Wife who exposed her husband as a bigamist after 17-year marriage wins their £650,000 Wirral home

A nurse who exposed her husband as a bigamist after 17 years of marriage has won their £650,000 marital home back from him.

Yvonne Gibney and oil contract manager Maurice began spending long periods apart after he got an oil job in the Gulf state of Oman.

But she was upset when Maurice starting coming up with excuses to get out of visiting her and their sons.

WHIRLWIND ROMANCE: Yvonne and Maurice Gibney on their wedding day, 11 weeks after they first met

Yvonne has been awarded their £650,000 home in Hoylake, on the Wirral, by a court who ruled their marriage was 'built on lies'

Yvonne has been awarded their £650,000 home in Hoylake, on the Wirral, by a court who ruled their marriage was ‘built on lies’

The couple bought the property in 2001 three years after they welcomed their son Seb into the world

The couple bought the property in 2001 three years after they welcomed their son Seb into the world

Then Yvonne scrolled through Facebook one night on her computer screen at home in the Wirral and saw images of her husband marrying another woman, Suzanne Prudhoe.

She said her throat tightened, her mouth went dry and her hands began to shake.

Because she knew that the man in the photographs exchanging looks of what seems to be pure adoration was already married. To her.

Indeed, the pictures came as shocking proof that 53-year-old Maurice, the man she called her husband, had woven an extraordinary web of lies, deceiving not only his wife of 17 years, but lying to his son and duping his own family into taking part in what she now describes as a ‘pantomime’.

BETRAYED: Yvonne with her wedding album, she says Gibney has never said 'sorry - he's cold and narcissistic'

BETRAYED: Yvonne with her wedding album, she says Gibney has never said ‘sorry – he’s cold and narcissistic’

In 2014 Maurice Gibney was convicted as a bigamist by a court in the Wirral and given a six-month suspended sentence. 

Yvonne, a 58-year-old senior nurse-practitioner, met Maurice in Nigeria in 1995.

She was working as a nursing officer at the British High Commission when she met him at a club in Lagos.

The couple bought a £650,000 house in Hoylake, on the Wirral, in 2001 as a family home after she gave birth to their son, Seb, in 1998. 

But within a year they returned to work in a different part of Nigeria until 2006, when Yvonne and the boys returned to Britain.

Maurice continued to work abroad – in Nigeria, Japan, France and Norway – flying home whenever he could. Yvonne had no cause to question his fidelity. ‘We were used to spending time apart. It suited us. We’re both pretty independent people and I trusted him.’

DOUBLE LIFE: Gibney and Suzanne Prudhoe at their wedding in the Gulf state of Oman in 2013

DOUBLE LIFE: Gibney and Suzanne Prudhoe at their wedding in the Gulf state of Oman in 2013

Things started to change, however, after her husband took the job in Oman in July 2011. 

Initially, Maurice would return home regularly, and Yvonne went out there in the August to celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary. 

‘He was working most of the time but I was happy on the beach and looking around the souks. We went for dinners and he bought me a beautiful diamante Islamic veil as a gift.’

But when she and Seb flew out for Christmas that year, Maurice disappeared unexpectedly ‘to work in the desert’, only returning late on December 27. 

Little did Yvonne know that he had actually flown 3,700 miles back to the UK to spend the festive season with Suzanne and her family in Stourbridge, Worcestershire.

‘I later discovered that it was the home of Michelle Mann, Suzanne’s sister.’

Yvonne was convinced her husband was having an affair, but after checking internet sites she concluded that Michelle was living with her husband Philip.

Yvonne (pictured leaving Wirral magistrates court in 2014) has been awarded the pair's £650,000 marital home

Gibney who earns £85,000 tax-free as an oil contractor in Oman, spent £45,000 on his secret wedding

JUSTICE: Yvonne (pictured leaving Wirral magistrates court in 2014) has been awarded the pair’s £650,000 marital home. Gibney (right) who earns £85,000 tax-free as an oil contractor in Oman, spent £45,000 on his secret wedding

By now Yvonne had started divorce proceedings, and during the process uncovered that Maurice had submitted doctored bank statements to a solicitor. 

‘He was trying to conceal the hotel and restaurant bills for his secret trips back to the UK with Suzanne,’ she says. ‘What he didn’t know was that I already had some of the original statements, which had been sent to the house. The Stourbridge connection kept popping up.

‘I went back though all our emails and began to notice discrepancies in the times they were sent. I went to the local computer shop and the owner taught me how to track IP addresses which gives you the location a message has been sent from.’

Armed with this knowledge, Yvonne worked out that not only had he been slipping in and out of Britain, but he had also been on holiday to India and South Africa with Suzanne, all while pretending to be in Oman. 

PAPER WORK: Gibney's wedding certificate to Prudhoe which lists him as being divorced

PAPER WORK: Gibney’s wedding certificate to Prudhoe which lists him as being divorced

‘I could see that he had made three trips back to the UK that I didn’t know about. I couldn’t believe how he lied to us. How could he have called us pretending to be in Oman when he was here?

‘Once I could hear the sea over the phone – he must have been at his sister’s house in Crosby, Merseyside, celebrating Christmas. He also visited his brother and mum in Liverpool because I could track him from his cash machine transactions.

‘In July 2012, he arrived two days after my birthday, and yet he sent me an iPad and a huge bouquet of white lilies and a note which said, “I’m so sorry I can’t be with you on your birthday, yet another birthday apart. I promise I will make up for it soon, I love you so much.”’

As it got closer to the final stages of the divorce in 2013, Yvonne still had a niggling sense there was more to be revealed. 

Pretending to be from the car hire company, she phoned the house in Stourbridge and during the conversation, Philip Mann announced that he was Maurice’s brother-in-law.

Later that day, she called back and spoke to Michelle. ‘I told her the hire company had been in touch and I needed to understand why some man had said he was Maurice’s brother-in-law. She told me, “Because he’s married to my sister.” ’

Holding her face in her hands Yvonne exhales loudly. ‘I can’t tell you how many times I have relived that conversation – especially in the middle of the night. It makes me feel a deep, searing sense of betrayal.’

Suddenly, the image of the fascinator flashed though through Yvonne’s mind. ‘Had he actually gone and committed bigamy? It was too unbelievable. I went to my mother-in-law’s to ask her what she knew,’ says Yvonne. ‘But she said she didn’t know what I was talking about.’

Yvonne now had to find out the identity of Michelle’s sister, and when her Facebook page popped on screen, there was Maurice, holding her tightly around the waist, in a wedding photograph.

PRESENTS: Gibney and Prudhoe's wedding gift tags; the couple married in March 2013

PRESENTS: Gibney and Prudhoe’s wedding gift tags; the couple married in March 2013

Other pictures garnered from the site of an Oman-based photographer provided further hurtful truth. Her worst fears had become a reality.

But she was still left with one outstanding question: ‘Why on earth didn’t he just divorce me?’

In the end, on the advice of her legal team, Yvonne reported the crime to Merseyside CID. ‘While I find it humiliating that my personal life has been exposed in this, it was important for me get the story out.’

Ironically, it is the internet that has been the means for revenge. It is, she says, the only potent weapon she has left. ‘The story has gone viral. I’ve had people get in contact me from all over the world, some who don’t even know me. At least he’s been publicly shamed and everyone now knows what kind of heartless person he really is.’

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