Young woman dubbed ‘Sleeping Beauty’ has woken from month-long coma after contracting deadly virus 

A young woman has awoken from a month-long coma after what she thought was a bad cold turned out to be a deadly virus.

Perth woman Renee Power, 21, had no idea that she’d developed a potentially life-threatening bout of encephalitis: an infection that often carries flu-like symptoms and results in confusion, hallucinations and loss of sensation in severe cases.

Renee’s case was severe, and after coming down overnight with what she had thought to be a cold, she slipped into a coma.


Renee Power, 21, (right) has awoken from a month-long coma after what she thought was a bad case of the common cold turned out to be a deadly virus

 Renee (pictured) had no idea that she'd developed a potentially life-threatening bout of encephalitis: an infection that often carries flu-like symptoms and results in confusion, hallucinations and loss of sensation in severe cases

 Renee (pictured) had no idea that she’d developed a potentially life-threatening bout of encephalitis: an infection that often carries flu-like symptoms and results in confusion, hallucinations and loss of sensation in severe cases

The first indication that something was seriously wrong came when Renee's mother, Carmella, (right) couldn't wake her 

The first indication that something was seriously wrong came when Renee’s mother, Carmella, (right) couldn’t wake her 

Her family dubbed her ‘Sleeping Beauty’ as she remained on critical life support for four long weeks, showing no signs of improvement.

Now, Renee has regained consciousness and is slowly learning to walk and talk again.

‘[I’m] so lucky, very lucky,’ she told 7News. ‘I’m lucky that I even woke up.’

The first indication that something was seriously wrong came when Renee’s mother, Carmella, couldn’t wake her.

Moments later, the 21-year-old stopped breathing. 

Renee's case was severe, and after coming down overnight with what she had thought to be a particularly bad cold, she slipped into a coma

Renee’s case was severe, and after coming down overnight with what she had thought to be a particularly bad cold, she slipped into a coma

Her family dubbed her 'Sleeping Beauty' as she remained on critical life support for four long weeks, showing no signs of improvement (pictured: Renee, right, with her sisters Monique, left, and Clarissa, centre)

Her family dubbed her ‘Sleeping Beauty’ as she remained on critical life support for four long weeks, showing no signs of improvement (pictured: Renee, right, with her sisters Monique, left, and Clarissa, centre)

‘It was like your heart was being torn out,’ Carmella recalled of the torturous month that followed. ‘Would she ever wake?’

While Renee did eventually open her eyes, the first indications of her physical health were not good. 

She recalls trying, and failing, to move her legs.

 While Renee did eventually open her eyes, the first indications of her physical health were not looking good - as she recalls trying, and failing, to move her legs

 While Renee did eventually open her eyes, the first indications of her physical health were not looking good – as she recalls trying, and failing, to move her legs

Having already been hospitalised for 16 weeks, Renee now faces months of rehabilitation

Having already been hospitalised for 16 weeks, Renee now faces months of rehabilitation

Severe encephalitis results in inflammation of the brain, and in 2015 was estimated to have caused 150,000 deaths worldwide.

Treatment involves antiviral medications, antibiotics and steroids as well as occupational and physical therapy.

Having already been hospitalised for 16 weeks, Renee now faces months of rehabilitation.

A GoFundMe page has been created to help garner financial support for her family: including mother Carmella, who has given up work to care for Renee full-time.

On her road to recovery, Renee has set herself two main goals: first, to learn how to walk again; then to make it home in time for her 22nd birthday in September.

On her road to recovery, Renee (right) has set herself two main goals: first, to learn how to walk again; then to make it home in time for her 22nd birthday in September

On her road to recovery, Renee (right) has set herself two main goals: first, to learn how to walk again; then to make it home in time for her 22nd birthday in September