You Might Be Deficient in These 4 Nutrients, and Not Even Realize It!

Did you know that 90% of the US population has a nutritional deficiency?

Unless you’re very carefully monitoring your diet, there’s a good chance that you’re deficient in one or more nutrients. But, how do you know if you’re deficient?

There are some nutrient deficiencies that are way more common than others. Learning about the most common nutrient deficiencies can help you figure out where you’re lacking.

Check out this guide to learn about the most common nutrient deficiencies.

  1. Calcium 

We all know that calcium helps us grow strong bones. Unfortunately, a lot of people are deficient in this vital nutrient. In fact, according to a global estimate published in 2015, around 3.5 billion people worldwide are at risk of calcium deficiency- that’s about half of the population!

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, and it plays a major role in maintaining healthy teeth and bones. It also helps with other important functions such as muscle contracting and blood clotting.

When most people think of calcium sources, they think of milk and other dairy products. But, you can also get a significant amount of calcium from tofu, thyme, sardines, mineral water, and haricot beans.

  1. Iron Deficiency 

Iron is another very important mineral that many people are also deficient in. Iron plays a vital role in transporting oxygen to the blood and in cellular respiration.

If you’re deficient in iron, it can cause headaches, shortness of breath, cold hands, brittle nails, and inflammation. While red meat is one of the best sources of iron, if you’re vegetarian or vegan, you can also get iron from spinach, whole grains, and green vegetables.

  1. Vitamin D 

Vitamin D deficiency is also very common. In fact, over a billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D.

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the body and helps strengthen your immune and muscular systems. If you’re deficient in vitamin D, you may experience dry skin, muscle weakness, bone pain, fatigue, and cramps.

You can get vitamin D from spending time outside in the sun, and you can also get it from soy, liver, and oily fish. You can also order vitamin supplements online. You can see here to learn about ordering vitamin D supplements online.

  1. Magnesium 

A recent study found that 50% of the US population is deficient in magnesium. This is a huge issue, as low magnesium levels in the body make vitamin D ineffective.

If you’re suffering from a magnesium deficiency, you may experience depression, irritability, tremors, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, and hypersensitivity.

The best sources of magnesium include Brazil nuts, cocoa, seafood, beans, and seaweed.

The Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies: Time to Step Up Your Diet! 

Now that you know about the most common nutrient deficiencies, it’s time for you to change up your diet. Pretty soon, you’ll be noticing the effects of adding more nutrients to your diet.

You can check back in with our blog for more healthy living tips and tricks.