Wild boar kills Italian hunter in front of his father after he shot at the animal

Wild boar kills Italian hunter by biting his leg and severing an artery after it had been shot

  • Giulio Burattini, 36, was fatally bitten by wild boar during hunting trip in Italy 
  • He and his father were out in the Pigelleto di Piancastagnaio reserve in Tuscany
  • Giulio, a seasoned hunter, landed a shot on a wild boar and approached his prey 
  • But the beast sprang to its feet and fatally bit him as it severed his femoral artery 

A wild boar turned from the hunted to the hunter after fatally biting an Italian man who had shot at it for sport. 

Giulio Burattini, 36, bled to death in front of his father while the pair were out hunting near the Pigelleto di Piancastagnaio nature reserve in Italy’s Tuscany region last Wednesday. 

Giulio had landed a shot on the wild beast, which collapsed to the ground as the hunter went over the check on his prey, according to local media.

But to the Italian’s surprise, the boar shot to its feet and bit the top of his right leg as he approached, severing his femoral artery and killing him.

His last desperate message was reportedly a warning cry to his friends through his walkie-talkie: ‘Help, help I’m dying’. 

Giulio Burattini, 36, bled to death in front of his father while the pair were out hunting in woodland in Castell’Azzara in Italy’s Tuscany region last Wednesday

Forest rescue teams and the emergency services rushed to try and revive the 36-year-old, but he had lost too much blood and died in front of his veterinarian father who would require treatment for shock. 

The Grosseto public prosecutor office declined to investigate the case, citing the accident as being caused by a wild animal and there being no criminal implications involved in Mr Burattini’s death. 

According to local media reports, Giulio, a seasoned hunter, was out with family when the pair tracked down and spotted a wild boar on Wednesday afternoon. 

Giulio (pictured) had landed a shot on the wild beast, which collapsed to the ground as the hunter went over the check on his prey. But to the Italian's surprise, the boar shot to its feet and bit his right leg as he approached, severing his femoral artery and killing him

Giulio (pictured) had landed a shot on the wild beast, which collapsed to the ground as the hunter went over the check on his prey. But to the Italian’s surprise, the boar shot to its feet and bit his right leg as he approached, severing his femoral artery and killing him

Giulio reportedly landed a hit on the animal, which sank to the ground as if it had been struck by a bullet, but was attacked as he went to check on the boar’s condition.

He is understood to have bled profusely from the deep wounds inflicted by the boar, and died before medics could reach him. 

Burattini, who came from Castell’Azzara, leaves behind a wife and a seven-year-old daughter. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk