Young workers and low paid to get auto enrolment pension savings boost

Young workers aged 18-21 and lower earners are set to benefit from an expansion of pension auto-enrolment, although the timing is not yet finalised.

The age limit to be auto-enrolled into a pension will be cut from 22, meaning young people who have the most to gain from compound investment growth will start saving sooner.

Meanwhile the band of earnings, currently £6,240 to £50,270, on which workers, employers and the Government pay at least an 8 per cent contribution into pensions is going to be widened.

The lower limit of that band will be abolished, enabling people to save from the first pound of earnings.

 Savings boost: Young and low-paid workers are set to benefit from an expansion of pension auto-enrolment

The Government has backed a Private Members Bill pushing the changes from Jonathan Gullis, the Tory MP for Stoke-on-Trent North.

It first proposed these moves itself in late 2017, but warned at the time they would not be introduced until the mid-2020s.

Now, the Government says Gullis’s Bill ‘will not result in any immediate change’, but will give the Work and Pensions Secretary powers to amend the age limit and lower the qualifying earnings limit for automatic enrolment.

‘There will be a statutory requirement to consult and report on the outcomes to inform the implementation approach and timing, before using these powers. This will help ensure the strong consensus that underpins the success of automatic enrolment is maintained,’ it says.

But the announcement has raised hopes that the changes could be made law at some point over the next year, and start being phased in by April 2024, meaning ahead of the likely date of the next election.

How much are people meant to save into pensions at present? 

Under auto enrolment, employers are required to put a minimum of 3 per cent of earnings between £6,240 and £50,270 into staff pensions. Tax relief from the Government provides another 1 per cent.

Workers must put in at least 4 per cent on their own behalf, and if they opt out all the above is lost.

The earnings trigger to be auto enrolled into a pension on the above terms is £10,000.

Pension experts warn that an 8 per cent savings level falls short of what is needed for a comfortable retirement, and some are calling for a phased increase to 12 per cent.

> How much do you need to save for a decent retirement? Find out here 

Who pays what: Auto enrolment breakdown of minimum pension contributions for basic rate taxpayers at present

Who pays what: Auto enrolment breakdown of minimum pension contributions for basic rate taxpayers at present

Gullis says auto-enrolment into pensions will benefit ‘scores of young people in all four corners of the country’.

He adds: ‘With all the evidence of the huge positive impact it can have, it is a no-brainer that we now need to extend auto-enrolment to those aged 18 and above.’

Pensions Minister Laura Trott says: ‘We know that these widely supported measures will make a meaningful difference to people’s pension saving over the years ahead.

‘Doing this will see the government deliver on our commitment to help grow the economy and support the hard-working people of this country, particularly groups such as women, young people and lower earners who have historically found it harder to save for retirement.’

Gary Smith, director of financial planning at Evelyn Partners, says: ‘If these proposed reforms to auto-enrolment are enacted, it would dramatically boost the numbers of younger workers saving into a workplace pension and the amounts being saved by lower earners – by ensuring they are saving from the first pound earned.



‘Given the powerful effects of compounded returns, early pension saving is hugely beneficial, and can prevent savers later in life having to make up for lost time by funnelling a large percentage of their monthly pay into their pension.

‘The DWP backing for this bill may go some way to remedying the low savings rate among lower earners and that’s to be welcomed.

‘The self-employed are now the cohort who might get left behind in terms of private pension provision, unless the authorities devise some imaginative nudges to address that was well.’

Kate Smith, head of pensions at Aegon, says: ‘The next step is to agree a timetable for implementing these enhancements. With the next General Election to take place not later than January 2025, we urge the Government to start phasing this in from April 2024.

‘Basing contributions from the first pound of earnings rather than on a band above £6,240 will mean contributions from both individuals and employers increase.

‘Employees pay 5 per cent so this equates to £312 a year, but after tax relief, this is just over £20 a month. But with employer contributions, this will be boosted to £499 a year extra.

‘To avoid an overnight change, it will be important to introduce this gradually over a number of years, particularly as we emerge from the current cost of living crisis. Otherwise, someone earning £12,480 would see their contributions double overnight.’

Michael Ambery, partner at Hymans Robertson, says the Government move is a step in the right direction, but a sea-change is needed

‘We would like to see no restrictions by way of earnings for contribution (from first pound without upper limit), auto enrolment being open to everyone whether in employment or self-employed (including ‘gig’ economies) as well as the removal of any upper age limit.

‘A review on minimum levels of contribution from the 8 per cent, supported by the work of the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, is key to this and we look forward to hearing from the Pensions Minister, and Government in due course.’

Nigel Peaple of industry body the PLSA supported the changes but adds: ‘We have also long maintained that in order for savers to reach an adequate income in retirement, further increases should be undertaken over the next decade so that auto enrolment rises from an 8 per cent pension contribution today to around 12 per cent in the early 2030s – split 50/50 between employers and employees.’

Retirement income needs for single people  (Source PLSA)

Retirement income needs for single people  (Source PLSA)

Retirement income needs for couples (Source PLSA)

Retirement income needs for couples (Source PLSA)
