Woof alors! French bulldog becomes the UK’s favourite breed

They are tiny, stubborn and snore loudly – but that hasn’t stopped the French bulldog becoming our favourite breed.

Star owners such as Lady Gaga, Madonna and the Beckhams have made the adorable flat-faced dogs so fashionable that they have pushed the loyal labrador into second place in the popularity league for the first time in almost 30 years.

According to newly released Kennel Club figures, there were 8,403 registrations for pedigree French bulldogs in the first three months of this year, but just 7,409 for labradors.

Labrador owner and TV adventurer Ben Fogle said he was saddened to hear that the breed had fallen down the rankings.

According to newly released Kennel Club figures, there were 8,403 registrations for pedigree French bulldogs in the first three months of this year, but just 7,409 for labradors

He told The Mail on Sunday: ‘They are solid, hard-working, reliable and friendly. It’s sad and worrying that people are being led by fashions in breeds.’ 

But he added: ‘French bulldogs are small and cute and would suit a lot of people’s lifestyles, especially in cities. 

‘I don’t think you see many French bulldogs in the countryside.’

French bulldogs can be prone to difficulties with breathing and eye problems. But former British Olympic athlete Iwan Thomas so loves his puppy, Frank, that he intends to buy another.

He said: ‘They need a lot of company and always want a cuddle. But they can be really stubborn. 

French bulldogs can be prone to difficulties with breathing and eye problems. But former British Olympic athlete Iwan Thomas so loves his puppy, Frank, that he intends to buy another

French bulldogs can be prone to difficulties with breathing and eye problems. But former British Olympic athlete Iwan Thomas so loves his puppy, Frank, that he intends to buy another

Labrador owner and TV adventurer Ben Fogle said he was saddened to hear that the breed had fallen down the rankings

Labrador owner and TV adventurer Ben Fogle said he was saddened to hear that the breed had fallen down the rankings

‘For example, if we go for a walk and Frank doesn’t want to come home, he’ll dig his feet in and I have to pick him up and carry him. But he is adorable.’

Kennel Club secretary Caroline Kisko said: ‘We have never seen such a dramatic increase in breed popularity as we have with the French bulldog, and so far in 2018 it is the top dog in the UK for the first time.’

The latest data shows Frenchie numbers are up 23 per cent since last year, while the labrador is up just 7 per cent.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk