Work resumes on North Korea’s notorious Ryugyong Hotel

Kim Jong-un has ordered work to resume on North Korea’s notorious ‘Hotel of Doom’ according to new photo evidence from Pyongyang.

Satellite images of the Ryugyong Hotel show a number of construction trucks now parked outside the 105-storey skyscraper in Pyongyang.

Several new buildings – possibly used to accommodate workers – have also appeared nearby, while tourist snaps on the ground show cranes on the site.

Starting work: A crane can be seen against the imposing facade of the Ryugyong Hotel in this recent snap taken by a German tourist visiting Pyongyang

German tourist Till Mosler, who recently visited Pyongyang, said his guides had boasted of plans to open the hotel, which has been an empty shell since 1987.

He said: ‘During my stay I realised some work activity around the entrance hall and surroundings. It seems the area around the huge building will be prepared. ‘Also our Korean guides told us that there might be plans to open some parts of the building for public or offices. But not the whole building so far as they know.’

Swiss visitor Sophie Delaloye said her group was never too close to the hotel, but was told by her chaperons it’s still under construction.

‘The guides didn’t say much,’ she recalled. ‘They seemed both proud of the hotel and somehow embarrassed.’

The burst of activity at the 1,080ft hotel follows the removal of a large wall blocking access to the site.

Stalling: This image taken in 2016 shows little to no work being done on the 105-storey skyscraper

Stalling: This image taken in 2016 shows little to no work being done on the 105-storey skyscraper

Making moves: This new satellite images show a number of construction trucks parked outside the hotel, as well as several new buildings ¿ possibly used to accommodate workers

Making moves: This new satellite images show a number of construction trucks parked outside the hotel, as well as several new buildings – possibly used to accommodate workers

The wall, which carried the slogan ‘move forward to final victory’, was removed at some point over the summer.

North Korea expert Markus Bell, of the University of Sheffield, said completion of the hotel had symbolic importance for Kim.

He said: ‘The Ryugyong hotel is part of a broader development push by the young leader, along with several other projects, including constructing new apartment blocks in the capital, a new airport, and a ski resort.

‘It’s part of Kim’s effort to demonstrate to the people that things are improving under his leadership.

‘The hotel is likely to be of particular importance to Kim because construction started under his grandfather, Kim Il-sung.

Slow progress: Construction of the hotel begun under Kim Il-sung in 1987, and it is believed current dictator Kim Jong-Un is determined to finish what his grandfather started

Slow progress: Construction of the hotel begun under Kim Il-sung in 1987, and it is believed current dictator Kim Jong-Un is determined to finish what his grandfather started

‘Finishing construction would further connect him to his grandfather’s leadership. Most North Koreans I’ve spoken with over the years remember Kim Il-sung fondly.’

However, Dr Bell said the completion was unlikely to benefit ordinary citizens.

‘As with many of these projects, it’s unlikely that the average North Korean will ever step foot inside the Ryugyong, let alone stay there,’ he said.

‘This is a project that will only benefit the elites of North Korea. As such, the money, time, and manpower that’s been invested on this project could have been used in far more beneficial ways.’