Woman punched by ‘manspreading’ man receives death threats

The woman who was allegedly whopped in the face by a man she called out for ‘manspreading’ claims to have received death threats since she came forward. 

Sam Saia, 37, said she has received racist and sexist comments since she came forward about the attack on social media on Thursday. 

‘I did what I had to do…Looking back, I still would have done this’ she said to the New York Daily News. 

‘The police have done right by me. They made it right.’ 

Sam Saia, 37, posted this picture on her Facebook page after the incident on the NYC subway where she says a man hit her after she told him to move. Since she came forward, Saia said she has received increase death threats

Derick Smith, 56, was arrested on Saturday and charged the next day for assault, menacing and harassment. His bail was set at $5,000.

While she has taken some of the original post down from social media, Saia did share some anonymous comments that called her a ‘n****r lover’ and a ‘race traitor.’

‘I just want people to back off at this point,’ Saia added. 

‘I’d like people to stop calling me a race traitor and if they’d see me on the street they’d punch me.’

The woman added that people on the street express support when they see her out and about.  

A Good Samaritan stepped in and forced a man off a New York Subway train after he launched into a sickening rant and punched Saia in the face because she said he was ‘manspreading’. 

Derick Smith, 56, was arrested on Saturday and charged the next day for assault, menacing and harassment. His bail was set at $5,000

Derick Smith, 56, was arrested on Saturday and charged the next day for assault, menacing and harassment. His bail was set at $5,000

Saia said she had politely asked the man to move his legs while she was sitting on the N train on Thursday, when he erupted into a violent rage, and began swearing at her, threatening her and punched her in the mouth.

Thankfully, a fellow straphanger intervened and grabbed the attacker, forcing him off at the next stop. 

Brooklyn commuter Victor Conde, the brave passenger that rescued Saia, said he had intervened when he saw her in trouble and ordered her attacker to ‘Get the ‘F’ off the train.’

‘He was definitely not all there,’ the 29-year-old added. 

Video showed him shouting at the abuser: ‘Get the f*** off the train. Get off the train bro, you just f***ing hit a lady.’

A man, pictured left, is said to have punched a woman, pictured seated, after she asked him to move. A good Samaritan, pictured right, steps in 

A man, pictured left, is said to have punched a woman, pictured seated, after she asked him to move. A good Samaritan, pictured right, steps in 

The unidentified good Samaritan is seen restraining the man and warning him that he better get off. 

He said: ‘You hit her in the face. She’s bleeding. Look at her mouth. Just get off at the next stop.’

The incident began around 7:45 am on Thursday when Saia said she asked the man sitting next to her if he could give her a little more room.

He he ranted: ‘B****, you ain’t nothing! I’ve raped white b*****s like you, f***ing c—! You ain’t nothing, you f***ing b—-!’ the man yelled, according to Saia.

The good Samaritan, pictured right, tries to remove the 'manspreader', pictured left from the NYC subway car

The good Samaritan, pictured right, tries to remove the ‘manspreader’, pictured left from the NYC subway car

After Conde stepped in, the ‘manspreader’ tried to backtrack and apologize but no one on the train is having it.

It is assumed that he got off.

Speaking about the incident to Daily News, Ms Saia: ‘This took me by surprise. It’s just a matter of safety. I want my neighborhood to be safe. I don’t want this to happen to other women or men.’ 

She added that she couldn’t understand ‘how you could do that to somebody.’

The video was posted on social media by fellow passenger Anthony Macca.

Mr Macca told Daily News that he did not witness Ms Saia get hit by the ‘manspreader’ but had heard the argument break out and started filming shortly after. 

The 'manspreader' turns to the woman, pictured seated, and is heard apologizing for hitting her

The ‘manspreader’ turns to the woman, pictured seated, and is heard apologizing for hitting her

The NYC subway does not want to hear the man, pictured left, apologise and he is soon kicked off the train 

The NYC subway does not want to hear the man, pictured left, apologise and he is soon kicked off the train 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk