Women reveal the worst gifts they’ve ever been given – from a ‘wedding anniversary’ toilet brush to a ‘helpful’ exercise video

Women have revealed the worst gifts they’ve ever been given in a hilarious online thread. 

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, one poster revealed her husband had bought her a toilet brush for their 20th wedding anniversary.

The same woman also received a book of 1001 recipe ideas, which may not sound like the worst gift, but she was in hospital with gallstones at the time.

After sharing her less-than-amazing presents, the woman urged others to share their own funny stories, and reveal the bad gifts they had received throughout the years. 

And it turns out the poster was not alone in receiving badly chosen presents – others were happy to share some of their own let-downs, including anti-ageing cream, a book titled How to be Happy, and a frying pan.

Women have revealed the worst gifts they’ve ever been given in a hilarious online thread (stock image) 

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, one mum revealed her husband once bought her a 'toilet brush' for their 20th wedding anniversary

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, one mum revealed her husband once bought her a ‘toilet brush’ for their 20th wedding anniversary

In her post, the woman wrote: ‘What’s the worst gift you’ve ever had? I’ve got a couple of examples. For our 20th wedding anniversary my husband bought me a toilet brush (admittedly it was one that I’d been seeking for a while, but really!).

‘Many years ago I was in hospital (gallstones) and my “get well” gift was a massive book of 1001 recipe ideas, I tried not to take offence but once again….really?

‘Would love to hear of anyone else’s gift fails. Lighthearted.’

One response to the post read: ‘When I was a teenager my dad forgot so he went to a petrol station and bought me a mini football and a copy of Q Magazine. I didn’t mind but I pointed out that they actually also sell booze and chocolate in petrol stations.’

Another said: ‘When I was pregnant with my first baby, a work colleague gave me three pull-ups [nappies]. They were in a pretty gift bag, just loose. She had a toddler at the time so I guess they were spare!’

A further poster appeared to have received such a slew of unusual gifts that she wrote her response in bulletpoint form.

The first gift they listed was ‘a cookbook with the words “meat feasts” in the title when I had been vegetarian for over ten years by that point’.

The next gift they revealed was little better. The post revealed it was: ‘Tickets to a well known theme parks that has lots of rollercoasters and fast rides, when I had been suffering pain from a car crash for about two years by that point.’

Many rushed to the comments with their own toe-curling presents including 'anti-aging cream', a book on 'How To Be Happy' and a 'frying pan'

Many rushed to the comments with their own toe-curling presents including ‘anti-aging cream’, a book on ‘How To Be Happy’ and a ‘frying pan’

And the third present was equally thoughtless: ‘A dressing gown in a colour I am known for hating. I must have looked surprised as I unwrapped it, as the giver said: “I know you don’t like blue, but they didn’t have any other dressing gowns in your size”.

‘So you deliberately bought me a present you knew I wouldn’t like, rather than buying literally any other present from that department store?’

Further terrible gifts were shared by another poster, who revealed: ‘Worst was extremely cheap swimmers from my nan that went completely see-through when wet (in public). Age about 12 at the time. Second was a dirty plate from SIL.’

A number of poorly chosen gifts received by women seemed to have been bought by the men in their lives.

In fact, a number of responses suggested that some husbands were definitely in the dog house after their wives were less than impressed with their gifts. 

Some husbands were definitely in the dog house after women were less than impressed with their gifts

Some husbands were definitely in the dog house after women were less than impressed with their gifts

One disappointed respondent wrote: ‘Frying pan from DH [husband]. To make matters worse it was in a big exciting box and I left it till last.’

This was slightly more exciting than another home product, with one Mumsnetter admitting: ‘My husband bought me a toilet seat for my birthday.’

Another said: ‘I got a mahogany-coloured toilet seat as an anniversary present from my now ex husband, that was a bit disappointing.’

While someone else wrote: ‘About to date myself here, but who cares. It was a Jane Fonda exercise video from DH. My weight has been a sensitive issue for much of my adult life.

‘I didn’t say anything, but I just stored it and never used it. It was a misguided attempt to support and help me. Nothing more. To be fair, in 30 years of marriage it is the only bad gift he has ever bought me.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk