Why you should play the “Escape from Tarkov” in 2023

Escape from Tarkov level games are full-fledged simulations with the need to survive and comply with all the laws of physics regarding shooting and combat techniques in order to succeed.

Players come to Tarkov to play alone or with friends and plunge into the gloomy atmosphere of a global conflict, which is implemented by the hands of private military campaigns in a small patch of territories called Tarkov.

Escape from Tarkov is a project in which you need to level up and get yourself equipment and weapons. There is always a risk that you will die and lose everything that was found in previous adventures.

If it is difficult for you to get equipment for yourself and you do not have enough money for weapons and accessories, and opponents often kill you, do not rush to leave an interesting tactical project.

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Why you should play Escape from Tarkov

  • If you like realistic simulations.
  • If you enjoy solving difficult problems.
  • Love to hunt and look for useful supplies.
  • If you want to play in a squad.

If you like realistic simulations

A simulator is a game, or environment, as close as possible to real experience in a similar situation in real life. When it comes to military simulators, this is realistic ballistics of bullets and shells, grenade damage, and recoil when firing.

The fighter also moves at a realistic speed – no jumps in full equipment, change of position, fatigue, and trembling of the sight. When wounded, accuracy will decrease and hands will tremble, and without medical assistance, the soldier will die from blood loss.

You will only be able to carry a certain item limit and total weight. The need for medicines and bandages in case of injury will be especially important. You should wear body armor, a helmet, and other military equipment to reduce the chance of death from bullets.

All the military will use walkie-talkies for negotiations. PMC Terra will speak and communicate in English, and PMC Bear in Russian.

If you enjoy solving difficult problems

You will have to solve all the questions and problems related to the equipment yourself.

You need to be able to get yourself not only a good assault and sniper rifle but also sights for them, fire stabilization handles, an enlarged magazine for cartridges, new shoulder stocks, and a large supply of cartridges.

Tarkov’s main concept is based on constant battles between PMC representatives and bandits, and each combat exit must be planned to take into account the high probability of a military clash.

Things are easier with bandits – they are local vagrants with poor-quality light weapons with outdated cartridges, but in large numbers, they can be dangerous. You will plan raids and combat sorties, which must be planned in advance.

Plan in terms of studying the map, remembering the route and places to enter and exit from the location, and inspect potential places where enemies and bandits gather.

Your main task is to enter the territory, if possible, without engaging in battle, get more cartridges, and accessories for weapons, and leave the location.

If you wish, you can rent a wild one – become a neutral bandit for a while and collect everything you need without the risk of losing the main character.

Love to hunt and look for useful supplies

You can go to raids and combat sorties in two ways.

Take full equipment and have fun shooting enemy PMCs, killing bandits and collecting useful equipment and weapons from them, and at the same time practicing shooting

Take a neutral character who is not touched by other bandits and try to take out as much as possible from the game location. You can still be killed by PMCs, but if you die, you will only lose what you got during the raid, and not your equipment.

At the start of the lease, you will be given random equipment of lousy quality – from the characteristics of the weapon, to only that it shoots. By trusting the faction of merchants, you can improve the basic equipment given out.

If you want to play in a squad

Escape from Tarkov is, first of all, communication and teamwork. In a combat simulation where it all comes down to shooting accuracy, movement tactics, and combat, the role of the team cannot be overestimated.

It is more interesting to play as a battle group – you enter the territory and buildings, learn to communicate, work out the technique of combat and position control, and learn to keep corners and rear.

A comrade will always cover you during reloading and in case of injuries. The suppressive fire system is much more effective than the shooting process itself – when the enemy hid and cannot get out of cover, and this can only be achieved in the actions of the detachment.

If you love trading

Trading is an integral part of any social game, and Escape from Tarkov is no exception.

There are always players who don’t like shooting, but like to play a significant role in the server economy.

Be the player from whom you can buy rare and useful items, weapons, and ammo. If you often travel around Tarkov, you know well all the locations and places where random loot is updated, then you can quite claim to be a successful merchant.

You just need to be able to fully stock up on inventory and take everything found to the base in order to then sell the loot to players or local NPCs.

For interacting with merchants from among the NPCs, you will not only increase the level of trust with them and will receive more profitable tasks and rewards, but you will also be able to sell them all unnecessary drops, exchanging them for game currency.

So, the nurse will not only sell you bandages and first aid kits but will also buy up all the interior items that you can get. Besides her, none of the NPCs need these items, and you have a good reason to make money.


Escape from Tarkov is a realistic military simulation game that requires survival skills and adherence to the laws of physics to succeed. The game is rewarding and offers a unique gaming experience to those who enjoy realistic simulations and solving difficult problems.