YouGov poll finds May still ahead of Corbyn on PM ratings

Theresa May is still preferred to Jeremy Corbyn as PM despite another bout of Tory infighting.

Mrs May has a six point advantage over the Labour leader when voters are asked who would make the best PM, on 35 per cent to 29 per cent.

That is up marginally from the five point lead Mrs May held in the last comparable YouGov poll a fortnight ago.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are level pegging with Labour on voting intention on 42 per cent despite turmoil as the government wrestles with Brexit and domestic pressures.

Theresa May has a six point advantage over Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn when voters are asked who would make the best PM, on 35 per cent to 29 per cent, according to the poll

The gap will again raise questions about whether Mr Corbyn has peaked and if he is able to steer the party to electoral victory.

Both leaders trailed behind ‘don’t know’ in the latest YouGov survey of 1,669 poeple, which was the choice of 36 per cent. 

MailOnline revealed this week that Labour membership has fallen by more than 4,200 in just seven days – although it still stands at 552,000.

Labour frontbenchers had boasted that they were on the way to becoming a million-member party in the wake of the election last June, with a jubilant Mr Corbyn getting a rapturous reception on stage at the Glastonbury festival despite losing.

But the weekly internal update shows that 4,795 people let their Labour membership lapse in the week to Sunday, the highest weekly number departing since March last year.

Those leaving are thought to be mainly Europhiles who signed up after the Leave vote at the referendum in June 2016.

They were offset by 819 new joiners, and a few clearing their arrears, giving a net loss of 4,243.

Officials appeared to blame the fall on Mr Corbyn’s refusal to shift position on Brexit, where the party has so far refused to come out in favour of a second referendum or staying in the single market.

They said in the update: ‘Those departing were made up mostly of members joining at the time of the EU Referendum.

‘The number of lapsers in the period is high as a result of a spike in joiners around 18 months ago.’

Mrs May, pictured on a visit to Shanghai today, has been wrestling with Tory infighting over Brexit and domestic pressures

Mrs May, pictured on a visit to Shanghai today, has been wrestling with Tory infighting over Brexit and domestic pressures

Mr Corbyn, pictured on a visit with London mayor Sadiq Khan today, is facing questions about why Labour has not gained more traction in the polls

Mr Corbyn, pictured on a visit with London mayor Sadiq Khan today, is facing questions about why Labour has not gained more traction in the polls