Woman at centre sex scandal with football star Penthouse

The woman who fell pregnant after a series of sexual encounters with a rugby league star posed nude in a series of raunchy photos for a men’s magazine.

Lingerie model and former X-rated stripper Belinda Medlyn began a relationship with New Zealand rugby league star Bodene Thompson in 2014, after exchanging messages over Facebook and Instagram. 

Ms Medlyn appeared in the ‘Black Label’ calendar edition of Penthouse in 2014, posing seductively both in lacy lingerie and completely naked.

In the magazine she reveals she prefers ‘athletic’ men, has ‘a thing for tradies’ and likes men who ‘do stuff with their hands.’  She also said she wants ‘a real gentleman who has nice manners.’ 

Belinda Medlyn appeared in an edition of Penthouse in 2014, posing seductively in lacy lingerie and completely naked

Ms Medlyn appeared in an edition of Penthouse in 2014, posing seductively in lacy lingerie and completely naked

Ms Medlyn appeared in an edition of Penthouse in 2014, posing seductively in lacy lingerie and completely naked

Lingerie model and former X-rated stripper Belinda Medlyn began a relationship with New Zealand rugby league star Bodene Thompson in 2014, after exchanging messages

Lingerie model and former X-rated stripper Belinda Medlyn began a relationship with New Zealand rugby league star Bodene Thompson in 2014, after exchanging messages

The magazine posted an editorial on Tuesday in light of her revelations to the Daily Telegraph, supporting their former model and praising NRL gender advisor Professor Cathy Lumby for decrying the negative culture towards women within the sport.

‘Penthouse supports the rights of women to expose crude male conduct and to assert their right to express their sexuality,’ Penthouse said in a statement.  

The pair engaged in five secret sex sessions together – and also with two of Thompson’s teammates – in team hotels and at their apartments, with her conceiving a child with him in 2015.

The group trysts were arranged over Facebook, which included Thompson sending pictures of his teammates so Ms Medlyn could pick who could join the pair in bed, the Daily Telegraph reports.

‘This guy is so keen to f*** you,’ Thompson wrote alongside a picture of a shirtless teammate in May 2015.

That message came after the model had a foursome with Thompson and two of his Tigers teammates in late 2014.

In September 2015, the Maori star asked for another but Ms Medlyn declined – saying: ‘Only you tonight.’ 

In the magazine she reveals she prefers 'athletic' men, has 'a thing for tradies' and likes men who 'do stuff with their hands'

In the magazine she reveals she prefers ‘athletic’ men, has ‘a thing for tradies’ and likes men who ‘do stuff with their hands’

Thompson (right) and the X-rated stripper were introduced in 2014 and regularly had sex, until Ms Medlyn fell pregnant after a night of passion on the eve of an NRL game in September 2015

Thompson (right) and the X-rated stripper were introduced in 2014 and regularly had sex, until Ms Medlyn fell pregnant after a night of passion on the eve of an NRL game in September 2015

¿This guy is so keen to f*** you,¿ Thompson wrote alongside a picture of a shirtless teammate

‘This guy is so keen to f*** you,’ Thompson wrote alongside a picture of a shirtless teammate

It was that night, on the eve of a Warriors and Bulldogs match where their young son Hendrix was conceived – while one of Thompson’s teammates watched on.

The blonde’s introduction to Thompson came after her dance group was called to entertain his Wests Tigers teammates following a massive loss in August 2014.

He was not there that night, but a colleague of Ms Medlyn introduced them through Instagram before they began messaging on various social media apps.

The former model's foursome with Thompson and two of his Tigers teammates in late 2014 led to the Maori star asking for another eight months later, but she replied: 'Only you tonight'

The former model’s foursome with Thompson and two of his Tigers teammates in late 2014 led to the Maori star asking for another eight months later, but she replied: ‘Only you tonight’

When Ms Medlyn told Thompson that one of her female friends was interested in a friend of his, Thompson responded by calling the woman 'pretty' and suggests a threesome

When Ms Medlyn told Thompson that one of her female friends was interested in a friend of his, Thompson responded by calling the woman ‘pretty’ and suggests a threesome

The $260,000-a-year star and model soon began sharing a series of flirty messages that included propositions of group sex from Thompson.

With approval from Ms Medlyn for a ‘ganga’, he sent images of his teammates to her so she could choose the others she wanted to join in.

On the night Ms Medlyn says their son was conceived, Thompson told her: ‘Your [sic] going to have to just sneak in up to my room as in just walk up to my room by yourself??’

Breaking his team rules, he snuck her into the team hotel and got intimate as Thompson’s teammate watched on.

Reportedly at the request of the footballer they didn’t use protection and Ms Medlyn claims it was that night that the pair’s young son was conceived.

Following the tryst, Ms Medlyn told Thompson that one of her female friends was interested in a friend of his.

Thompson responded by calling the woman ‘pretty’ and suggests a threesome, to which Ms Medlyn replied: ‘I’d like to watch you do naughty things to my friend.’

Belinda Medlyn began a relationship with New Zealand rugby league star Bodene Thompson in 2014, after exchanging messages over social media sites

Belinda Medlyn began a relationship with New Zealand rugby league star Bodene Thompson in 2014, after exchanging messages over social media sites

A couple of weeks later, Ms Medlyn sent him a message asking him to call her, saying: ‘We need to have a chat.’ 

Now, the pair are in the middle of a fierce financial battle over raising their son and Ms Medlyn has opened up about intimate details of their relationship and the sordid sex culture of the NRL.

The 35-year-old former model’s claims of being involved in group sex with NRL stars follows a number of other similar incidents to have rocked the code in the past.

Chief among them was the controversy involving Matthew Johns, who was joined by teammates in having consensual group sex with a New Zealand teenager in 2002.

The 35-year-old former model's (above, in a showreel) claims of being involved in group sex with NRL stars follows a number of other similar incidents to have rocked the code in the past

The 35-year-old former model’s (above, in a showreel) claims of being involved in group sex with NRL stars follows a number of other similar incidents to have rocked the code in the past

Ms Medlyn said stories such as hers were an insight into the culture of rugby league, with the single mother describing players such as Thompson as having a 'pack mentality'

Ms Medlyn said stories such as hers were an insight into the culture of rugby league, with the single mother describing players such as Thompson as having a ‘pack mentality’

Thompson would sneak Ms Medlyn into the team hotel on a number of occasions, including the night they reportedly conceived their son

Thompson would sneak Ms Medlyn into the team hotel on a number of occasions, including the night they reportedly conceived their son

Ms Medlyn said stories such as hers were an insight into the culture of rugby league.

‘There’s a pack mentality among NRL players. They think they’re rock stars who can do what they want, until it goes wrong,’ she told the Daily Telegraph.

‘We were never boyfriend and girlfriend, but Bodene is a role model to men and young boys.’

The sex scandal has been blasted as ‘ugly’ for the NRL by Channel 7 sports broadcaster Mel McLaughlin.

‘This is messy. It’s a messy story, the whole thing,’ she told Sunrise on Tuesday.

‘But I think the pack mentality isn’t great. It’s certainly not all players. All men do not feel that way about women, but we saw that’s a two-way street.’

She added: ‘It’s an ugly thing if you’re the NRL. You’d go, ‘What more can we do? We educate. They’re not children.’

The pair are now involved in a bitter stoush over money, with Ms Medlyn (above) wanting more from Thompson who she claims has been late on his parenting payments

The pair are now involved in a bitter stoush over money, with Ms Medlyn (above) wanting more from Thompson who she claims has been late on his parenting payments

Ms Medlyn gave birth to the pair's young son on May 16 last year with Thompson present

Ms Medlyn gave birth to the pair’s young son on May 16 last year with Thompson present

McLaughlin said players needed to be educated to respect women, adding: ‘Don’t see them as objects.’

She did concede that some girls who are ‘actively involved in the texting and maybe enjoying it’ needed to be accountable as well.

Further revealing messages between the pair also showed the moment the former dancer and model told her one-time lover she was pregnant by sharing a photo of an ultrasound.

In one inbox message, Ms Medlyn says it feels ‘surreal’ to be ‘having a child to essentially an acquaintance’.

On May 16 last year, the pair’s young son was born, with Thompson in attendance at the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick for his birth.

But the pair are now involved in a bitter stoush over money, with Ms Medlyn wanting more from Thompson who she claims has been late on his parenting payments.

But his lawyer denied these claims, telling The Daily Telegraph he ‘didn’t owe a cent’.

‘He is trying to work out an arrangement to see his son more; he lives in New Zealand and can’t just jump on a plane,’ the player’s lawyer said.

Thompson (right) is now in a relationship with dancer Kaea Pearce (left) and has a seven-year-old son from a previous romance

Thompson (right) is now in a relationship with dancer Kaea Pearce (left) and has a seven-year-old son from a previous romance

Thompson is now in a relationship with dancer Kaea Pearce and has a seven-year-old son from a previous romance.

In a statement, the Vodafone Warriors confirmed they have been aware of a ‘personal matter’ between Thompson and his ex-partner. 

‘Vodafone Warriors CEO Cameron George said Thompson and his lawyer had kept them fully informed while the club had also notified the NRL Integrity Unit about the matter,’ it said.

‘George said Thompson had breached team protocol which had been dealt with.’

Mr George received confirmation from Thompson’s lawyer that he was up to date with child support payments, and this was verified from documents provided by the Department of Human Services in Australia, the statement added.

‘George added it was a personal matter which was being handled by Thompson, his ex-partner and their respective lawyers.’  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk