Woman shares text messages she received from a date who ranted about her calling herself a ‘dog mom’

A woman has revealed the unhinged text messages she allegedly received from a date who ranted that ‘society is a joke’ after she called herself a ‘dog mom.’  

TikTok user Kristen Beatty, 32, from New Jersey, explained in her series of ‘Maybe: Brad’ videos — a reference to the iPhone’s caller ID suggestion feature — that she met him on Hinge, and they soon realized they lived in the same apartment building.

She had already been on a few dates with Brad when she sent him a news article about ‘National Dog Mom’s Day’ since he just met her dog, Penny. That turned out to be a big mistake. 


Say what? Kristen Beatty, 32, from New Jersey, opened up about how her date flipped out after she called herself a ‘dog mom’ in her series of ‘Maybe: Brad’ videos

Going public: Kristen explained she had already been on a few dates with Brad when she sent him a news article about 'National Dog Mom's Day' and started reading his response out loud

Going public: Kristen explained she had already been on a few dates with Brad when she sent him a news article about ‘National Dog Mom’s Day’ and started reading his response out loud 

Kristen went on to read Brad’s response out loud while sharing screenshots of his barrage of texts in the videos. 

‘Oh god. For real? I admire real moms. Parenting a human is 100x more rewarding than a pet,’ he initially replied. ‘Do you put yourself in that category of being a “dog mom”?’

‘I own a dog, so yea,’ she said. 

‘Bye. I find that childish,’ he hit back. 

Kristen thought the conversation was over, but Brad kept texting her, saying ‘anyone can take care of a pet’ and people don’t need ‘recognition for it.’ 

She pointed out that she ‘never asked for recognition’ nor did she say it was particularly difficult or ‘equivalent to being a real mom,’ but he didn’t want to hear it.  

Background: Kristen said she sent him the article because he had pets growing up and had just met her dog, Penny (pictured)

Background: Kristen said she sent him the article because he had pets growing up and had just met her dog, Penny (pictured) 

Diatribe: Kristen thought the conversation was over after he said 'bye,' but Brad kept texting her, saying 'anyone can take care of a pet' and people don't need 'recognition for it'

Diatribe: Kristen thought the conversation was over after he said ‘bye,’ but Brad kept texting her, saying ‘anyone can take care of a pet’ and people don’t need ‘recognition for it’

Red flag: When she said he was taking this too seriously, he ranted that 'society is a joke' and he is a 'serious person'

Red flag: When she said he was taking this too seriously, he ranted that ‘society is a joke’ and he is a ‘serious person’

‘Well that’s what that is! Nobody cares that you’re a dog mom,’ he argued. ‘Why the need for the title? They want recognition or else you wouldn’t have it.’

When Kristen said he was taking this ‘too seriously,’ he responded: ‘Society is a joke. I’m a serious person.’

Brad seemed to be insinuating that she was what was wrong with society and then started to get political, saying he is ‘not liberal by any means.’   

‘What does any of this have to do with you being liberal or not?’ she questioned. 

Instead of answering her question, he asked: ‘Why the title of “dog mom”? 

Kristen, who clearly wanted to end the conversation, reminded him that he ‘said “bye” five minutes ago’ but was still texting her. 

Confusing: Brad also got political while badgering her about calling herself a dog mom, insisting he is 'not liberal by any means'

Confusing: Brad also got political while badgering her about calling herself a dog mom, insisting he is ‘not liberal by any means’ 

Let it go: Brad claimed she was 'in denial' and 'trying to change the subject' when she refused to answer his question

Let it go: Brad claimed she was ‘in denial’ and ‘trying to change the subject’ when she refused to answer his question

Hard to handle: Kristen paused to 'point out the mansplaining that is happening here' when she read this portion of his diatribe about liberal dog owners

Hard to handle: Kristen paused to ‘point out the mansplaining that is happening here’ when she read this portion of his diatribe about liberal dog owners 

Brad claimed she was ‘in denial’ and ‘trying to change the subject’ when she refused to answer his question.   

‘Liberal individuals have the tendency to consider animals as human,’ he wrote back. ‘So when they have a pet they consider themselves a parent of that animal. Whereas conservatives and those who are moderate like myself do not have that kind of mentality.’

During this portion of his rant, Kristen paused to ‘point out the mansplaining that is happening here’ before continuing.  

‘If I had a pet I do not consider myself as a parent of that pet. Parenting to me has more meaning than that of a pet/animal,’ he added. 

‘Liberals tend to give their pets a sense of purpose almost like if they were a human. I don’t think that way. I think my pet as a pet. It’s not my child.’

Kristen wasn’t even responding at this point, but that didn’t stop Brad from making assumptions about her.  

Stating the obvious: Kristen eventually stopped responding, but that didn't stop him from making assumptions about her and then pointing out they weren't going to 'get along'

Stating the obvious: Kristen eventually stopped responding, but that didn’t stop him from making assumptions about her and then pointing out they weren’t going to ‘get along’ 

Red flags: Many commenters insisted she had dodged a bullet, saying his text messages were 'unhinged'

Red flags: Many commenters insisted she had dodged a bullet, saying his text messages were ‘unhinged’ 

‘Let me guess you put clothes on your dog? Have it sleep with you in bed? Think of it as your child? Clearly we won’t get along,’ he concluded.  

The most popular video in the four-part series has been viewed more than 1.2 million times, and a number of commenters insisted she had dodged a bullet. 

‘That level of rage over nothing is terrifying considering he’s in your apartment complex,’ one person wrote. ‘Be vigilant and carry some mace, etc.’

‘Did you say you met him on Hinge or Un-hinged?’ another asked, while someone else added: ‘The bottom line is that NO NORMAL PERSON would get this outraged over this. No matter their political affiliation… He’s clearly unhinged.’ 

Kristen shared in the comments that she was afraid to run into him following the incident, but, thankfully, he doesn’t appear to live in her building anymore.  

‘I was super on edge for a few weeks,’ she explained. ‘I’d sometimes see him in the gym/hallway. I have a security camera. I think he’s moved since this.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk