Wolf Creek producer credits military training after fighting off thugs

  • Wolf Creek producer David Lightfoot was attacked in Cannes on Wednesday
  • Two thugs attempted to mug the South Australian-raised film maker in an alley
  • He was struck on the back of the head but was able to then defend himself 
  • The ex-paratrooper gave a statement police after pushing the men into the street

Wolf Creek producer David Lightfoot has credited his military training for being able to fight off two thugs at the Cannes Film Festival.

The South Australian-raised filmmaker was involved in a ‘nasty’ confrontation when two attackers jumped him while walking down an alley in the Old Town in Cannes last Wednesday.

‘I was just defending myself. My old skills came out and down they went,’ Mr Lightfoot told The Advertiser. 

Wolf Creek producer David Lightfoot (pictured) was attacked in Cannes on Wednesday

The South Australian-raised filmmaker was involved in a 'nasty' confrontation while walking down an alley in the Old Town (pictured)

The South Australian-raised filmmaker was involved in a ‘nasty’ confrontation while walking down an alley in the Old Town (pictured), Cannes

After having visited the ‘most stunning looking, sun-drenched beach in France’ on 15 previous occasions, this was the first time he had ever ran into any trouble.

He was struck on the back of the head and when he turned around, he saw two men ready to confront him. 

The ex-paratrooper – whose landmark movie Wolf Creek was nominated for many Australian film awards – defended himself.

Mr Lightfoot was able to push them out into the street before the police were contacted.

He then gave a statement to officers however it was not established whether the pair were taken into custody.

 The Wolf Creek producer credits military training after fighting off thugs at Cannes Film Festival (pictured)

 The Wolf Creek producer credits military training after fighting off thugs at Cannes Film Festival (pictured)





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