Woman stole £4,000 from her dementia-suffering grandmother

A shameless thief stole £4,000 from her 87-year-old grandmother who suffers from dementia to fund a trip to Disneyland Paris.

Kathryn Kent, 28 posted pictures of her holiday online which caused her family to become suspicious and question how she was able to afford it.

They later found that Kent, from Burton in Derby, had paid for the trip by stealing money from her grandmother’s bank account.

She also attempted to take her grandmother to a solicitor to change her will so that she could inherit her money, Derby Crown Court heard.

Kathryn Kent (pictured), 28 who stole £4,000 from her dementia suffering grandmother has been spared jail and handed a 12-month suspended sentence

Although the defendant was spared jail after admitting the theft the judge handed her a 12-month suspended sentence.     

Recorder Adrian Reynolds told her: ‘You have stooped about as low as you can get stealing from your own grandmother who is suffering from dementia.

‘I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of yourself?

‘There are probably a number of people that think I should send you to prison but I am not going to.

Kent stole the money so she could afford a trip to Disneyland Paris but was caught out when her family asked where she got the cash from

Kent stole the money so she could afford a trip to Disneyland Paris but was caught out when her family asked where she got the cash from

‘It is apparent to me that you have your problems and you are struggling. If I send you to prison that will not help you and I strongly suspect that your grandmother would not want that either.

‘It was a dreadful wrong that you carried out and you know that.’  

Kent had previously lived with her grandmother and had access to her bank account so that she could take money out to pay for living essentials – not pay for holidays,  the Derby Telegraph reports.

However at the time of the theft Kent’s grandmother was living with another family member, Katrina Wilson, prosecuting told the court. 

Miss Wilson said: ‘The theft itself took place on September 19, 2016.

‘It was discovered that £4,000 had been withdrawn from the victim’s bank account and this defendant had gone on holiday to Disneyland Paris.

‘She posted pictures on social media and they (Kent’s family) questioned how she was able to afford to do that.

Derby Crown Court (pictured) heard that Kent had previously been living with her grandmother and had been given access to her bank account under the proviso that she would get money out for living essentials

Derby Crown Court (pictured) heard that Kent had previously been living with her grandmother and had been given access to her bank account under the proviso that she would get money out for living essentials

‘It was also discovered that she had arranged to take her to a solicitor to write a new will but that has been overturned by a new will.’

Miss Wilson said the theft had caused Kent’s grandmother ‘a high degree of emotional distress at the abuse of trust’.

In a victim impact statement she said: ‘I am very upset at what’s happened and simply want my money back.’

Kent was arrested and later pleaded guilty to one count of theft.

Elisabeth Evans, mitigating, said her client had no previous convictions and had never been in trouble with the police before.

She said: ‘At the time of the offence she was living an emotionally unstable lifestyle and was in a controlling relationship.  

‘As a result of this she suffered a mental breakdown. She is on medication for anxiety and depression.’

Recorder Reynolds asked Miss Evans: ‘Does she accept that some of the money was used to fund the holiday to Disneyland?’

She replied: ‘She does, your honour, and she is keen to pay her grandmother back.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk