Why Rev Philip Clements gave life savings to male model

Flamboyantly dressed and extravagantly coiffured, 24-year-old Florin Marin showed a TV crew around his luxury apartment in the Romanian capital, Bucharest.

Newly built, it had cost the best part of £100,000 and, as the tour quickly revealed, was something of a shrine to the young man’s free-spending lifestyle.

First up was the sitting room, complete with a cabinet displaying his favourite shoes and designer leather bags. Beside them was an array of jewellery including, bizarrely, a silver tiara bought for him as a present while holidaying in Greece. He proudly revealed it had cost £2,500.

Moving on towards the bedroom, the camera lingered over a wall of photographs — all of Florin, naturally — before heading to a bathroom overflowing with his expensive cosmetic products.


Philip Clements, 79, a retired vicar with Florin Marin, 24, on their wedding day. The pair wed to make a stance against Church of England rules that bar clergymen from same-sex marriage

But eagle-eyed viewers would have noticed a handful of other photographs dotted around the flat. These featured a much older male, dressed in clerical robes.

That man is the Reverend Philip Clements, 79, a retired British vicar. He is the main reason Florin was able to live the lifestyle so brazenly flaunted in front of that Romanian television crew.

Despite the 54-year age difference and their very different upbringings, the pair got married last April in a ceremony in Ramsgate, Kent.

Mr Clements’ friends and family had begged him not to do it, warning that Florin was simply after the older man’s money.

But he ignored them, saying that after meeting the Romanian on a dating website two years ago, he had ‘learnt to live again’.

As for Florin, he said he preferred older men: ‘From the young people I have dated in the past, I have learned nothing.’

But fast forward eight months and if anyone has learned a lesson it is Mr Clements. And a very painful lesson at that.

Because not only is the marriage over but the retired cleric has been left virtually penniless.

The Mail can reveal he blew so much money wooing the young Romanian — £100,000 was spent on business-class flights, foreign holidays, jewellery and designer gear — that Barclays froze his bank account and the police were called in to investigate.

But having assured them all was well, Mr Clements then sold his home in England and used the last of his money to buy that apartment in Bucharest.

Once married, he signed the property over to Florin.

The idea was that if something happened to him, his husband would have some financial security. What Mr Clements had not anticipated was that the marriage would last only months.

Now back in England, he is living in a granny-flat provided at a peppercorn rent by an old friend. He sold his car to fund his move and can’t afford even to have his winter jumpers sent back from Romania. The two pet cats he took with him to Romania have gone missing.

Meanwhile, Florin continues to flaunt his newfound wealth — he recently pawned his wedding ring — while revelling in the ‘celebrity’ his brief marriage has brought him in his homeland. It is claimed he also has a new boyfriend, a Spaniard who is in his late 40s.

After Mr Clements sold his home in Eastry, he found himself homeless when returning to England as he used the last of his money to buy an apartment in Bucharest

After Mr Clements sold his home in Eastry, he found himself homeless when returning to England as he used the last of his money to buy an apartment in Bucharest

This man, he has boasted, is ‘more wealthy than Philip’.

For his sake, one can only hope that he is also more streetwise.

Because, as Mr Clements revealed when we met earlier this week in Dover in a café close to his new home, nothing in his life had prepared him for the events of the past few years.

One of four sons born into an Army family, he was educated at grammar school in Kent, studied theology at King’s College, London and was then ordained at Canterbury Cathedral. 

For the next two decades he worked as a chaplain at a number of boarding schools, Lancing College among them. He then spent nine years as a vicar at two parishes in East Sussex, before retiring aged 60 in 1999, although he continued to officiate at services for many years to come.

While he had long known he was gay, Mr Clements says he had only a few, brief, relationships with men following his retirement. Then, in 2015, he came across Florin’s profile on an online dating website.

‘He caught my attention,’ says Mr Clements, a gently spoken man who has in the past undergone a number of operations on his heart. ‘So I made contact.’

At the time, Florin was working as a chef at a pub in Buckinghamshire, having travelled to Britain to find work.

Mr Clements, who was a priest for 50 years before coming out as gay, now lives in a granny flat provided by a friend after being left homeless

Mr Clements, who was a priest for 50 years before coming out as gay, now lives in a granny flat provided by a friend after being left homeless

They met up and, Mr Clements says, enjoyed each other’s company.

But what about the age gap?

‘Florin said it didn’t matter because he liked older men,’ he says. ‘Obviously, I was flattered. Of course, we had our differences but we seemed to get on well.’

So well, in fact, that in mid-2016, the younger man gave up his job and moved into Mr Clements’ £215,000 home in Sandwich, Kent.

Mr Clements admits he realised from the start that the way to his lover’s heart was via his wallet.

Reverand Clements, left, and Mr Marin married at a ceremony in Ramsgate in April this year - they split up five months later

Reverand Clements, left, and Mr Marin married at a ceremony in Ramsgate in April this year – they split up five months later

The working class Romanian grew up in a village 50 miles from Bucharest. His mother works in a factory while his father retired through ill-health.

Florin always dreamed of a different life. A keen singer, he had set his heart on a showbusiness or TV career.

‘I helped him learn to drive, we went to the theatre, to the cinema and did lots of shopping,’ recalls Mr Clements today.

‘He loved shopping and was always very pleased when I bought things for him.’

The couple talked about buying a flat in Romania, and so Mr Clements took out £100,000 in equity from his mortgage-free property in Kent. But they could not find anything they wanted to buy — and the money did not last long in his bank account.

Mr Clements, right, returned to Britain in September following their split. Despite being left penniless, he said the male model, left, never pressured him to spend money

Mr Clements, right, returned to Britain in September following their split. Despite being left penniless, he said the male model, left, never pressured him to spend money

‘That was the big mistake really,’ says Mr Clements. ‘We got through a lot of money. I was, of course, over-generous and he had very extravagant tastes.’

But Mr Clements refuses to pin all the blame on Florin — saying he does not want to ‘blacken’ his name. This enduring loyalty is a continuing theme during our conversation.

He adds: ‘He never put pressure on me to spend money on him. I just wanted to because I was very fond of him. I’m not sure how genuine his affection for me was.’

But friends and family were shocked by how much Mr Clements was spending.

His 68-year-old brother, Tony, repeatedly warned him that his relationship with Florin was not a healthy one.

Tony told the Mail: ‘He would say: “I don’t know how many years I’ve got left. I want to live life to the full.” I kept telling him: “Don’t be a bloody fool.” But it was all about this Florin. Philip didn’t seem to care about anyone else.’

And so there were holidays to Greece, Turkey and Spain. Within a year, the money had gone. At one point, in late 2016, Mr Clements’ bank account was frozen.

Retired reverend Philip Clements, 79, said he had no idea his 24-year-old spouse already had a new boyfriend

Florin has a new boyfriend, a Spaniard by the name of Jeronimo Jesus de Vega

Pictured: The pair married in April (left)  but had split up only five months later with Florin meeting with a wealthy Spanish businessman just weeks later (pictured together, right)

He received a visit at home from two police officers who were investigating whether all the spending on the account had been authorised by him.

Mr Clements tells me Florin had his bank card number and would use it to book holidays.

‘I checked the bank statement and could find a reason for every item,’ he says. ‘I don’t think he was being dishonest. He has protested his innocence and I wanted to believe he was not taking money from me. So I told the police I did not want them to make further investigations.

‘It was partly my fault these other people became suspicious. I regret I allowed that to happen.’

Mr Clements then sold his house and the couple used the cash to buy a two-bedroom flat in Bucharest and set up home there.

Mr Marin, left and Rev Clements, centre  split up because the young model like to go partying

Mr Marin, left and Rev Clements, centre  split up because the young model like to go partying

Not long after, they decided to marry. Because same-sex marriage is illegal in Romania, the ceremony had to take place in the UK.

Unsurprisingly, when word spread that a retired vicar was to wed a Romanian young enough to be his grandson, it was quickly picked up by the media. Viewing footage and photos from the ceremony in April, the differing reactions of the two men are striking. While Mr Clements’ delight is obvious for all to see, Florin’s ‘cold’ pose has been described as being ‘as loving as a dead cod’ by one onlooker.

Married and back in Bucharest, Florin made the most of his newfound notoriety, appearing on television shows with his new husband to milk his moment in the spotlight.

But within months, stories appeared in the Romanian press that all was not well between the couple. Unable to speak the language, Mr Clements was lonely. He was not helped by Florin, who kept hours that simply did not suit a septuagenarian. ‘He went out clubbing and would come back at 5am,’ said Mr Clements. ‘He said I was too old to go with him.

Mr Marin and Mr Clements, met online three years ago and got married in Kent in April last year. Florin was described to look 'as loving as a dead cod' in their wedding photos

Mr Marin and Mr Clements, met online three years ago and got married in Kent in April last year. Florin was described to look ‘as loving as a dead cod’ in their wedding photos

‘This got more frequent as time went on, and he would then sleep until two in the afternoon. If I woke him accidentally, he would get really cross with me. He tends to fly off the handle.’

But, as ever, it seems Mr Clements ignored the red warning signs. During one of the ‘good’ moments in their relationship, he decided to sign the flat over to Florin.

Did he request that, I ask?

‘He suggested it,’ he says. ‘But, again, he didn’t put pressure on me. I was so full of affection for him that I wanted to do things to please him. And he was pleased when money was being spent on him. Even at the time I realised that. But I just enjoyed the pleasure it gave him and it changed his mood towards me when I was buying him things.’

This time the good mood was short-lived. Weeks later, in September, there was a final showdown. Again the flashpoint came when Mr Clements woke Florin from his afternoon slumbers.

Mr Marin has enjoyed celebrity in his country and appeared on Romanian TV to discuss the need for cosmetic facial treatments

Mr Marin has enjoyed celebrity in his country and appeared on Romanian TV to discuss the need for cosmetic facial treatments

‘He got very angry — disproportionately angry — when I woke him up,’ he says. ‘He then said that was it and we can’t have any relationship. He was so hard on me that day that I said to him: “There is no future.” I was very unhappy.

‘I said “Book me a flight” and two or three weeks later I came back to England.’

Since then, Mr Clements has been relying on the charity of friends for somewhere to stay.

They have all urged him to ask Florin to hand back the flat, which Florin is now renting out. But Philip says he can’t afford the legal fees this could involve.

And, incredible though it may sound, he clearly still believes the relationship may not be over. Two weeks ago, Florin visited him in England — ‘we had a good time, a nice time’ — and they discussed the possibility of purchasing a small flat in England. Quite how they’d afford it is unclear.

Mr Marin, left, now claims to have found love with wealthy Spanish businessman Jeronimo Jesus de Vega, right

Mr Marin, left, now claims to have found love with wealthy Spanish businessman Jeronimo Jesus de Vega, right

But since then, stories have emerged claiming that Florin has a new boyfriend, a Spaniard by the name of Jeronimo Jesus de Vega.

Reports in the Romanian press quoted Florin saying that they had met via Facebook.

Florin said: ‘He wasn’t disturbed by the fact that I like money. He has given me the latest iPhone.’

Mr Clements says Florin has denied that the Spaniard is his boyfriend — leaving him ‘more confused than ever’.

When the Daily Mail contacted Florin to try to clear up the matter, he replied saying: ‘£50,000 and I will speak.’ (Senor de Vega also declined to comment.)

So does Mr Clements regret what he has done?

‘Yes, of course,’ he says. ‘I have lost my house. I’ve lost a lot of money. I have lost so much.’

He wants to warn people to be careful who to trust, particularly if meeting them on the internet.

‘If people would learn from my mistakes that is what I would like — not to get into the same sort of mess as I have,’ he says.

Though whether he has himself learned from his own mistakes, only time will tell.


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