Yazidi women and girls tell of life as ISIS sex slaves

Yazidi survivors have told of their horrific lives as ISIS sex slaves after they were caught and held as prisoners by the terror group. 

One woman revealed how women would be pushed up against a wall as jihadis would make their way down the line groping their chests. 

If they had breasts, they were sent to be raped, but if they did not they were thrown aside for three months before suffering the same ordeal again. 

A woman from Iraq’s Yazidi community who was taken as a sex slave by Islamic State group fighters, stands on a street during an interview

ISIS fighters, pictured, groped women to see if they had breasts. If they did, they would be raped. The terrorists were also given a 27-page document on how to treat their sex slaves

ISIS fighters, pictured, groped women to see if they had breasts. If they did, they would be raped. The terrorists were also given a 27-page document on how to treat their sex slaves

The brutal revelations come from a paper published by Nikita Malik of the Henry Jackson Society titled Trafficking Terror, How Modern Slavery and Sexual Violence Fund Terrorism.

In it, the author talked to one woman known simply as Victim One, who opened up on her horrific ordeal. 

Victim One became pregnant as a result of being raped by an ISIS fighter and tried to throw herself down the stairs to force a miscarriage. 

She revealed how girls were sexually abused in the same room and that when she attempted to escape the terrorists’ clutches, she was raped by six men during the same night as punishment. 

Victim One was repeatedly sold and she saw children being raped. 

Female Muslims told her that in order to become accepted into the Islamic faith, women had to be raped.   

When Victim One, who spoke to the British government last year, asked about why they were doing this to her, Islamic State fighters replied that they were implementing the Prophet Muhammad’s law. 

Yazidi survivors, such as this woman, have told of their horrific lives as ISIS sex slaves after they were caught and held as prisoners by the terror group

Yazidi survivors, such as this woman, have told of their horrific lives as ISIS sex slaves after they were caught and held as prisoners by the terror group

Women’s bodies are used strategically to lure fighters into Islamic State, but also to retain fighters.

The organisation pays fighters for each additional sex slave they acquire, as well as for children born within the ‘caliphate’.

Victims also talked of a 27-page document which sets out the rules for ISIS fighters and how to treat their sex slaves. 

The instructions shine a light on the barbaric way the group live their lives. 

It says, ‘slaves can be beaten for disciplinary purposes but not for gratification or torture’. 

Shockingly, it also states, ‘slaves are property so they can be bought, sold, or given as a gift. It is permitted to have intercourse with a slave who has not reached puberty if she is fit for it. If not, she can be enjoyed without intercourse’. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk