10 amazing benefits of incense burning 


Incense burning is deeply ingrained in human history as it is natural for humans to indulge in fragrances and scents.

The use of incense burning is found in the times of Babylon, Greece, and ancient Egypt. It was a necessary component for their various rituals of religious and spiritual occasions.

They used to believe that smoke is a powerful source to ward off evil spirits, demons, and all kinds of diseases. In the times of the Egyptian priests of Pharoah used various herbs to fumigate the tombs.

It was believed burning incense will keep evil spirits away and illuminate one’s soul.


Any substance that produces a pleasing fragrant odor/scent when burned, is termed incense.

Various materials are used as fragrant gums, spices, frankincense, etc, with the help of incense burners. Burning of various spices and gums was a common practice during ancient times to commemorate religious rites or as an offering to some divinity.

Generally, tree resins, certain seeds, barks, roots, as well as flowers are the sources of incense. All these products are aromatic. Some of the forms of incense are sticks, cones, spiral or coils, loose powders, and raw plant materials.

A variety of ingredients are used as incense usually made out of plant bark.

Various fragrances are used depending on the region where it is used. Certain examples, that you may recognize, of distinct fragrant ingredients, comprise cinnamon, frankincense, mushk, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, and many more.

The reason these incenses burn is the presence of combustive binding material which causes ignition and smoke.


There are various methods used to burn the incense depending on one’s personal preference and aesthetics but eventually, the aim is to burn the incense over time. Ignite it from the smallest point with the help of a lighter, matchstick, or some open flame.

As soon as it catches flame, put off the flame and let the flaming wood burn slowly discharging scented smoked brews. This manual way of burning incense releases smoke which can cause respiratory tract infections instead to recent research.

Many incense manufacturers advise using incense burners to avoid health and safety hazards.


An incense burner is a container in which the incense is burnt. This will help them contain the burning incense and the ashes. It is also termed the censer. It comes in various designs, shapes, and materials.


The backflow incense burner also known as incense waterfall is an incense holder wherein special incense cones are used. When ignited these incense cones produce smoke that glides along with the burner through the given passage to the bottom.

It gives the look of a mountain with a waterfall. A real scenic sight to add aroma and view to your comfort space.


It is interesting to know the process that backflow incense burners follow. Usually, all incense sticks and cones produce smoke on burning, which flows upward because warm air isn’t dense.

While the smoke produced in the backflow burner is a bit cooler. Specifically, due to this fact, backflow burners form a stream of smoke that flows downward which creates the aroma.

This smoke then penetrates the created hollow tunnel where it cools down causing it to become denser which then starts to fall downwards. Whereupon, it slowly exits from the bottom of the cone, into the holder itself.


It is questionable if incense burning is beneficial for human health as it was considered in ancient times. The answer is incense burning of various incenses works as a therapy for mood, elevating the spirit. It works in the same way as using essential oils for aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy works on the conviction of using aromatic compounds for healing and medicinal purposes. When we inhale a fragrance, it travels to our limbic system through signals.

The limbic system manages our emotions, memory, and hormone regulation. Diverse scents prompt various parts of the brain. As various incense has varied attributes to our olfactory senses.

Even though it can switch a variety of moods the listed down are some of our favorite benefits:

Relax and evolve

Incense burning adds relaxation to your everyday routine.

Lit some incense, and lay down on your couch with some favorite books. It will evolve your soul and thoughts. Soft scents of the incense will enhance the quality of leisure, feeding your soul a runaway from the nuisances of daily life.

Introspection and complements yoga

It is interesting to know in ancient ages, time was measured by the burning of incense sticks.

Incense is widely used in many religious practices to deepen focus and concentration, and heighten the senses for introspection which is the vital component of meditation in yoga.

Spirituality and devoutness

Incense burning has been in practice in various religions of the world as it is thought to be a gateway to spirituality and devoutness.

Alleviates stress and anxiety

Another positive effect of incense burning it balances body activities by maintaining a healthy heart rate and breathing. It aids the body to relax and stimulates your brain away from worries.

Cultivate creativity

Some fragrances strengthen our abilities, invoke new ideas, and boost mental performance. Wood base incenses are well-known to stimulate creativity. They are also known as uplifting scents.

Enriched focus

Burning certain incense helps enrich focus and improve concentration.

Such fragrances have a subtle and delicate effect on the mind and body, helping them to work in better coordination. Burn the incense in the backflow incense burner and focus on how the smoke travels to the bottom.

This will help to build coordination of the eye and focus.

Evokes better bed-time

In the modern world, insomnia is one of the afflictions that most people suffer. People try medicines to treat insomnia. Lavender and chamomile are famous incense for treating insomnia.

Before bedtime, light a stick of lavender or chamomile, its scent will diffuse into the air and will help you fall asleep.  If you use a backflow incense burner the charming fragrance flowing out from it will allow you to sleep faster and enjoy bedtime.

Healing and therapeutic effects

Since ancient times, various herbs and woods have been burnt and used for medicinal purposes. In Chinese medicine, this is still in use. Certain wood scents help to balance the secretion of hormones.

For example, serotonin level increases in the brain with some specific incense aromas. It is a nonpharmacological method to maintain a healthy serotonin level in the brain without taking any drug.

Serotonin is believed a natural mood stabilizer and aids with sleeping, eating, and digestion. Serotonin also supports depression reduction, regulates anxiety, and reduces headaches. In brief, Serotonin is good and incense aids its flow!

Harvest a new interest for your soul

Burning incense can work as a magical leisure time activity.

Take out time, use a backflow incense burner, and kindle any of your favorite incense. Just inhale it, feel it. It will help you slow down your routines, and appreciate surrounding in detail those little details that you never noticed.

Cultivate this interest as it will help you maintain focus and concentration in this highly fast-moving digital world. We are convinced it will keep your mobile at a bay. We suggest you use a backflow burner.

These backflow burners and incense cones are simpler to maintain and sustain. The enticing route of the burner sets up an aura of a sea of smoke. This look increases the burner’s beauty and can be a great décor for your workspace, bedroom, or even your living room.

Air purification

Incense is a traditional and convenient mode to cover unwanted smells like cooking, pets, damp clothes, etc. Certain floral-based incense holds antibacterial properties and cleanses the air by adding a fresh aroma to the place.

Using backflow incense waterfall will add a magical and fresh view. New research points out that the backflow incense helps airflow which cleanses the air of the ambiance.


It is always imperative to operate things safely. You must never leave the incense cone unattended when burning. You must immerse it in a cup of water before leaving the room.

  • Maintain a safe distance when igniting the cone and keep your fingers at a safe distance from the fire.
  • Always station the incense burner on a heat-resistant surface before burning the incense.
  • Keep the incense burner in a place where items like curtains, drapes, and carpets are not in a close-by position.
  • Never place your incense burner in closed or narrow spaces like a closet or drawer.
  • Always keep incense burners out of reach of children and pets.


Incense burning is a magical, interesting, and engaging ritual. This ritual may have different significance for different people but once you experience the magic it will be inevitable to leave it.

Kindle the incense and your soul will be transported to ancient Egypt. Using a backflow incense burner enhances the benefits and practical uses of the aroma. We are sure now you can enjoy the scents through incense burning more safely.

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