An ex-soldier has been banned from using a controversial swear word to name his cafe.
Former soldier Peter Coster attempted to register his Brisbane cafe with the cheeky business name ‘Eggs**t’, but was denied before an Administrative Appeals Tribunal, reported.
Deputy president Bernard McCabe refused the request amid fears the word would cause a offence to most people.
Mr Coster found inspiration for the name after overhearing patrons refer to his Lutwyche cafe as ‘eggs**t,’ a combined abbreviation of the suburb and breakfast meal served – ‘eggs – lut’.
Former soldier Peter Coster attempted to register his Brisbane cafe with the cheeky business name ‘Eggs**t’, but was denied before an Administrative Appeals Tribunal (stock image)
But Mr McGabe ruled the use of the word was undesirable and it implied an array of negative connotations.
‘The applicant says the addition of the qualifier ‘Egg’ draws the misogynistic sting of the word ‘s**t’,’ Mr McCabe said.
Mr McCabe acknowledged that the former soldier recognised the word would likely startle members of the public, but believed Mr Coster presumed most publicity would be good publicity.
Mr Coster likely thought the ‘residual shock value in the business name will give it a marketing edge without really offending anyone,’ said Mr McCabe.
In recent years the historically derogatory word has entered common conversation, deemed more acceptable than it was in the past.
Rather than refer to a morally indecent woman, the term is now used to describe an avid consumer of food and drink, like in the popular hashtag #coffees**t.
Mr Coster found inspiration for the name after overhearing patrons refer to his Lutwyche cafe as ‘eggs**t,’ a combined abbreviation of the suburb and breakfast meal served – ‘eggs – lut’ (stock image)
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has the power to reject undesirable business names that could cause offence to members of the public under the Business Names Registration Act 2011.
Mr Coster, who has trademarked the term in Australia, could refer to a number of other ‘colourful’ business names.
This includes the Los Angeles chain Eggs**t, which Mr Coster claimed he didn’t get the name from, instead sourcing it independently.
Mr Coster told he was disappointed with the decision but would find a way to use the name.
‘The ridiculous thing is essentially I can still operate under my trademark. I’m required to display my business name Cavalry Investments prominently (above the door) and on receipts, but my entire shopfront can say ‘Eggs**t’.’
Mr Costers plan to run the cafe has been on hold for 18 months.
But Mr McGabe ruled the use of the word was undesirable and it implied an array of negative connotations (stock image)