because all of the information that you need will literally be in your pocket. If you want to analyze how your campaigns are going, you can use ERICA. This is simply an acronym that represents how it is evaluating the results in your client accounts. There is also Ad Advisor which takes human error out of the equation. It will allow you to identify problematic areas. You can also log into Client Panel which has a very comprehensive dashboard that is easy to use and will manage your search engine optimization statistics, Google Ads campaigns, and provide you with percentages and ranking reports.

What Else Do They Have Available?

There is one other software that they have developed called Convertopages. What this will do is produce high converting PPC landing pages. These are designed to help you improve the number of leads you can generate. They have proven layouts which are designed to help you get the click. In fact, whatever action you would like your visitor to take, they will have a template for that purpose. It’s also easy to modify templates to ensure that you have full control over the marketing that you are doing today.

SponsoredLinX is a business that is at the forefront of all things related to Internet marketing. From making it easier to monitor your advertising campaigns, to your rankings on the search engines, they know what they are doing. Being able to identify problems using their software is just one of the many benefits that they can provide. Best of all, all of this is constantly updated, accommodating for changes that will happen from time to time. If you would like more information about these outstanding products from this company, visit their website today.