WikiLeaks founder wins High Court bid to appeal extradition to the US

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s five-year battle against extradition to the U.S. for espionage charges continues after he won a last-ditch legal battle to appeal. There were gasps of relief from the Australian’s wife and other supporters in the High Court as Dame Victoria Sharp said she and Mr Justice Johnson had decided they were not satisfied with assurances given by U.S. prosecutors. The judges had last month dismissed most of Assange’s legal arguments but said he would be able to bring an appeal on three grounds unless the U.S. provided ‘satisfactory assurances.’

These were that Assange would be protected by and allowed to rely on the First Amendment, that his trial would not be prejudiced by his nationality and that the death penalty would not be imposed. Dame Victoria told the court they were not satisfied Assange was guaranteed protection under the First Amendment. Speaking outside court, Assange's wife Stella (pictured) said the judges had made the 'right decision', adding: 'He should be given the Nobel prize and he should walk freely with the sand beneath his feet. He should be able to swim in the sea again. Free Assange.'

These were that Assange would be protected by and allowed to rely on the First Amendment, that his trial would not be prejudiced by his nationality and that the death penalty would not be imposed. Dame Victoria told the court they were not satisfied Assange was guaranteed protection under the First Amendment. Speaking outside court, Assange’s wife Stella (pictured) said the judges had made the ‘right decision’, adding: ‘He should be given the Nobel prize and he should walk freely with the sand beneath his feet. He should be able to swim in the sea again. Free Assange.’

Delivering the ruling, Dame Victoria told the court: 'We have carefully considered the submissions made in writing and orally. First, in respect of the appeal under section 103 of the Extradition Act, we have decided to give leave to appeal on grounds four and five.' Assange's lawyer, Edward Fitzgerald KC, said he was satisfied with assurances that if the WikiLeaks founder was extradited and convicted he would not face the death penalty. But lawyers for the U.S. said that the fact that Assange is accused of illegally obtaining and disseminating confidential defence information means he was not guaranteed protection by the First Amendment regardless of nationality.

Delivering the ruling, Dame Victoria told the court: ‘We have carefully considered the submissions made in writing and orally. First, in respect of the appeal under section 103 of the Extradition Act, we have decided to give leave to appeal on grounds four and five.’ Assange’s lawyer, Edward Fitzgerald KC, said he was satisfied with assurances that if the WikiLeaks founder was extradited and convicted he would not face the death penalty. But lawyers for the U.S. said that the fact that Assange is accused of illegally obtaining and disseminating confidential defence information means he was not guaranteed protection by the First Amendment regardless of nationality.

In written submissions, he said: 'The position of the U.S. prosecutor is that no-one, neither U.S. citizens nor foreign citizens, are entitled to rely on the First Amendment in relation to publication of illegally obtained national defence information giving the names of innocent sources to their grave and imminent risk of harm.' This principle applies to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens irrespective of their nationality, he added. The U.S. has provided an assurance that if extradited, Assange 'will be entitled to the full panoply of due process trial rights, including the right to raise, and seek to rely upon, the first amendment as a defence.' Assange's wife, Stella, has previously dismissed this pledge as 'weasel words.'

In written submissions, he said: ‘The position of the U.S. prosecutor is that no-one, neither U.S. citizens nor foreign citizens, are entitled to rely on the First Amendment in relation to publication of illegally obtained national defence information giving the names of innocent sources to their grave and imminent risk of harm.’ This principle applies to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens irrespective of their nationality, he added. The U.S. has provided an assurance that if extradited, Assange ‘will be entitled to the full panoply of due process trial rights, including the right to raise, and seek to rely upon, the first amendment as a defence.’ Assange’s wife, Stella, has previously dismissed this pledge as ‘weasel words.’

The ruling will no doubt increase calls in Assange's native Australia for the government to intervene on his behalf. More than a hundred supporters gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice to wave banners emblazoned with logos including 'If Assange goes, free speech goes with him.' Assange declined to attend the hearing but Mrs Assange sat next to his father John Shipton in the well of court 4. Supporters of Julian Assange cheered as news of the decision to allow his appeal against extradition to the United States filtered out of the courtroom. Hundreds of people gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, with many holding signs, flags and banners, while a band is also playing music.

The ruling will no doubt increase calls in Assange’s native Australia for the government to intervene on his behalf. More than a hundred supporters gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice to wave banners emblazoned with logos including ‘If Assange goes, free speech goes with him.’ Assange declined to attend the hearing but Mrs Assange sat next to his father John Shipton in the well of court 4. Supporters of Julian Assange cheered as news of the decision to allow his appeal against extradition to the United States filtered out of the courtroom. Hundreds of people gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, with many holding signs, flags and banners, while a band is also playing music.

Several speakers addressed crowds on a stage erected adjacent to the court building, with one telling supporters: 'Today is a victory, but part of the victory only.' Following the decision, one man with a megaphone said to Assange supporters: 'We have to do more.' Among the supporters chanting 'Free Julian Assange' were former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Labour MP Apsana Begum. Kaylaa Sandwell travelled from east London to attend the rally and said: 'It was obvious from the beginning that they want to silence him and I think he's a very honest man, and he's spoken up for us, so we need to really support that. He needs to be freed because he hasn't done anything wrong. If he doesn't get freed, we won't have a free press anymore.'

Several speakers addressed crowds on a stage erected adjacent to the court building, with one telling supporters: ‘Today is a victory, but part of the victory only.’ Following the decision, one man with a megaphone said to Assange supporters: ‘We have to do more.’ Among the supporters chanting ‘Free Julian Assange’ were former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Labour MP Apsana Begum. Kaylaa Sandwell travelled from east London to attend the rally and said: ‘It was obvious from the beginning that they want to silence him and I think he’s a very honest man, and he’s spoken up for us, so we need to really support that. He needs to be freed because he hasn’t done anything wrong. If he doesn’t get freed, we won’t have a free press anymore.’

Speaking outside the Royal Courts of Justice after Julian Assange won a bid to bring an appeal against his extradition to the United States, his wife, Stella Assange (pictured), said that judges 'reached the right decision' and called on the U.S. to drop the 'shameful' case. She said: 'Today marks a turning point. We went into court and we sat and heard the United States fumbling through their arguments, trying to paint lipstick on a pig. Well, the judges were not convinced. Everyone can see what is going on here. The United States' case is offensive. It offends our democratic principles, it offends our right to know, it's an attack on journalists everywhere.'

Speaking outside the Royal Courts of Justice after Julian Assange won a bid to bring an appeal against his extradition to the United States, his wife, Stella Assange (pictured), said that judges ‘reached the right decision’ and called on the U.S. to drop the ‘shameful’ case. She said: ‘Today marks a turning point. We went into court and we sat and heard the United States fumbling through their arguments, trying to paint lipstick on a pig. Well, the judges were not convinced. Everyone can see what is going on here. The United States’ case is offensive. It offends our democratic principles, it offends our right to know, it’s an attack on journalists everywhere.’

She added: 'We are relieved as a family that the courts took the right decision today but how long can this go on for? Our eldest son just turned seven. All their memories of their father are in the visiting hall of Belmarsh prison, and as the case goes along, it becomes clearer and clearer to everyone that Julian is in prison for doing good journalism, for exposing corruption, for exposing the violations on innocent people in abusive wars for which there is impunity. On top of that impunity they have gone after the man who put that impunity onto the public record. The Biden administration should distance itself from this shameful prosecution, it should have done so from day one, but it may be running out of time to do the right thing.'

She added: ‘We are relieved as a family that the courts took the right decision today but how long can this go on for? Our eldest son just turned seven. All their memories of their father are in the visiting hall of Belmarsh prison, and as the case goes along, it becomes clearer and clearer to everyone that Julian is in prison for doing good journalism, for exposing corruption, for exposing the violations on innocent people in abusive wars for which there is impunity. On top of that impunity they have gone after the man who put that impunity onto the public record. The Biden administration should distance itself from this shameful prosecution, it should have done so from day one, but it may be running out of time to do the right thing.’

'Everyone can see what should be done here. Julian must be freed. The case should be abandoned. He should be compensated. He should be given the Nobel prize and he should walk freely with the sand beneath his feet. He should be able to swim in the sea again. Free Assange.' She continued: 'The judges reached the right decision. We spent a long time hearing the United States putting lipstick on a pig, but the judges did not buy it. As a family we are relieved, but how long can this go on? The United States should read the situation and drop this case now.'

‘Everyone can see what should be done here. Julian must be freed. The case should be abandoned. He should be compensated. He should be given the Nobel prize and he should walk freely with the sand beneath his feet. He should be able to swim in the sea again. Free Assange.’ She continued: ‘The judges reached the right decision. We spent a long time hearing the United States putting lipstick on a pig, but the judges did not buy it. As a family we are relieved, but how long can this go on? The United States should read the situation and drop this case now.’

The 52-year-old was indicted by a U.S. grand jury in 2018 on 17 espionage charges and a charge of unlawful use of a computer, which Assange's lawyers claim could see him sentenced to 175 years in jail. American prosecutors allege that the Australian encouraged and helped former U.S. army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to steal the cables, which they claim put the lives of covert sources around the globe at risk. President Joe Biden has faced persistent pressure to drop the case filed by his predecessor Donald Trump. Assange had previously lived inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in Knightsbridge, west London, for almost seven years until he was eventually dragged out in 2019 when the Ecuadorian government withdrew his asylum.

The 52-year-old was indicted by a U.S. grand jury in 2018 on 17 espionage charges and a charge of unlawful use of a computer, which Assange’s lawyers claim could see him sentenced to 175 years in jail. American prosecutors allege that the Australian encouraged and helped former U.S. army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to steal the cables, which they claim put the lives of covert sources around the globe at risk. President Joe Biden has faced persistent pressure to drop the case filed by his predecessor Donald Trump. Assange had previously lived inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in Knightsbridge, west London, for almost seven years until he was eventually dragged out in 2019 when the Ecuadorian government withdrew his asylum.

He entered as a fugitive in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges, which he denied and which Sweden dropped in 2019. During his time at the embassy, Assange fathered two children, Gabriel and Max, with his now wife, Stella. Mrs Assange has said many times that extraditing her husband to the U.S. would be a 'death sentence.' Assange has been detained in the high-security Belmarsh Prison, southeast London, since April 2019. He was arrested after spending seven years holed up in Ecuador's London embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faced accusations of sexual assault that were eventually dropped.

He entered as a fugitive in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges, which he denied and which Sweden dropped in 2019. During his time at the embassy, Assange fathered two children, Gabriel and Max, with his now wife, Stella. Mrs Assange has said many times that extraditing her husband to the U.S. would be a ‘death sentence.’ Assange has been detained in the high-security Belmarsh Prison, southeast London, since April 2019. He was arrested after spending seven years holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faced accusations of sexual assault that were eventually dropped.

He was eventually forced to leave the embassy after relations between him and officials broke down, with one even accusing him of smearing faeces on the walls - a claim which was stringently denied by his supporters. But the U.S. continued to seek extradition and accuses him of publishing some 700,000 confidential documents relating to U.S. military and diplomatic activities, starting in 2010. The United States is attempting to convict Assange under the 1917 Espionage Act, which his supporters warn mean he could be sentenced to 175 years in prison. The UK courts approved the extradition request after the United States vowed to not imprison him in its most extreme prison, 'ADX Florence', nor to subject him to the harsh regime known as 'Special Administrative Measures'.

He was eventually forced to leave the embassy after relations between him and officials broke down, with one even accusing him of smearing faeces on the walls – a claim which was stringently denied by his supporters. But the U.S. continued to seek extradition and accuses him of publishing some 700,000 confidential documents relating to U.S. military and diplomatic activities, starting in 2010. The United States is attempting to convict Assange under the 1917 Espionage Act, which his supporters warn mean he could be sentenced to 175 years in prison. The UK courts approved the extradition request after the United States vowed to not imprison him in its most extreme prison, ‘ADX Florence’, nor to subject him to the harsh regime known as ‘Special Administrative Measures’.

Assange's supporters say his health is fragile and the Council of Europe this week voiced concern about his treatment. The United States indicted Assange multiple times between 2018 and 2020 but President Joe Biden has faced persistent domestic and international pressure to drop the case filed under his predecessor Donald Trump. Biden indicated recently that the United States was considering a request from Australia to drop the charges. 'President Biden has the chance still to be the president who put an end to this, who acted in the interest of press freedom in journalism,' said Rebecca Vincent, of Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Assange’s supporters say his health is fragile and the Council of Europe this week voiced concern about his treatment. The United States indicted Assange multiple times between 2018 and 2020 but President Joe Biden has faced persistent domestic and international pressure to drop the case filed under his predecessor Donald Trump. Biden indicated recently that the United States was considering a request from Australia to drop the charges. ‘President Biden has the chance still to be the president who put an end to this, who acted in the interest of press freedom in journalism,’ said Rebecca Vincent, of Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

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