Young Tories hope MoggMentum will sweep their man to No10

  • Some Tory activists want Jacob Rees Mogg in Downing Street to oversee Brexit
  • The backbencher is seen as one of the front runners to replace Theresa May 
  • Young Tories want to see the Somerset MP to run if Mrs May is ousted  

A Momentum-style campaign to sweep Jacob Rees-Mogg to the Tory leadership will be launched today at the Tory conference – driven by activists who want to ‘keep Brexit on track’.

The organisation, called Reignite, aims to emulate the social media techniques used by Momentum to secure victory for Mr Corbyn in the Labour leadership race.

Reignite plans to build on the Ready For Rees-Mogg campaign, which has already signed up 30,000 members. The outfit – the brainchild of Sam Frost, a former digital guru for Ukip, and Tory activist Anne Sutherland – will ring alarm bells with other Tory leadership hopefuls unsettled by Mr Rees-Mogg’s surging poll ratings.

A Tory youth movement is planning to propel Jacob Rees Mogg, pictured into Downing Street

Campaigners are using the success of Momentum to create their own MoggMentum 

Campaigners are using the success of Momentum to create their own MoggMentum 

Jacob Rees Mogg is seen as a realistic challenger for the Tory party leadership 

Jacob Rees Mogg is seen as a realistic challenger for the Tory party leadership 

The most recent survey last week put Mr Rees-Mogg behind only Boris Johnson and Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson.

Momentum increased support for Mr Corbyn by fanning enthusiasm on social media and building a ‘personality cult’ around him. 

Steven George-Hilley, of Centropy PR, said: ‘Momentum galvanised a new generation of Labour activists through social networks, making a decisive impact on the Election.

‘The Tory Party must fill the gaping hole in its Election machine or risk handing Corbyn the keys to No 10.’