Young Aussie farmer, 23, lashes out at men over one thing they all do on the job in furious rant: ‘It’s 2023, grow up’

A young Australian farmer has vented her frustration over how most men treat her while on the job. 

Brigitte Belle, from Warragul in Victoria, is fed up with men asking her if she needs help just because she’s a woman.

The 23-year-old works on her family’s farm handling animals, operating machinery and driving large tractors to manoeuvre bales of hay.

‘You know what my favourite thing to do is? When men see me either towing something or reversing something up, they’re immediately like “Oh do you want me to do that?”‘ She said in a video.

‘I’m good thanks mate, I f***ing know how to reverse.’ 

With her blue jeans, red flannel shirt and hair in a messy bun, Brigitte isn’t afraid to call others out and ensures her opinion is heard. 

Brigitte Belle is a farmer from Victoria who says men should stop asking her for help just because she’s a woman 

'You know what my favourite thing to do is? When men see me either towing something or reversing something up, they're immediately like "Oh do you want me to do that?" she said, adding: 'I'm good thanks mate, I f***ing know how to reverse.'

‘You know what my favourite thing to do is? When men see me either towing something or reversing something up, they’re immediately like “Oh do you want me to do that?” she said, adding: ‘I’m good thanks mate, I f***ing know how to reverse.’ 

Brigitte recounted the conversation while driving a tractor to demonstrate her ‘perfect’ skills. 

‘I love the look of surprise on their f***ing face when I reverse up a f***ing trailer easy peasy lemon squeezy and it’s perfect, dead on, every single time,’ she said. 

‘They think I’m this little f***ing girl that doesn’t know s***. Women also know how to back f***ing trailers, they know how to drive big machinery, grow up!

‘It’s f***ing 2023, mate. I’ve seen men who can’t back a trailer, do I pick on them? No I don’t.’

The blonde beauty added how men should never ‘underestimate a woman’ unless they want to be ‘humbled really quick’. 

The 23-year-old works on her family's farm handling animals and drives tractors to maneuver bales of hay

The 23-year-old works on her family’s farm handling animals and drives tractors to maneuver bales of hay

The video has since been viewed two million times, with thousands praising her.

‘Go girl!’ one person commented, another said: ‘Your attitude is awesome.’ 

‘I’m a guy who can’t reverse and I would totally ask you to do it,’ one man admitted. 

Another woman said: ‘Sometimes we don’t know how to do something because we haven’t been taught to but that’s changing.’ 

Read more: Meet the glamorous tradie who ditched a design career to get on the tools with a six-figure salary – and why it’s the best decision she’s ever made

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