Will this be the most unconventional Bachelorette ever? Petition for iconic Aussie comedian in role

Will this be the most unconventional Bachelorette ever? Fans petition for iconic Australian personality, 51, to take on the dating show role in 2020

 She’s an iconic Australian comedian. 

And now fans are petitioning for Judith Lucy, 51, to become the country’s next Bachelorette on Channel 10.

On Tuesday, the veteran star garnered a whopping 4,000 signatures within 10 hours of a petition being created on Change.org.

Will this be the most unconventional Bachelorette ever? A petition has been started for iconic Australian comedian Judith Lucy, 51, (pictured) to be the next star of the series

The petition was started after it was suggested on an ABC Radio talkback show featuring Virginia Trioli on Monday.

The 51-year-old is known to have a lacklustre dating history, which she regularly puts into her act for a round of laughs. 

A number of fans were clearly excited at the prospect, with signatories to the petition asking for more ‘diversity’.

‘It would make the show interesting. Stop with the 20 somethings :)’ one fan wrote. 

Little help? The 51-year-old comedian is known to have a lacklustre dating history, which she regularly puts into her act for a round of laughs

Little help? The 51-year-old comedian is known to have a lacklustre dating history, which she regularly puts into her act for a round of laughs

Another added: ‘The Bachelor/Bachelorette is sorely in need of more diversity to make it relatable. I’m tired of seeing Eastern Suburbs clones.’

‘Let’s have some age diversity, more POCS…people with disabilities, body shape diversity! More real people please.’ 

Judith Lucy is yet to comment on the prospect of joining the show. 

Yes, please! The petition saw a number of enthusiastic responses from fans, who thought the comedian would be a good addition to the show

Yes, please! The petition saw a number of enthusiastic responses from fans, who thought the comedian would be a good addition to the show

Channel 10 has had a number of hit and miss choices when it comes to the casting of The Bachelorette. 

Blonde beauty Ali Oetjen failed to pull in huge ratings while she found love with former bank manager, Taite Radley. 

Meanwhile, former Bardot star Sophie Monk – who had an established media career prior to the show – become a ratings success.   

The current season of The Bachelorette is starring Angie Kent and airing on Channel 10, Wednesday and Thursday, 7.30pm

Finding love: The current season of The Bachelorette is starring Angie Kent (pictured) and airing on Channel 10, Wednesday and Thursday, 7.30pm

Finding love: The current season of The Bachelorette is starring Angie Kent (pictured) and airing on Channel 10, Wednesday and Thursday, 7.30pm

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