William Hanson reveals social dos and don’ts of the gym

After over stuffing both the turkey and ourselves during Christmas, it is any wonder that so many choose January to burn off the excess food in an attempt to ditch the yule log that’s now around our midriffs. But are you gymming politely?

Even when burning the calories one can still be conscious of others; it’s not hard to be a mannerly muscle Mary.

Are you guilty of any of these gym sins?

Etiquette expert William Hanson reveals the biggest faux pas committed by gym users including taking selfies which he says is counterproductive

Unnecessary noises

The odd grunt here and there is excusable, but if you are grunting like there’s no tomorrow then the weight is clearly too heavy for you, darling.

Drop it down a little – both the weight and your off-putting noises.

Going OTT

If you are going over the top and the weight is too heavy, the chances are you will be dropping it down with booming thuds.

Most gyms have a policy on earthquakes; most prefer not to have them.

Pop some nice rubber mats under the barbell before you start deadlifting, please.

William says hogging gym equipment is just bad manners

William says hogging gym equipment is just bad manners

Failing to clean up

Whether you are dripping with sweat or just nicely glowing to a socially acceptable level, wipe down the equipment you have just used before you move on to the next exercise.

I know you’ve gone to the gym to avoid doing housework but you will have to do some light cleaning here.

Exercise your hand muscles by squeezing the sterilising spray the gym will provide. There’s no excuse not to have squirt and a wipe now.

Hogging equipment

If the gym is resembling a Nevada ghost town then by all means spend as long as you like on whatever machine you wish. But during busier times you have 15 minutes maximum to do your thing.

I don’t care what your workout plan wants you to do, it’s not good manners to hog machinery and equipment when there will be other people who want to use it (even if they haven’t yet asked you).

Sharing is caring.

Arriving late for a class

If you arrive after the advertised start time for a class, forget it. Do not enter the room and disrupt the zen of the students who managed to organise their schedule to be there on time.

If you have pre-paid for the class then report to the reception desk, explain the situation and if done reasonably most gyms will honour your payment for a future session.

Although perhaps the money you have spent on the Soul Cycle class would be better spent on a watch?

He also criticised gym goers for making unnecessary noises, and suggested it meant their weights are too heavy

He also criticised gym goers for making unnecessary noises, and suggested it meant their weights are too heavy

Working our your ego, not your body

The mirrors on the wall are there for you to practice and see your form while doing weights, not to admire your physique.

Do you really think that the results of your 60 minutes sesh will be showing already? No. It takes longer than that, so no need to stare.

Leaving weights lying around

Once you have finished, tidy up!

Your pectorals and abs may be attractive to some but a no one will fancy a messy gym user. Don’t be selfish: spend an extra 20 seconds popping the equipment back in the right place.

You did it in nursery, so you can do it now.

Instagramming your workout

Generally speaking, people find they get better results from the gym by actually working out rather than sharing a photos of their session on Instagram. Top tip.

Arriving late to a class is unacceptable as it disturbs the rest of the people in the group. The best thing to do is rearrange

Arriving late to a class is unacceptable as it disturbs the rest of the people in the group. The best thing to do is rearrange

Taking it too seriously

Please avoid looking over at the person next to you’s treadmill. You needn’t worry about what speed or incline they are doing in comparison to yours. Their body – their workout.

Similarly, if there are a row of 10 treadmills and only one is in use, don’t hop on to the treadmill next to the other person. Give them some space and don’t be a gymtimidator!

Lighten up and don’t take the gym too seriously.

Taking a selfie in the changing room

People get changed in a changing room (quelle surprise) so they may not take kindly to you having a photoshoot by yourself or with your workout buddy. Camera phones away, please, and just get changed.

If you really must snap your post-work out face for entry into the national archives then do it outside the gym.

Misuse of a hairdryer

The hairdryer is for the hair on your head.

In the interests of good taste, we shall say no more.

All the gear but no idea

It’s lovely that you’ve spent £350 in Lulu Lemon on your entire ensemble but wearing it straight from a workout into the supermarket or coffee shop is not fashionable, it’s disgusting, especially if you are meeting a friend.

Take a proper outfit to the gym, shower and change there, or head straight home. Thanks.

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