Woman with the world’s longest eyelashes breaks her own record with 8 inch eyelash

Woman with the world’s longest eyelashes breaks her own record with 8 inch eyelash ‘gifted by Buddha’

  • You Jianzia, from China, had originally set the Guinness World Record in 2016 when her eyelash measured 4.88 inches (12.5 cm)
  • But now her eyelashes have nearly doubled in length with one reaching 8 inches
  • Doctors have been left baffled by the condition, but Jianzia believes they are a ‘gift given by Buddha’

A woman in China with the world’s longest eyelashes has broken her own record with an astonishing eight inch eyelash which she says was gifted by Buddha. 

You Jianzia, from the southern city of Changzhou, had originally set the Guinness World Record in 2016 when her eyelash measured 4.88 inches (12.5 cm).

But five years on, her eyelashes have nearly doubled in length with one on her left upper eyelid reaching a new record of eight inches (20.5 cm).

Doctors have been left baffled by her condition, which has meant her eyelashes now fall down her cheeks and even past her jaw.

But Jianzia believes her long eyelashes are a ‘gift given by the Buddha’ after she spent a year and a half in the mountains on a nature retreat. 

A woman in China with the world’s longest eyelashes has broken her own record with an astonishing eight inch eyelash which she says was gifted by Buddha

You Jianzia, from the southern city of Changzhou, had originally set the Guinness World Record in 2016 when her eyelash measured 4.88 inches (12.5 cm)

You Jianzia, from the southern city of Changzhou, had originally set the Guinness World Record in 2016 when her eyelash measured 4.88 inches (12.5 cm)

‘I first realised that my eyelashes were growing in 2015,’ she said. ‘They continue to grow slowly, becoming longer and longer.   

‘I did visit medical professionals to find out why my eyelashes are longer than other people’s eyelashes. The doctor couldn’t explain this, and he felt it was really amazing.

‘I also tried to find scientific reasons such as genes or something else. However, none of my family have long eyelashes like me, so it can’t be explained.’ 

Jianxia has now said it may be down to divine intervention rather than science.   

‘I kept thinking about why I have such long eyelashes, then I remembered that I had spent over 480 days in the mountain, years ago.’

‘So, I told myself that my eyelashes must be a gift given by the Buddha.’

Jianzia believes her long eyelashes are a 'gift given by the Buddha' after she spent a year and a half in the mountains on a nature retreat

Jianzia believes her long eyelashes are a ‘gift given by the Buddha’ after she spent a year and a half in the mountains on a nature retreat

Jianxia added that the long eyelashes have made her look younger and made her body stronger.   

‘There might be some connections between my long eyelashes and a stronger body. I am in fair health now, but when I was born, I was relatively weak. Now I feel quite good and many people think I look younger.’

Despite her eight-inch eyelashes falling across her face, Jianxia said they don’t affect her daily life – and even save her time when she applies makeup.   

‘Thanks to my naturally long eyelashes, I don’t need to wear eyeshadow or eyeliner. My natural long eyelashes act as the long eyeliner.’

‘Because my eyelashes are natural, I find it easy to wash my face and go about my daily life. They fall out and grow again. Sometimes they break if you pull them carelessly. It’s not an issue, as they are still growing. They are now several centimetres longer than they were five years ago. 

‘In my daily life, my eyelashes don’t bring any concerns or difficulties. Just lots of joys. Only joys, no trouble.’  

‘I would like to say to other people who have unique beauties – let us rejoice together and encourage happiness,’ she added. 

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