Zoey Weir, 26, who weighed 117kg drops SEVEN dress sizes in an astonishing body transformation

A 26-year-old woman who led an unhealthy diet for most of her life has dramatically dropped seven dress sizes in an astonishing body transformation.

Zoey Weir, from Penrith in Sydney’s west, used to gorge on fast food, takeaway, sugary snacks and meals loaded with carbs – a lifestyle that saw her tip the scales at 117kg.

At her heaviest, she wore size 22 clothing, endured constant headaches, would be out of breath walking a short distance and required afternoon naps because she was suffering ‘food induced comas’.

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, the mother-of-two – who now looks unrecognisable – revealed how she shed nearly 50kg after she overcame her binge-eating habits.

Before and after: Zoey Weir who led an unhealthy diet for most of her life has dramatically dropped seven dress sizes in an astonishing body transformation

The mother-of-two  now looks unrecognisable  after she dramatically shed nearly 50 kilos

The mother-of-two now looks unrecognisable after she dramatically shed nearly 50 kilos

Zoey’s unhealthy day on a plate 

Breakfast: Doughnut, a sausage roll and an orange juice – or McDonald’s bacon and egg McMuffin and hotcakes

Lunch: Hot chips with gravy, chicken wins, spring rolls and a soft drink

Afternoon snack: Big bag of chips and a chocolate bar or two

Dinner: McDonald’s large double cheeseburger meal and a large chocolate sundae

Zoey – who documents her weight loss journey on Instagram – described herself as a binge and an emotional eater who led an unhealthy relationship with food.

‘I was a binge eater because I love food. I’d gorge myself until I was sick. It was like I thought the world was going to run out of food so I better eat it all quickly,’ she said. 

‘I was also an emotional eater. I’d eat when I was sad, eat when I was happy, eat when I was bored and eat to celebrate something.

‘Basically I ate because it made me happy then I would be upset because eating made me fat which would make me eat more to battle that emotion.

‘I don’t think I knew what hunger actually was because I was always eating.’

She revealed how she used to gorge on fast food, takeaway, sugary snacks and meals loaded with carbs - a lifestyle that saw her tip the scales at 117kg

She revealed how she used to gorge on fast food, takeaway, sugary snacks and meals loaded with carbs – a lifestyle that saw her tip the scales at 117kg

The mother-of-two went from a 'tight fit size 22' to now a size eight to 12 after losing 49kg

The mother-of-two went from a ‘tight fit size 22’ to now a size eight to 12 after losing 49kg

Zoey  described herself as a binge eater who led an unhealthy relationship with food

Zoey described herself as a binge eater who led an unhealthy relationship with food

As her weight spiralled out of control, Zoey revealed she’d binge on convenient food.

‘On my drive to work I would stop at the petrol station and buy a doughnut, a sausage roll and an orange juice to eat for breakfast or I would stop at McDonald’s and buy a bacon and egg McMuffin meal and hotcakes,’ she said. 

‘For lunch, I’d buy hot chips with gravy, chicken wings and spring rolls which would be washed down with a soft drink. In the afternoon I’d eat a big bag of chips and a chocolate bar or two.

‘I’m a carb fiend so anything carb loaded I loved. So basically food for me was carb loaded, sugar and fat loaded, unhealthy meals.’

On my way home from work I would stop again at McDonald’s, buy a meal for myself to eat which was usually a large double cheeseburger meal with a large chocolate sundae and then go home to cook the family a meal because I didn’t want to make my children fat

And her unhealthy diet didn’t stop there. Zoey admitted she would indulge in a McDonald’s meal on her way home from work before she cooked dinner for her family.

‘On my way home from work I would stop again at McDonald’s, buy a meal for myself to eat which was usually a large double cheeseburger meal with a large chocolate sundae,’ she said.

‘And then go home to cook the family a meal because I didn’t want to make my children fat and unhealthy.’

For most of her life, Zoey said she struggled with her weight. 

‘My terrible food habits continued all through school and into my adult life,’ she said.

‘I have always been overweight. In my final year of primary school I weighed around 60kg which is quite heavy for a 12 year old.

‘In my first year of high school I gained about 20kg due to terrible food choices. Morning tea break I’d buy a big doughnut from the school canteen and lollies. 

‘At lunch time I’d buy a meat pie, hot dog or cup of noodles and a bottle of soft drink plus more lollies or ice cream. I’d also eat the morning tea and lunch I packed at home.’

The young mother now leads a unhealthier lifestyle after she learned how to eat in moderation

The young mother now leads a unhealthier lifestyle after she learned how to eat in moderation

Before embarking on the weight loss journey, Zoey said her doting husband would tell her she was beautiful but she never believed him

I was always tired and by the afternoons I needed to sleep because of the food induced coma and the crash from the sugar highs 

Her weight started to take a toll on her life.

‘Physically my body was suffering from what I had done to it,’ she said. 

‘My skin was stretched to its limits, I was riddled in stretch marks. Doing basic tasks like walking a distance would send my heart rate through the roof. 

‘My period was irregular due to my size. I had constant headaches from lack of water. I was always tired and by the afternoons I needed to sleep because of the food induced coma and the crash from the sugar highs.

‘I still loved myself when I was big, I still had confidence. Though I still wished daily that I could fit into the stereotypical image that society forces onto you from birth. I longed for the ideal body.

‘I would complain to my husband that I was fat and disgusting and worthless. While he always told me I was beautiful I never believed him. 

‘I struggled daily with self image. While I had some self confidence I didn’t like the way my body looked. Climbing stairs was hard, running was hard, anything physical left me exhausted.

‘I also faced criticism from both people I knew and people I didn’t. When people you love are constantly telling you not to eat something or that you should lose weight it takes a toll on you.’

After giving birth to her second child, Zoey said she felt determined to get on top of her weight once and for all when she was on maternity leave

After giving birth to her second child, Zoey said she felt determined to get on top of her weight once and for all when she was on maternity leave

Zoey’s healthy day on a plate 

Breakfast: Protein shake

Morning tea: Yopro yoghurt

Lunch: Lean meat in a sauce or sandwich

Afternoon tea: Can of tuna and a cup of tea or Jarrah hot chocolate (47 calories)

Dinner: Small portion of her family home cooked meal

After giving birth to her second child, Zoey said she felt determined to get on top of her weight once and for all when she was on maternity leave. 

‘I reached my heaviest weight of 117kg while on maternity leave with my second child. This is when I knew I had to take control of it,’ she said.

‘My love of food and lack of movement is what led to my size. I loved all the things that should be eaten in moderation. Cakes, chips, chocolate, takeaway and soft drinks.’

She signed up to a gym and made a drastic diet overhaul.

‘I signed up to the gym with my sister in-law. We were going twice a week. Even with the insomnia, dry mouth, pulsating heart rate that felt my heart was going to explode I didn’t care,’ she said. 

‘I changed the way I ate too. Cut down on takeaway, cut out energy drinks and reduced how much soft drink I consumed and bought frozen ‘healthy’ meals to eat.

‘After losing 10kg over my three month cycle, I felt great. I also felt scared because I knew that the weight was going to come back. It always did after my attempts to lose weight.’

Zoey said her weight started to take a toll on her life where she experienced health problems 

Zoey said her weight started to take a toll on her life where she experienced health problems 

At her heaviest, she wore size 22 clothing, endured headaches, would be out of breath walking a short distance and required afternoon naps because she was suffering 'food induced comas'

At her heaviest, she wore size 22 clothing, endured headaches, would be out of breath walking a short distance and required afternoon naps because she was suffering ‘food induced comas’

She tried every diet imaginable to lose weight but only managed to shed 10kg naturally

She tried every diet imaginable to lose weight but only managed to shed 10kg naturally

Her turning point came when she came across Simone Anderson – who shed 92 kilos following a life-changing gastric sleeve surgery – on Facebook. 

‘I knew straight away this was what I needed to do to save myself,’ Zoey said.

And so she decided to undergo the procedure after trying every diet imaginable to desperately lose weight – but nothing seemed to work. 

‘Like every other person trying to lose weight, I had done multiple things throughout my life,’ she said.

‘I had a gym membership from the age of 12 which remained unused for years. I tried Weight Watchers, shake diets, diets every Monday that didn’t last longer than a couple of days. I felt like I was dieting my whole life.’

She initially lost 10kg naturally through exercising and dieting - and following the weight loss surgery, she lost a further 39kg

She initially lost 10kg naturally through exercising and dieting – and following the weight loss surgery, she lost a further 39kg

She initially lost 10kg naturally through exercising and dieting – and following the weight loss surgery, she lost a further 39kg.

‘I’m still learning to love my new body. Even with the weight loss and massive change in my body, my mind hasn’t quite caught up,’ Zoey said.

‘I have my days where I still see my 117kg former self. It’s not until someone says to me that I’m “so tiny” or “so skinny” that I realise I’m not.

‘I also have loose skin. I had a tummy tuck almost two years to the day after my gastric sleeve. My tummy flap is gone but I still have loose skin on my arms, my back, my thighs. 

‘While it is nothing in reality to a lot of people I know who have lost a lot of weight, it is something that makes me self conscious. 

‘It is something I need to learn to love about myself because even if I were to slice and dice myself to “perfection” I will find something that I don’t like. That’s the reality of body dysmorphia.

‘Overall I love myself more now than I ever have. Though I have always loved me, I can just now appreciate what I see and what my body does for me.’

Following her incredible weight loss, Zoey said she was left with excess skin but she has since learned to love herself more than ever

Following her incredible weight loss, Zoey said she was left with excess skin but she has since learned to love herself more than ever

Zoey - who went from a 'tight fit size 22' to now a size eight to 12 - also wanted to break the stigma surrounding weight loss surgery

Zoey – who went from a ‘tight fit size 22’ to now a size eight to 12 – also wanted to break the stigma surrounding weight loss surgery

She now leads a healthier diet, and while she still loves food, Zoey said she has learned to eat in moderation

She now leads a healthier diet, and while she still loves food, Zoey said she has learned to eat in moderation

She now leads a healthier diet, and while she still loves food, Zoey said she has learned to eat in moderation.

‘I could still eat whatever I want but I have learnt moderation and that I can’t eat all the junk food all the time. I choose to eat to nourish and fuel my body,’ she said. 

Zoey – who went from a ‘tight fit size 22’ to now a size eight to 12 – also wanted to break the stigma surrounding weight loss surgery.

‘Weight loss surgery is far from the easy way out,’ Zoey said.

‘People have misconceptions about the surgery being the lazy way, the easy way, the cheaters way but it is definitely not. It is only a tool that allows you to reduce your portion sizes.

‘If you’re not mentally prepared to change your eating and fitness habits this isn’t for you. You won’t get the best results possible and whilst you will lose weight initially you will eventually gain weight back.’

For those struggling to lose weight, Zoey said: ‘I will receive criticism for this but my advice is that you can love yourself at whatever size you like regardless of what people say. 

‘If you truly want to lose weight then go for it. If you feel like you only want to lose weight because you’re being told by someone other than a health professional, ignore it. 

‘You shouldn’t be made to feel worthless because of the opinion of others. I don’t condone unhealthy living though, that isn’t good for your health and well-being.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk