Young boy, 8, has a severe asthma attack at a ‘smoke-free all ages concert’

Why you should ALWAYS obey ‘no smoking’ zones: Mother is furious after her eight-year-old son suffers a severe asthma attack at a ‘smoke-free concert’ and ends up in hospital

  • Jacinta Lee Joy attended the Six60 concert at Western Springs Stadium, NZ
  • She was accompanied by her eight-year-old son Riley at the all ages event
  • He was hospitalised on Saturday after smokers lit up at the smoke-free event
  • Ms Joy is now looking for answers from organisers about the control of smoke 

A New Zealand mother is looking for answers from organisers after her eight-year-old son was hospitalised at a smoke-free, all ages concert on Saturday after suffering a severe asthma attack.

Jacinta Lee Joy was preparing for a day of fun with her son Riley at Auckland’s Western Springs Stadium over the weekend when disaster struck.

The mother was watching Sons of Zion perform when her son suffered a severe ‘coughing episode’.

An eight-year-old boy was hospitalised at a smoke-free, all ages concert on Saturday after suffering a severe asthma attack (Riley pictured)

‘It was shortly after when everyone seemed to get their marijuana and cigarettes out,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘As he is asthmatic, we gave him his reliever inhaler and sat down before Drax Project took to the stage. 

‘About half way through their set, the coughing worsened, as people continued to smoke around him – we were sitting right on the front of the embankment – so only people directly beside us and behind us, no one in front of us. 

'As he is asthmatic, we gave him his reliever inhaler and sat down before Drax Project took to the stage,' she said

‘As he is asthmatic, we gave him his reliever inhaler and sat down before Drax Project took to the stage,’ she said

By the time Drax Project was finished she said everyone shot off to the toilets which gave them a clear path to the St Johns ambulance set up. 

‘By now, my son was really struggling to breathe. In tears, he was immediately put on oxygen and medication to try open up his airways,’ she said.

‘Once the stage was cleared, and a few songs had played, I was thinking that we were in the clear, but as soon as the nebuliser (a machine used to change liquid medication into a vapour that you can inhale) came off, he was struggling for air again.’

The Western Springs Stadium arena, where numerous New Zealand artists were performing that day, is strictly a smoke-free zone.

That message was announced over the loud speaker as revellers arrived.

The Western Springs Stadium arena, where numerous New Zealand artists were performing that day, is strictly a smoke-free zone (pictured at the event)

The Western Springs Stadium arena, where numerous New Zealand artists were performing that day, is strictly a smoke-free zone (pictured at the event)

The Western Springs Stadium arena, where numerous New Zealand artists were performing that day, is strictly a smoke-free zone (pictured at the event)

But as the evening progressed, it would seem many patrons were breaking the rules. 

‘There were people standing, leaning on the ambulance smoking cigarettes, while my son was sitting inside having an asthma attack, struggling to breathe,’ Ms Joy said.

‘By this time, Six60 had taken the stage, and we were being taken down to medical, where the paramedics could get a good listen to his chest and lungs. 

‘As he was still having a very hard time breathing, we were taken via ambulance to Starship Hospital.’

Ms Joy understands that it is 'hard to patrol a smoke-free event at an outdoor concert', but she still expected more from organisers

Ms Joy understands that it is ‘hard to patrol a smoke-free event at an outdoor concert’, but she still expected more from organisers

Ms Joy understands that it is ‘hard to patrol a smoke-free event at an outdoor concert’, but she still expected more from organisers. 

‘Before I am slammed for having taken my son in the first place, it was an all ages event, and there were plenty of younger children at the event,’ she said.

‘My son is well aware of the dangers of wandering off – he was stuck by our side like glue the entire evening.’

Thankfully, Riley’s breathing returned to normal after he was hospitalised.

‘He was guttered he missed Six60 entirely but we will be heading to their next summer concert – hopefully with his asthma under control.’

FEMAIL has reached out to Eccles Entertainment for comment.