Women reverse traditional gender stereotypes

Couples are commonly asked who wears the trousers in their relationship.

And now, a series of amusing photographs have showed it often is the women who rule the roost.

The snaps show ladies reversing gender stereotypes, and demonstrating that they are completely in control.

Meanwhile, the men are seen happily taking the backseat as they watch the women do all the work… 

A series of amusing photographs have showed how women often wear the trousers in relationships 

 A bride is seen pushing her groom along the beach - while still wearing her wedding gown

 A bride is seen pushing her groom along the beach – while still wearing her wedding gown

This woman is carrying a large bale of hay on her back - while her partner smokes a cigarette

This woman is carrying a large bale of hay on her back – while her partner smokes a cigarette

A man is seen watching on as two women are seen hard at work drilling into the ground 

A man is seen watching on as two women are seen hard at work drilling into the ground 

One woman is seen chopping up firewood with an axe, as two men stand by and watch 

One woman is seen chopping up firewood with an axe, as two men stand by and watch 

The couple on the left seem intrigued by the man sitting on his other half's lap in this picture 

The couple on the left seem intrigued by the man sitting on his other half’s lap in this picture 

A woman is seen giving a man a piggyback, making her way through the flood water in sandals

A woman is seen giving a man a piggyback, making her way through the flood water in sandals

A number of the women are shown demonstrating their incredible strength

One woman is seen carrying her make companion over her shoulder

A number of the women are shown demonstrating their incredible strength by lifting up their other halves 

The stereotype is that men are more into motoring, but many women are also a dab hand when it comes to cars 

The stereotype is that men are more into motoring, but many women are also a dab hand when it comes to cars 

DIY is typically thought to be a male hobby - but this woman is seen doing the tiling work, while her other half enjoys a chilled drink

DIY is typically thought to be a male hobby – but this woman is seen doing the tiling work, while her other half enjoys a chilled drink

This woman meanwhile is seen chopping up the wood - as her husband apparently provides the music by playing the accordion

This woman meanwhile is seen chopping up the wood – as her husband apparently provides the music by playing the accordion

This woman is seen struggling with a huge suitcase, while her partner walks with his hands in his pockets

This woman is seen struggling with a huge suitcase, while her partner walks with his hands in his pockets

Meanwhile, this lady shows her strength as she carries a barrel of beer up a flight of steps 

Meanwhile, this lady shows her strength as she carries a barrel of beer up a flight of steps 

One woman is seen giving her other half a ride as he enjoys an ice cream

Meanwhile, this woman was handed the task of pulling the boat to shore

These holiday snaps show the women hard at work, while their other halves relax 

This man looks very happy that his two female companions are doing all the digging  

This man looks very happy that his two female companions are doing all the digging  

Meanwhile, this chap is really using the opportunity to kick back - enjoying a drink and a newspaper 

Meanwhile, this chap is really using the opportunity to kick back – enjoying a drink and a newspaper 

A number of the snaps show the women taking control of the oars when rowing

A number of the snaps show the women taking control of the oars when rowing

A number of the snaps show the women taking control of the oars when rowing 

Meanwhile, one bride is seen changing a tyre in her wedding dress shortly after tying the knot

Meanwhile, one bride is seen changing a tyre in her wedding dress shortly after tying the knot

This woman is seen carrying a heavy bag - while her boyfriend carries her handbag for her 

This woman is seen carrying a heavy bag – while her boyfriend carries her handbag for her 

Meanwhile, these women have been left to lug about their heavy bags with no help

Meanwhile, these women have been left to lug about their heavy bags with no help

Meanwhile, these women have been left to lug about their heavy bags with no help 

This woman is left to sleep outside the tent, while her partner gets to enjoy the warmth inside

This woman is left to sleep outside the tent, while her partner gets to enjoy the warmth inside

In the middle of this snap, one woman is seen pulling her male companion along in a cart

In the middle of this snap, one woman is seen pulling her male companion along in a cart

One woman was seen carrying significantly more beer than her other half

Another is seen giving her male companion a piggy back

One woman was seen carrying significantly more beer than her other half (left) – while another is seen giving her male companion a piggy back (right) 

Meanwhile, this woman is seen rowing the boat as her two male companions sit back 

Meanwhile, this woman is seen rowing the boat as her two male companions sit back 

Apparently this man was unable to tie his shoelaces for himself - requiring his female companion to do it for him 

Apparently this man was unable to tie his shoelaces for himself – requiring his female companion to do it for him 

These women meanwhile are showing their strength as the lift up their male partners

These women meanwhile are showing their strength as the lift up their male partners

These women meanwhile are showing their strength as they lift up their male partners 

One woman does all the digging - while her male companions stand by and enjoy a beer

One woman does all the digging – while her male companions stand by and enjoy a beer

This female soldier meanwhile is seen carrying her male colleague over her shoulders 

This female soldier meanwhile is seen carrying her male colleague over her shoulders 

This woman is doing all the hard work, while her male companion takes a cigarette break 

This woman is doing all the hard work, while her male companion takes a cigarette break 

Meanwhile, this mother is doing the work for all three of them as they enjoy a boating trip 

Meanwhile, this mother is doing the work for all three of them as they enjoy a boating trip 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk