Woman’s parking nightmare in Hull city centre captured

This is the baffling moment a woman spends over three minutes trying and failing to park between two cars – only to give up and drive off.

Crowds gathered to watch the hilarious parking fail in Hull city centre this week. 

It was captured on camera by an looker sitting in a first floor cafe opposite and posted on Facebook where it has been viewed thousands of times.

The footage shows the dark grey car stuck between two silver ones, desperately trying to wriggle its way into the gap.

Moving backwards and forwards repeatedly, but failing to make any progress, the driver opens her door and gets out.

The hilarious moment was captured on camera by a man sitting in a first floor cafe opposite

Crowds gathered to watch a woman try and fail to park her car (pictured) for over three minutes in Hull city centre this week

Assessing the situation for herself she walks out of view as a group of onlookers are heard discussing the incident from above.

One says: ‘Why doesn’t she just come out? She’s going to ruin her car and the person’s car.’

Another cries ‘This is hilarious!’, as someone else jokes ‘I don’t think she’s got a left hand has she?’

Walking back into view the driver is seen pointing at the driver of the car to her right, seemingly ordering them to move.

Getting back in to try again, she gets dangerously close to the car on the left hand side, seemingly scraping it a she backs out again.

Despite her three minute-long effort she quickly gives up and drives off, leaving the crowd of by-standers bemused.

Getting herself into a sticky situation, the female driver gets out of the car (pictured) and assesses the situation from outside

Unable to improve things, she gets eventually gets back in the car and tries again - only to give up and drive off

Getting herself into a sticky situation, the female driver gets out of the car (pictured left) and assesses the situation from outside (right). She then asks the driver on the right hand side to move, but this doesn’t make things any better

Posting the video on social media Tony Roberts accused the woman of damaging the left hand car and abandoning it.

He said: ‘Saw this in town today, she drove off after damaging the guys car, I left a note for him, he has the video evidence now.’ 

He told the Hull Daily Mail: ‘It was filmed from the Secret Garden café upstairs. I couldn’t believe why she did it.

‘I was shocked by her quality of driving. She drove to the dead end, turned around and then proceeded to try to park from the wrong angle.

‘As you can see the bays are designed to be driven straight into and then reverse out.’   

Frustrated she gives up and drives off, leaving onlookers baffled and amused 

Frustrated she gives up and drives off, leaving onlookers baffled and amused 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk