Women divided over wife’s reaction to her messy husband

Wife slammed for the way she deals with her ‘messy’ husband who leaves shoes in the middle of the living room: ‘I would throw them outside’

  •  Woman puts away husband’s shoes
  • Says marriage is give and take
  • Her stance sparked a fierce debate 

A woman has sparked a fiery debate after revealing what she does with her husband’s shoes when he leaves them lying around the house. 

Posting online the mum, known only as Leslie, said she simply puts them away.

‘My husband left his shoes in the middle of the living room floor. I saw them last night—they are hard to miss. He’s a tall guy and he wears big shoes,’ she wrote.

‘So, instead of tripping over them, I picked them up and placed them into our closet,’ she added.

She admitted she didn’t even bring up the shoe issue with him.

A woman’s post about her husband’s annoying habit has gone viral – but people are divided 

Her relaxed attitude to her husband’s ‘lazy’ habit attracted criticism from infuriated wives and girlfriends.

‘I don’t moan, I don’t grumble, I quietly pick up the shoes the lazy man just left, and I quietly open the door and throw them out. When he sees them he can pick them up and put them away,’ one woman said.

Another added: ‘Your silence enables his bad behaviour. don’t let him treat you like the help.’ 

‘Sorry… he is showing disrespect. What if you trip over his misplaced stuff and end up with a twisted ankle or broken hip? It’s just unkind to scatter his stuff… he’s not a toddler,’ said a third.

Leslie admitted she expected fiery reactions to her post.


What would you do if your partner left their shoes in the living room?

  • Leave them there 0 votes
  • Pick them up and put them away 0 votes
  • Yell at my partner 0 votes
  • Throw the shoes out the door or in the bin 2 votes

‘I know you might be thinking… ”Really, Leslie? He’s a 40-year-old man, he can pick up his own dang shoes.”,’ she wrote.

‘And you’re right. He can. But I’m a 40-year-old woman and I can clean the trash out of my car and change the oil and I know I’m capable of helping my kids with their homework, but sometimes—I don’t do it.

‘But my husband does. In fact, there’s a lot of things I don’t do that he does,’ she said.

She explained that after 18 years of marriage she’s realised some things aren’t worth fighting over – even if they are very annoying.

And added they ‘don’t keep score’ in their house.

This mature approach also earned her many compliments. 

‘I feel the same. I used to be so resentful but finally realized the scorekeeping was only making me miserable. Truth is, my husband loves me completely. He’s not perfect but neither am I,’ one woman said.

‘True, 17 years with my man and the secret is simple, ‘let it be’,’ said another. 

Some pretended to agree – with comments saturated in sarcasm. 

‘I just threw my rubbish on the floor this morning as I ate a packet of chips but I couldn’t be bothered getting of the couch and walking to the bin!

‘My husband came over and picked it up because he remembered that I changed the oil in his car 5000km ago, and that I pitched in with a bit of kid homework, so we are all good,’ one woman wrote.

The post was shared ‘anonymously’ by Mum Central, earning thousands of likes and comments.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk