Woman crashes live TV cross at Derby Day

As Derby Day drew to a close punters could barely contain their excitement at the day’s frivolities.

So when a gaggle of young racing fans dressed to the nines found themselves on live TV at Melbourne’s Flemington, they took the opportunity for some mischief.

The half-dozen-strong party appeared behind a Seven News reporter hollering at the camera, pulling silly faces, jumping, and waving their arms for several seconds.

A gaggle of young racing fans dressed to the nines found themselves on live TV at Melbourne’s Flemington, and took the opportunity for some mischief

But a young blonde woman immediately stole their thunder by trotting up to the presenter’s left shoulder and dropping some explicit language.

Clutching her phone and wearing a black leather jacket over her matching frock and shielding her eyes with sunglasses, she leaned in close to his face.

‘F**k her right in the p***y,’ she said in a surprisingly calm and even tone, before bolting from the scene with the help of a male friend.

The presenter managed to keep a straight face throughout the whole affair and continued giving his Derby Day wrap.

The half-dozen-strong party appeared behind a Seven News reporter hollering at the camera, pulling silly faces, jumping, and waving their arms for several seconds

The half-dozen-strong party appeared behind a Seven News reporter hollering at the camera, pulling silly faces, jumping, and waving their arms for several seconds

But a young blonde woman immediately stole their thunder by trotting up to the presenter's left shoulder and said: 'F**k her right in the p***y'

But a young blonde woman immediately stole their thunder by trotting up to the presenter’s left shoulder and said: ‘F**k her right in the p***y’

Shouting the off-colour phrase while crashing live TV crosses has become something of a trend in recent years, to the amusement of onlookers.

While these punters were certainly energetic, others were feeling a bit more lethargic after a long day at Flemington.

Having spent the day standing in high-heels, jumping for joy or queuing for drinks at the bar, as the sun began to go down weary punters took the option to lie on the lawn – napping briefly before they do it all again on Tuesday.

While these punters were certainly energetic, others were feeling a bit more lethargic after a long day at Flemington 

While these punters were certainly energetic, others were feeling a bit more lethargic after a long day at Flemington 

Two enthusiastic guys were caught posing with the statue of racing legend Bart Cummings at the venue

Two enthusiastic guys were caught posing with the statue of racing legend Bart Cummings at the venue

This 'bride-to-be' appeared set to continue the party beyond Derby Day, after spending the day collecting signatures

This ‘bride-to-be’ appeared set to continue the party beyond Derby Day, after spending the day collecting signatures

Others took an unfortunate tumble onto the ground, including one man who enjoyed a helping hand from friends to get back up. 

Paramedics and police officers had to descend on the chaotic aftermath, as dozens of people were escorted from the prestigious racecourse.

Police had warned racegoers not to become too unruly throughout the Melbourne Cup Carnival, with officers out in force throughout the celebrations. 

The drinks were flowing as the attention turned from the track to the frivolities, following Ace High's win in the Victorian Derby

The drinks were flowing as the attention turned from the track to the frivolities, following Ace High’s win in the Victorian Derby

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