Woman WOWS beauty lovers with her clever hack for drying just-washed makeup brushes using a $1 POOL NOODLE
- Beauty enthusiast Gail Sherman shared the trick on Facebook on Monday
- The DIY makeup brush ‘dryer’ involves making vertical incisions along a pool noodle before inserting makeup brushes into the slots
- Since Gail shared a photo of the handy trick online, it has gone viral
- Her post has accumulated 2,600 likes and 13,000 shares
- Thousands of fellow beauty lovers have commented on the post, with many praising Gail, who is from the U.S., for the creative idea
A woman has shared a clever trick for drying freshly-washed makeup brushes using a long pool float.
The clever hack was shared by Facebook user Gail Sherman, a makeup artist from the U.S., on Monday, June 24. In her now viral post, she showed others her homemade ‘brush dryer’ that she made from a pool noodle.
And since a photo of Gail’s crafty technique she uses to effectively dry her makeup brushes was shared, it has gone viral, as thousands of fellow makeup fanatics praise her creative idea.
DIY: Beauty enthusiast Gail Sherman revealed that she uses a pool noodle to dry her makeup brushes, creating small slits along the float before placing her brushes in upside down

Viral: The U.S. based makeup artist shared a photo of the crafty trick to Facebook on Monday, and it has since gone viral, as thousands beauty fanatics praise the clever idea
‘Well check out my brush dryer lol made with a pool noodle,’ the beauty and makeup enthusiast wrote on Facebook.
She accompanied her post with a photo of the DIY makeup brush ‘dryer’, which she made with the foam float.

Bargain! Gail (pictured) revealed in the comment section of her now viral post that she purchased her pool noodle for just $1
The image showed a bright green pool noodle, typically used as a swimming aid for children, stuck to a counter top in what appeared to be a bathroom.
Gail appears to have created several small slits along the length of the float, which acted as holders for some of her brushes.
A total of fifteen of Gail’s makeup brushes were seen inserted in small slits she had made in the float.
She placed the handle of the brushes into the small incisions, leaving the brushes on the applicators hanging downwards.
This meant that any possible water residue on the brushes could drip down onto the floor.
Similarly, the brushes would most likely dry quicker than they would if they were placed on a flat surface, as more air was reaching them.
In the comment section of her post, Gail revealed that she had bought the pool noodle for just $1 at a local dollar store.

Impressed! Over 7,000 comments have accumulated on the post, many of which are from fellow beauty and makeup fanatics who praised Gail for the clever, and bargain-friendly trick
However, a variety of pool noodles are also available on Amazon.
A 3.5 inch ‘jumbo’ pool noodle retails for $9.49, while a pack of five floats is available to purchase for $13.49.
Since Gail shared the photo on Monday, it has garnered over 2,600 likes.
The brush drying hack has also been shared by more than 13,000 people, and the post has accumulated over 7,000 comments.
Many have praised Gail’s creativity, as some revealed they never would have though to use the children’s toy as a took to dry makeup brushes.
One Facebook user said: ‘Omg such a great idea!’
Another said: ‘I need to go [run] and get me a pool noodle.’
Another user said, if she had thought of the DIY trick, she wouldn’t have told anyone about it, and she would have turned it into a business.
‘I would’ve definitely kept this a secret and turnt [sic] this into $$$.
‘Makeup companies about to run with this so quick. Brilliant idea though!!!’ she added.