Will Young slams David Beckham for ‘odious’ £10m Qatar World Cup deal

Will Young has slammed David Beckham for his £10million Qatar World Cup deal and urged him to donate a portion of his massive earnings to LGBTQ+ charities.

The singer, 43, criticised David’s ambassadorial role as ‘odious’ and shared his ‘disappointment’ about the former footballer’s deal in a scathing Instagram post.

The decision by FIFA to hold the World Cup in Qatar has been surrounded by controversy – particularly in relation to migrant workers and the LGBTQ+ community. 

Criticism: Will Young has slammed David Beckham for his £10million Qatar World Cup deal and urged him to donate a portion of his massive earnings to LGBTQ+ charities

And David, 47, has faced calls to drop his ambassadorship for the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, where being gay is illegal with a punishment of up to seven years in jail.

Now, Will, who is gay, has piled on more pressure on David over his ambassadorial role, accusing him of being ‘greedy’ for agreeing to the £10million deal.

Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Will shared his ‘disappointment’ at David’s role in the Qatar World Cup, accusing him of ‘burying his head in the sand’ and being ‘cowardly’.

The Leave Right Now hitmaker noted his personal connections to David, saying they have met over the years and claimed he even sang at his birthday party for free on one occasion.

Pressure: The singer, 43, criticised David's ambassadorial role as 'odious' and shared his 'disappointment' over the former footballer's decision in a scathing Instagram post

Pressure: The singer, 43, criticised David’s ambassadorial role as ‘odious’ and shared his ‘disappointment’ over the former footballer’s decision in a scathing Instagram post

Describing David’s deal as ‘odious’, Will urged the star to donate £1million to LGBTQ+ charities in Qatar for each year he remained as ambassador if he would not drop the deal altogether.

He penned: ‘Qatar is of course not the only country in the world with appalling records on human rights. The argument that sport is not political is duplicitous and two faced. 

‘Look at South Africa during apartheid, look at Russia now. Who decides the yays and the nays? 

‘What is undoubtedly clear however is a star like you @davidbeckham who I once sang for (not for any money I hasten to add) at your birthday has disappointed me more than I can say. 

'Repellent': Taking to Instagram , Will shared his 'disappointment' at David's role in the Qatar World Cup, accusing him of 'burying his head in the sand' by not addressing the criticism

‘Repellent’: Taking to Instagram , Will shared his ‘disappointment’ at David’s role in the Qatar World Cup, accusing him of ‘burying his head in the sand’ by not addressing the criticism 

‘Our paths crossed a fair few times due to being with 19 Management and you were always friendly and generous. People do things for money we all know that. 

‘Here is what irks me the most – not a WHISPER from yourself David to show solidarity, not a WHISPER from yourself to show support for the practical massacre of migrant workers, not a WHISPER David to help LGBTQIA+ communities living under constant danger. 

‘The decision to take the alleged £150 million over 15 years is greedy enough, the burying of your head in the sand from you, your team and your advisers is repellent and cowardice personified. 

‘So here is what I suggest if you won’t change your mind: give £1million to LGBTQIA+ charities in Qatar every year that you get your £10million a year. Can something be salvaged from this odious deal? 

Scathing: Describing David's deal as 'odious', Will urged the star to donate £1million to LGBTQ+ charities in Qatar for each year he remained as ambassador if he would not drop the deal

Scathing: Describing David’s deal as ‘odious’, Will urged the star to donate £1million to LGBTQ+ charities in Qatar for each year he remained as ambassador if he would not drop the deal

Slammed: David, 47, has faced calls to drop his ambassadorship for the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, where being gay is illegal with a punishment of up to seven years in jail

Slammed: David, 47, has faced calls to drop his ambassadorship for the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, where being gay is illegal with a punishment of up to seven years in jail

‘Perhaps those funds can help provide much needed safety to those living in terror whilst your posters smile down on the people of Qatar.’

MailOnline has contacted David’s representatives for comment.

Will is not the first celebrity to criticise David for his role in the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, as Joe Lycett has also protested David’s deal.

Joe, who is pansexual, issued an ultimatum to the former England footballer, saying he would shred £10,000 if David did not drop his ambassadorship role.

But the comedian, 34, a leading LGBTQ+ activist, later revealed he faked the livestream of himself ‘shredding £10,000’ after David failed to pull out of the deal, saying he just wanted to ‘get people talking’.

Controversy: The decision by FIFA to hold the World Cup in Qatar has been surrounded by controversy - particularly in relation to migrant workers and the LGBTQ+ community

Controversy: The decision by FIFA to hold the World Cup in Qatar has been surrounded by controversy – particularly in relation to migrant workers and the LGBTQ+ community 

The livestream, which was broadcast on a website set up by Joe called ‘benderslikeBeckham’, showed a woodchipper in the background with two wads of ‘cash’ in front of it on the opening day of the World Cup in Qatar.

A seemingly solemn Joe walked into shot wearing a fluffy rainbow jacket and put each wad into the shredder, before posing in front of the camera and walking out of frame.

However, the comedian has now revealed the £10,000 cash was never shredded, and has instead been donated to LGBTQ+ charities.

He said he had never expected to hear back from David, and that he had only claimed to shred the money ‘to get people talking’.

He said in a video to his 1.3 million Twitter followers: ‘This is my final message to David Beckham: It’s me! That p**** who shredded loads of money in a cost of living crisis.

‘So where were we? I told you I was going to destroy £10,000 if you didn’t end your relationship with Qatar before the first day of the World Cup.

‘And then when you didn’t end you relationship or even respond in any way, I filmed myself dropping £10,000 into a shredder. Or did I?

‘I haven’t quite told you the whole truth, because the truth is that they money that went into the shredder was real, but the money that came out was fake.

‘I would never destroy real money. I would never be so irresponsible. In fact, the 10 grand has already been donated to LGBTQ+ charities.’

Protest: Will is not the first celebrity to criticise David for his role in the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, as Joe Lycett has also protested David's deal

Protest: Will is not the first celebrity to criticise David for his role in the highly controversial World Cup in Qatar, as Joe Lycett has also protested David’s deal 

He added: ‘In many ways it was like your deal with Qatar, David. Total bulls*** from the start.’

Joe unveiled the deadline last week in a video message posted on social media in which he offered to donate £10,000 of his own money to LGBTQ+ charities if Beckham ended the sponsorship before the tournament started.

On November 16, he shared an email sent to David’s PR saying there was only four days to go and urged a response, stressing that he did not want to be forced to shred the money.

He said during the video: ‘This is a message to David Beckham. I consider you, along with Kim Woodburn and Monty Don, to be a gay icon.

‘You were the first premiership footballer to do shoots with gay magazines like Attitude, to speak openly about your gay fans, and you married a Spice Girl which is the gayest thing a human being can do.

Ultimatum: Joe issued an ultimatum to David, saying he would shred £10,000 if he did not drop his role. He instead donated the money to charity and shredded David's Attitude cover

Ultimatum: Joe issued an ultimatum to David, saying he would shred £10,000 if he did not drop his role. He instead donated the money to charity and shredded David’s Attitude cover

‘But now it’s 2022 and you’ve signed a reported £10 million deal with Qatar to be their ambassador during the FIFA World Cup.

‘Qatar was voted as the one of the worst places in the world to be gay – homosexuality is illegal, punishable by imprisonment, and if you’re Muslim, possibly even death.

‘You have always talked about the power of football as a force for good. Which suggests to me you have never seen West Brom.

‘But generally I agree – so with that in mind I’m giving you a choice. If you end your relationship with Qatar I will donate ten grand of my own money (that’s a grand for every million you’re reportedly getting) to charities that support queer people in football.

‘However, if you do not I will throw the money into a shredder at midday next Sunday, just before the opening ceremony of the World Cup and stream it right here.

Taken down: This week, the publisher of Attitude magazine has removed its famous David Beckham cover from its offices and slammed him for 'turning a blind eye to corruption'

Taken down: This week, the publisher of Attitude magazine has removed its famous David Beckham cover from its offices and slammed him for ‘turning a blind eye to corruption’

‘Not just the money, but also your status as a gay icon will be shredded.

‘Also you’ll be forcing me to commit what might be a crime. Although even then, I reckon I’ll get off more lightly than I would if I got caught whacking off a lad in Doha. The choice is yours. I look forward to hearing from you.’

If not, Joe said he would livestream himself shredding the money along with David’s ‘status as gay icon’.

David previously signed a controversial £10million deal with Qatar to promote the country ahead of the World Cup. 

But he has come under huge criticism for his decision to take £10million from the Qatari regime to promote its World Cup despite its human rights record and criminalisation of homosexuality.

David has not spoken about the country’s oppressive laws despite warnings over human rights abuses and an abysmal re- cord on LGBTQ+ issues. 

Opposing: Meanwhile, a statement from the magazine started: 'The fall of David Beckham's star has been fast and heavy'

Opposing: Meanwhile, a statement from the magazine started: ‘The fall of David Beckham’s star has been fast and heavy’

The former footballer arrived in Doha ahead of England’s first match against Iran and was seen watching the match in the stands on Monday.

This week, the publisher of Attitude magazine has removed its famous David Beckham cover from its offices and slammed the footballer for ‘turning a blind eye to corruption’.

Darren Styles OBE, owner of the gay lifestyle magazine, tweeted its 2002 cover showing the former England captain with dyed blonde hair.

The page was accompanied by quotes from David in which he says ‘it shouldn’t matter what people are and it never has done to me’, adding that it is ‘the way I was brought up and the way I’ll always be’.

Darren said the magazine had ‘sat proudly’ in Attitude’s offices for 20 years, but he has now made the decision to take it down after ‘the Qatari’s bought his silence’. 

Vocal: The condemnation of David's role at the Qatar World Cup, a nation where homosexuality is still illegal, was also shared by Tom Daly's husband Dustin Lance Black

Vocal: The condemnation of David’s role at the Qatar World Cup, a nation where homosexuality is still illegal, was also shared by Tom Daly’s husband Dustin Lance Black

He said: ‘This canvas has sat proudly on the Attitude Magazine office wall for years. I took it down today.

‘Talking about stuff nobody will talk about is ‘the way he’s always been, and the way he’ll always be’, David Beckham told us in 2002. Until the Qataris bought his silence 20 years later.’

Meanwhile, a statement from the magazine added: ‘The fall of David Beckham’s star has been fast and heavy.

‘It’s a reminder that being an advocate for not just LGBTQ+ rights, but women’s rights, immigrant worker’s rights.. and any human rights should not be lip service. It’s not a trend to boost a person’s profile.

‘Human rights are not a fashion statement to be made to generate coverage in the style pages of tomorrow’s magazines. They are not a new hair cut to stir up media attention.

‘They are real issues that affect the livelihood of billions of vulnerable people around the country. Joe Lycett’s prank worked to highlight the flippant attitude David Beckham has to human rights.

‘And what price tag he had in order to turn a blind eye to the corruption that awarded Qatar the World Cup by FIFA.

‘It all amounts to making this year’s so-called ‘beautiful game’ a truly ugly moment for sport’.

The condemnation of David’s role at the Qatar World Cup, a nation where homosexuality is still illegal, was also shared by Tom Daly’s husband Dustin Lance Black.

On Wednesday, he said: ‘When the stakes are life and death, as they so clearly are again globally for LGBTQ people, we need our families and allies to stand close. To show courage.

‘So let Beckham enjoy his blood money, and by all means, yes, take down his disingenuous covers. Thank you.’

Qatar: David (pictured in Doha on Monday) has not spoken about the country's oppressive laws despite warnings over human rights abuses and an abysmal record on LGBTQ+ issues

Qatar: David (pictured in Doha on Monday) has not spoken about the country’s oppressive laws despite warnings over human rights abuses and an abysmal record on LGBTQ+ issues

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